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Height of dimension text


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    (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
    (foreach dim (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))
      (setq TextHeight (cons (vla-Get-TextHeight (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextHeight ))
    )  ; foreach
  )    ; if

  (princ )
)      ; defun


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I don't know but lets take a guess and see? This might or might not work, but more than half the time a good guess will or get me close.


Lets look at the code above then and see what it say... Hmm....TextHeight:


(setq TextHeight (cons (vla-Get-TextHeight (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextHeight ))


This is a part of a loop., TextHeight, then something and append the old TextHeght values to it. TextHeight is a list.. maybe we can make a variable TextScale and do the same thing with that.


Next part: vla-get-textheight.,. hmm get text height, I wonder if there is something get-scale ? Lets do a search on a list of vla-get functions (I did it for you https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/complete-list-of-vl-vla-and-vlax-functions/td-p/4666405). Looking does something that says scale, maybe vla-get-scale


Just a guess and working through it.


try this:


(defun C:TEXTHEIGHT (/ SS TEXTHEIGHT TextScale)  ;;Added TEXTSCALE here
    (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
    (foreach dim (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))
      (setq TextHeight (cons (vla-Get-TextHeight (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextHeight ))

      (setq TextScale (cons (vla-Get-scale (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextScale )) ;; added this line here

)  ; foreach
  )    ; if

  (princ )



Wonder if that works? (Weekend CAD is off so not testing this, just guessing and giving you a couple of hints what to look for to change). If Scale doesn't work see what else there might be that is similar and try that (another hint here... I don't think it is scale but I think it is in that list and around that area of the list in the link above)

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Using dxf codes what you want is there.


	       (CONS 0 "DIMSTYLE")								    ;Entity Type
	       (CONS 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")						    ;Subclass marker
	       (CONS 100 "AcDbDimStyleTableRecord")						    ;Subclass marker
	       (CONS 2 xname$)									    ;Dimstyle name
	       (CONS 70 0)									    ;Standard flag value
	       (CONS 3 "")									    ;DIMPOST   - Prefix and suffix for dimension text
	       (CONS 4 "")									    ;DIMAPOST  - Prefix and suffix for alternate text
	       ;;(CONS 5 "ARR1")   -DXF CODES OBSOLETE					    ;DIMBLK    - Arrow block name
	       ;;(CONS 6 "ARR1")   -DXF CODES OBSOLETE					    ;DIMBLK1   - First arrow block name
	       ;;(CONS 7 "")         -DXF CODES OBSOLETE					    ;DIMBLK2   - Second arrow block name
	       (CONS 40 100.0)									    ;DIMSCALE  - Overall Scale Factor
	       (CONS 41 1.0)									    ;DIMASZ    - Arrow size
	       (CONS 42 2.0)									    ;DIMEXO    - Extension line origin offset
	       (CONS 43 0.0)									    ;DIMDLI    - Dimension line spacing
	       (CONS 44 2.0)									    ;DIMEXE    - Extension above dimension line
	       (CONS 45 0.0)									    ;DIMRND    - Rounding value
	       (CONS 46 0.0)									    ;DIMDLE    - Dimension line extension
	       (CONS 47 0.0)									    ;DIMTP     - Plus tolerance
	       (CONS 48 0.0)									    ;DIMTM     - Minus tolerance
	       (CONS 140 xheight$)							    ;DIMTXT    - Text height
	       (CONS 141 0.09)								    ;DIMCEN    - Centre mark size
	       (CONS 142 0.0)									    ;DIMTSZ    - Tick size
	       (CONS 143 25.4)								    ;DIMALTF   - Alternate unit scale factor
	       (CONS 144 1.0)									    ;DIMLFAC   - Linear unit scale factor
	       (CONS 145 0.0)									    ;DIMTVP    - Text vertical position
	       (CONS 146 1.0)									    ;DIMTFAC   - Tolerance text height scaling factor
	       (CONS 147 1.0)									    ;DIMGAP    - Gape from dimension line to text
	       (CONS 71 0)									    ;DIMTOL    - Tolerance dimensioning
	       (CONS 72 0)									    ;DIMLIM    - Generate dimension limits
	       (CONS 73 0)									    ;DIMTIH    - Text inside extensions is horizontal
	       (CONS 74 0)									    ;DIMTOH    - Text outside horizontal
	       (CONS 75 0)									    ;DIMSE1    - Suppress the first extension line
	       (CONS 76 0)									    ;DIMSE2    - Suppress the second extension line
	       (CONS 77 1)									    ;DIMTAD    - Place text above the dimension line
	       (CONS 78 0)									    ;DIMZIN    - Zero suppression
	       (CONS 170 0)									    ;DIMALT    - Alternate units selected
	       (CONS 171 2)									    ;DIMALTD   - Alternate unit decimal places
	       (CONS 172 0)									    ;DIMTOFL   - Force line inside extension lines
	       (CONS 173 0)									    ;DIMSAH    - Separate arrow blocks
	       (CONS 174 0)									    ;DIMTIX    - Place text inside extensions
	       (CONS 175 0)									    ;DIMSOXD   - Suppress outside dimension lines
	       (CONS 176 1)									    ;DIMCLRD   - Dimension line and leader color
	       (CONS 177 1)									    ;DIMCLRE   - Extension line color
	       (CONS 178 xcolor$)								    ;DIMCRRT   - Dimension text color
	       (CONS 270 2)									    ;DIMUNIT (Obsolete in 2011, DIMLUNIT and DIMFRAC)
	       (CONS 271 0)									    ;DIMADEC   - Angular decimal places
	       (CONS 272 0)									    ;DIMTDEC   - Tolerance decimal places
	       (CONS 273 2)									    ;DIMALTU   - Alternate units
	       (CONS 274 2)									    ;DIMALTTD  - Alternate tolerance decimal places
	       (CONS 275 0)									    ;DIMAUNIT  - Angular unit format
	       (CONS 280 0)									    ;DIMJUST   - Justification of text on dimension line
	       (CONS 281 0)									    ;DIMSD1    - Suppress the first dimension line
	       (CONS 282 0)									    ;DIMSD2    - Suppress the second dimensions line
	       (CONS 283 1)									    ;DIMTOLJ   - Tolerance vertical justification
	       (CONS 284 0)									    ;DIMTZIN   - Zero suppression
	       (CONS 285 0)									    ;DIMALTZ   - Alternate unit zero suppression
	       (CONS 286 0)									    ;DIMALTTZ  - Alternate tolerance zero suppression
	       (CONS 287 5)									    ;DIMFIT (Obsolete in 2011, DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE)
	       (CONS 288 1)									    ;DIMUPT    - User positioned text
	       (CONS 340 (TBLOBJNAME "STYLE" xstyle$))						    ;DIMTXSTY  - Text style
	       (CONS 341
		     (CDR (ASSOC 330 (ENTGET (TBLOBJNAME "BLOCK" xstyle$))))
	       )										    ;DIMLDRBLK - Leader arrow block name
	       (CONS 342
		     (CDR (ASSOC 330 (ENTGET (TBLOBJNAME "BLOCK" xstyle$))))
	       )										    ;DIMBLK    - Arrow block name
	       (CONS 343
		     (CDR (ASSOC 330 (ENTGET (TBLOBJNAME "BLOCK" xstyle$))))
	       )										    ;DIMBLK1   - First arrow block name
	       (CONS 344
		     (CDR (ASSOC 330 (ENTGET (TBLOBJNAME "BLOCK" xstyle$))))
	       )										    ;DIMBLK2   - Second arrow block name				


