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Lisp command to move selected objects to defined OR global elevation.


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(defun C:TESTJKLISP ()
   (command "move" "p" "" '(0 0 0) '(0 0 1e99) "move" "p" "" '(0 0 0) '(0 0 1e99))


Hello all, I'm fairly new to writing LISP so please excuse my ignorance. The above AutoLISP command allows a selection of dimensions, blocks, etc. to be automatically moved the Z 0 axis. I need help modifying this code to replace the Z 0 data by either prompting for input of desired elevation OR retrieve the global elevation that has been previously changed. I believe that it would be similar to this: 

(setq ZE (command (getvar "ELEVATION"))

but I have been unsuccessful in its implementation. Any advice would be most appreciated, Thanks!

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35 minutes ago, devitg said:

You can retrieve it by 

(setq ZE  (getvar "ELEVATION"))


Thank you @devitg ! I'm eager to learn and have been practicing tutorials, feels like I am just piece milling it together currently but have a real-world application where I need to utilize this. Are aware of the functions I need to know in order to replace the Z 0 with ZE in the string? 

Best regards!

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1 hour ago, Guspar said:

I need to know in order to replace the Z 0 with ZE in the string

@Guspar.  see it 


(defun C:move-to-elevation ()
  (setq ss (ssget))

  (setq elevation (getreal "the elevation"))
  (setq osmode (getvar 'osmode))
  (setvar 'osmode 0)
   (command "move" ss "" '(0 0 0)  (list 0 0 elevation)) ; just set the dstination point  
(setvar 'osmode osmode)


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I use entmod to change things.

  1.  you don't have to mess with osnaps
  2. it should be faster then using command
;; Change Elevation of selected items
(defun C:ELV (/ SS)
  (or (setq *elv (vlax-ldata-get "Set" "Elevation")) (setq *elv 5.0)) ;Change 5.0 to your default
  (if (setq elv (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify Elevation <" (rtos *elv) ">: ")))
    (vlax-ldata-put "Set" "Elevation"  elv) ;saves new elevation to drawing file to be called next time the command is
    (vlax-ldata-put "Set" "Elevation" (setq elv *elv))  ;stores old elevation ...
  (While (setq SS (ssget))
    (foreach e (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS)))
          '(lambda (a)
             (if (member (car a) '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18))
               (list (car a) (cadr a) elv)
          (entget e)



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  • 2 months later...

Good morning everyone, and many thanks for everyone who posted on this thread. Even though it has been few months since I posted I thought I would updated the thread on the final Lisp that was utilized. For a short summary the final code that accomplished my task is shared below. There was an additional issue discovered with dimension lines that were not associated and once moved left a floating point or node just out in model space. For example, the issue came from the start and finish points of the linear dimensions being at true elevation but the actual dimension text and arrows would always draw on the 0" elevation on the Z axis. This Lisp would allow selection of a wide variety of objects, flatten anything that was left floating, then return it to the desired elevation. The code is short and functional. I'm open to further suggestions or questions if any. Thanks again!

(defun C:Z0 ()
 (setq elevation (getreal "Enter Desired Elevation: "))
  (command "move" "p" "" '(0 0 0) '(0 0 1e99) "move" "p" "" '(0 0 0) '(0 0 -1e99))
  (command "move" "p" "" '(0 0 0) (list 0 0 elevation)) 


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