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The property bar, when active


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The property bar, when active, remains visible for a few seconds and then disappears. Did I accidentally activate some function inadvertently? Thank you

Se ne va.jpg

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I don't get the commands with the right mouse button that come out to You, I only get the option to close or cancel. What should I do? Thank you


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Drag it to the right (or left) and it should attach itself to the frame rather than floating on the screen - and then you can click 'Auto-Hide'

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Your Properties palette must be docked. In order to undock the palette, you have two options. Either click and drag the palette away from its docked location or right click at the top of the palette and uncheck "Allow Docking". Once the palette is undocked you can right click on the bar and uncheck "Auto Hide".


Docked Palette.jpg

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