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On 2/19/2023 at 9:14 PM, Steven P said:

I don't know but lets take a guess and see? This might or might not work, but more than half the time a good guess will or get me close.


Lets look at the code above then and see what it say... Hmm....TextHeight:


(setq TextHeight (cons (vla-Get-TextHeight (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextHeight ))


This is a part of a loop., TextHeight, then something and append the old TextHeght values to it. TextHeight is a list.. maybe we can make a variable TextScale and do the same thing with that.


Next part: vla-get-textheight.,. hmm get text height, I wonder if there is something get-scale ? Lets do a search on a list of vla-get functions (I did it for you https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/complete-list-of-vl-vla-and-vlax-functions/td-p/4666405). Looking does something that says scale, maybe vla-get-scale


Just a guess and working through it.


try this:


(defun C:TEXTHEIGHT (/ SS TEXTHEIGHT TextScale)  ;;Added TEXTSCALE here
    (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
    (foreach dim (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))
      (setq TextHeight (cons (vla-Get-TextHeight (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextHeight ))

      (setq TextScale (cons (vla-Get-scale (vlax-ename->vla-object dim) ) TextScale )) ;; added this line here

)  ; foreach
  )    ; if

  (princ )



Wonder if that works? (Weekend CAD is off so not testing this, just guessing and giving you a couple of hints what to look for to change). If Scale doesn't work see what else there might be that is similar and try that (another hint here... I don't think it is scale but I think it is in that list and around that area of the list in the link above)

; error: ActiveX Server returned the error: unknown name: scale

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48 minutes ago, Dayananda said:

; error: ActiveX Server returned the error: unknown name: scale


"If Scale doesn't work see what else there might be".... Lok in the list I linked to and see if there is anything similar to scale that you could try, if there are a few try them one at a rime and see - great way to learn is making mistakes and working out why and how things work

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