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identical, one can see the hatch and the other not?


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Click on them and zoom in to have a look.


My first thought was look at the properties dialogue with them both selected, sometimes different elevations do strange things - all OK but when you zoom in....


Each blue square represents the end of a segment in the polyline - the one on the right and the segments are quite long, long enough to display the full line type, on the left the segments are shorter than the line type descrption and so only the first part of the line type is displayed - the fat box




If I stretch the last segment of the left line out you might see what I mean - the line works! Polyline segments to close together.





Edited by Steven P
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2 hours ago, Giovannino60 said:

I did not understand. What should I do to have the one with a continuous line also dashed, i.e. have both of them dashed?


Imagine, the line pattern is defined as say [] - [] - [] - , the pattern repeats and is 5 units long. Now if you draw a line that is 2 units long there is only space in the line to display [] 

A polyline is a series of lines all joined together, as segments. If each segment is shorter than the line pattern length then only the first part of the pattern will be displayed. If a lot of segments are short then you get a lot of segments not showing. So, for example your line might be displayed as [[[[[[[[[[.


You could change the linetype scale so that maybe instead of taking up, say 5 units the pattern is repeated every 2 units (a scale factor of 0.4)


You could redraw the polyline with fewer segments


You could try some automation and this looks a good link:


which will redraw the polyline with fewer segments

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I learn something every day Eldon! I never knew that, thanks....


In the Properties menu, this is what you are looking for. Select the polylines and change Linetype Generation to Enabled.




It might be worth using the command plinegen and set the value to 1 to make them draw with linetype generation enabled in the future.


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I did not understand where I have to change the settings of the polyline to make the hatch appear, do you indicate it in the image? Thank you 

Dove devo intervenire.jpg

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In the dialogue box, it is the option at the bottom "Generazione tipo...." to be Attivato for the polyline you want



Also noticing, Scala tipo di lnea is quite small, is that the same as a line that is displayed as you want?

Edited by Steven P
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I ask you, is there a command in Properties that enlarges the hatch, do I want to enlarge the spaces between one piece of line and another?



allargare il tratteggio.jpg

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"Scala tipo de linea" will alter the spaces and the lines in proportion, so double the space and the line will also double, the proportions will be the same.


If you want different proportions then you'll have to load a new line type with a different pattern to do that. If you load a new linetype there might be something similar.


If not then you can create a custom linetype to suit what you want and adjust the spacing that way

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