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Creation Of Single Line Drawing From Excel Data


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to image.thumb.png.72f6d8c669693cf9a052e1a626ba154c.pngthis...I have so many data and need to make this type of drawing can anyone suggest lisp or script to make the drawing possible easily...POP to POP will get connected by different GP. 


Thanks in advance

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I think you'll need more data in your spreadsheet, for example if the structure is connected to a T, or a straight connection

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Like Steven P says, your (spreadsheet?) probably needs more fields , for example I assume distances (...km) are probably different for each situation? Further more , each 'typical' (POP, GP) may need its own little symbol if each row can have a different setup. Can there be more than one row on each drawing? If so , create a little block called gridpoint or something on a non plotable layer so in your spreadsheet you can reference what row the symbols are coming.

If all drawings are exactly the same as in your example , then its just one symbol with a couple of attributes and fill those with your data from your spreadsheet. Easiest way in my humble experience is to save your spreadsheet to a csv file , make sure first column is your point of reference (like drawing name or tag number whatever), read the complete list in one go into a lisp list and convert it to a assoc list like '((tag1 . (data...) ... (tagx . (data...)). From there you could do something like : for each row in list , erase everything in drawing & purge (to start with a blank drawing) , insert row-symbol(s) , fill attributes , saveas drawing , next row... etc.


Hope I gave you some inspiration assuming your here to learn & try to write your own briliant app ofcource 🤓



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18 hours ago, rlx said:

Like Steven P says, your (spreadsheet?) probably needs more fields , for example I assume distances (...km) are probably different for each situation? Further more , each 'typical' (POP, GP) may need its own little symbol if each row can have a different setup. Can there be more than one row on each drawing? If so , create a little block called gridpoint or something on a non plotable layer so in your spreadsheet you can reference what row the symbols are coming.

If all drawings are exactly the same as in your example , then its just one symbol with a couple of attributes and fill those with your data from your spreadsheet. Easiest way in my humble experience is to save your spreadsheet to a csv file , make sure first column is your point of reference (like drawing name or tag number whatever), read the complete list in one go into a lisp list and convert it to a assoc list like '((tag1 . (data...) ... (tagx . (data...)). From there you could do something like : for each row in list , erase everything in drawing & purge (to start with a blank drawing) , insert row-symbol(s) , fill attributes , saveas drawing , next row... etc.


Hope I gave you some inspiration assuming your here to learn & try to write your own briliant app ofcource 🤓



Hi Rlx, Thanx for the advice. As a neophyte in lisp couldn't do the job...can you please make a lisp to do that SLD? please find attachment, I need to make like this. It will be a great help.

Blocks.dwg4.thumb.png.9310ae507cf1ef01cdf9bdb6e1e132b7.png 3.thumb.png.10b12a5160301a12b2f6fddf025e7c8b.png2.thumb.png.e82b61be58ab437e4ef388f65c77ab45.png1.thumb.png.bec2cba48f38231997da54d95192c317.pngAPSFL.csv

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23 hours ago, Steven P said:

I think you'll need more data in your spreadsheet, for example if the structure is connected to a T, or a straight connection

Each SLD will be done between 2 POP. POP-POP. and it will be bent if BJC is placed their and then it will  change its direction and will go straight. Its act like a splice point. I have done SVC...In which sequence is placed. if after its going to straight then Only GP will be their. You can refer image attached which are the result I want and SVC file.  Thank you

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2 hours ago, BIGAL said:

Maybe look at VISIO its more a project based flow modelling tool.

can't it be done with AutoLisp or script in AutoCAD? I need to Automate all these tasks...that's why need help

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I think that a pure automated diagram creator using excel data in this instance is gong to be more complex than you think using the data you have.


For example to make a 'T' you have 3 lines in excel, to go straight you have 1 line in excel, the LISP needs to be able to work through all the lines and work out what is happening where.


How fixed is your spreadsheet format? Can that be amended so that each line is a type something like this:





Final thought, the line diagram LISP I use just makes up the basic shape, I have to fill in the details, a simpler LISP for you might be to create the blocks and then insert then am the right spacing according to say, text entry in the command line or a pop up box


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Like Steven P your excel has to explain what is next so when you have a 'T" for say GP-1 the information starts at column "E" then the lisp would detect that a "T" is required you need to think more about how would you detect what is next step. May need even more indentation inside the excel


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I think its doable, have done some preperation but not sure if and when I can show something. Data is difficult to handle but hey, I'm a dragon, difficult is my middle name.

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This is the first 'proof of concept' version. Its not yet complete , still have to add routine to add lines between symbols , line connecting rows and auto-sum distances for clamps , but have been at this from last thursday evening until now (sunday evening) so this has cost me a lot of time so far and also have to deal with big work related challenges this week (just so you know 😓)





RlxSnake.lsp A3.dwg BJC.dwg Clamp.dwg GP.dwg GP-Clamp.dwg POP.dwg

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3 hours ago, rlx said:

This is the first 'proof of concept' version. Its not yet complete , still have to add routine to add lines between symbols , line connecting rows and auto-sum distances for clamps , but have been at this from last thursday evening until now (sunday evening) so this has cost me a lot of time so far and also have to deal with big work related challenges this week (just so you know 😓)





RlxSnake.lsp 29.79 kB · 3 downloads A3.dwg 64.35 kB · 2 downloads BJC.dwg 28.81 kB · 2 downloads Clamp.dwg 65.14 kB · 2 downloads GP.dwg 69.41 kB · 1 download GP-Clamp.dwg 64.85 kB · 2 downloads POP.dwg 64.82 kB · 2 downloads

Thanx a lot for doing🙏The Grand Master 👏

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Thanx for the recommendation Bigal but I'm not in it for the money. When 'they' pay they'll own (or think they do) a piece of your soul but I'm a 'dragon' so I'm never gonna be anyone's ... well it starts with a b and it gives me an itch haha

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I do stuff for beer money at times and like you they usually get way more than what they asked for with extra programs etc and have a direct line to ask other questions. 

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I do these things because I like to do them for fun (and sometimes a bucket of sweat) (and swears) but generaly speaking , as a hobby it's fun , but as soon as money gets involved , it kinda takes away the fun and turns it into responsibility you know...

Edited by rlx
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voila (well almost, just see in picture upper right clamp has no summarized value , darn , will kill that bug later)


updated : smashed the bug 🐞







Edited by rlx
snake updated , bug smashed
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