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Sum of selected text values


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;Sum of numbers

(setq ents (ssget)) ;; Get all the text entities
(setq sum nil
      nums nil

(setq count1 0)
(while (< count1 (sslength ents))
  (setq nums (cons (atof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname ents count1))))) nums)) ;; Insert the value of the text into a list
  (setq count1 (1+ count1))
(setq sum (apply '+ nums)) ;; Add them all

(entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 1 (rtos sum)) (cons 10 (getpoint)) (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE")))) ;; Make a single line that will be placed at the cursor

Here is my solution. If anyone that sees this has a better solution, feel free to correct me. Hope that helps!

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11 minutes ago, Aditya Bagaskara said:

I don't know how to do that, sorry ...

Like this !

(setq ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT"))))


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Don't need to limit things not no locked layers since your just reading the values, and (0 . "TEXT,MTEXT") can be shorted to just (0 . "*TEXT")


This will allow you to select any text. it will only add up text that is only numbers. since distof will only work if the string is only numbers.

;;Sum of selected text that is only numbers
(defun C:foo (/ sum ss)
  (setq sum 0)
  (setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT") (1 . "*#*"))))
    (foreach text (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS)))
      (if (setq x (distof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget text))))
        (setq sum (+ x sum))
  (entmake (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 1 (rtos sum 2 3)) (cons 10 (getpoint)) (cons 40 (getvar "TEXTSIZE")))) 



Edited by mhupp
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mmm I guess would limit text that have numbers in it. only numbers IDK.


(setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT") (1 . "*#*"))))



This says any text that doesn't have a letters in it.

(setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT") (1 . "~*@*"))))



I guess you could then check them against each other and keep the ones that are in both. if you really wanted to be sure.



Edited by mhupp
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From MHUPPs idea, try this: 

Added in Dimensions for my own use (I had something that worked, and then saw a better method and now want to spend time making mine better again)


  (setq SS (ssget
      (-4 . "<OR")
        (-4 . "<AND") (0 . "*TEXT") (-4 . "<AND") (1 . "*#*") (1 . "~*@*") (-4 . "AND>") (-4 . "AND>") ; maybe too many ANDs here
        (-4 . "<AND") (0 . "DIMENSION") (-4 . "AND>")
      (-4 . "OR>")
  )) ; end ssget, setq


Edited by Steven P
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This. but it doesn't solve the problem just makes one big selection set.

(setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT,DIMENSION") (1 . "*#*,~*@*"))))


Need to find the entities that are only in both selection sets. texts that have numbers but don't have any letters. and unless your going to process a lot of text. I think it might be a wash.  Since distof weeds out the text you can't use. but you can look at this and pull a few functions so you can process text that have letters and numbers.


(if (setq SS (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT,DIMENSION") (1 . "*#*"))))
    (if (setq SS1 (ssget "_P" '((0 . "*TEXT,DIMENSION") (1 . "~*@*"))))
      (foreach text (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS1)))
        (if (ssmemb text ss)
          (ssadd text ss2)


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