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Z value and Y value node block attributes


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Hello, I would like to place a block at a certain value and then the block to show the Z value as text, like a floor level symbol.  I'd also like to do the in the y value for another block perhaps with a leader, so for example a ridge height in elevation.  I would also like to to export to another drawing at 0 but keep the text as the original.  Is this possible?

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Hi Steven,


I can make one as such but I am thinking something like the following for a floor level and then a height reference on an elevation?




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21 minutes ago, Tharwat said:

Just burst it instead of explode it. ;) 

Ok tried that Burst doesnt seem to do anything!


Just kidding....but yes question still applies if you have any idea if this is possible?

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Sorry.  I have a point block which when inserted gives the value in text form at the level the point is inserted on.  What I then wouldnt mind doing is exploding the block but keep the text at the level.  At the moment for example it changes to just Z when I explode so the level is lost




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Should be possible, can you post your block for us to look at? Is the text an attribute text - I assume it is - or is it plain text within the block (which I assume it isn't given the answer above)


Apart from the burst command, these might help from Lee Mac ( http://www.lee-mac.com/attributefunctions.html ), which will let you get an attribute within a LISP to manipulate as you want

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