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Power Dimensioning


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Hey folks!

This has been an issue for the last 2 years for me running ACAD Mechanical 2019/20/21/23 at my new job.  When I double click to edit a dimension, this Power Dimensioning dialog box shows up and it's terrible.  I want the 'normal' text editing box to come up like if you were to TEDIT the Dimension.  I thought I had the Double-Click Action for Dimensions set to TEDIT, but it doesn't seem to stick.  Any idea how to turn  off this Power Dimensioning?  Thank you!!



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Thanks for the reply.  Sometimes I use DDEDIT, but what I really want is just the plain double click to initiate either TEDIT or DDEDIT on a dimension.  You have any idea how to set that up?   Thank you!

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See the LISP in this LINK.


The only other way, besides what BIGAL recommended, would be open the file in Vanilla AutoCAD, AFAIK.


IMO, Control + pick is pretty easy, I often just edit them with AutoCAD, myself.

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@SLW210I'll try the LISP but I'm pretty unfamiliar how to use that.  Thank you nonetheless.


Is there a system variable or something that would turn Ctrl+click on or something?  Nothing happens at all when I do that.


Thank you!

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That actually is what AMPOWERDIMEDITOR is set to currently.  I wonder if I can exports a Workspace from Mechanical to invoke in Vanilla?  If I got to the Vanilla Profile in Options>Profiles, then try to load a different workspace, the one I was using in Mechanical does not load, ACAD says it does not exist.

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I have a custom menu that has parts of the CIV3D workspace I made it by copying the correct commands from the CUI into a custom MNU. So I work in the drafting workspace but have access to some of the command I want to use without changing work space, dont have mechanical to see if works. Happy to help more.

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@BIGAL thank you for your continued conversation, I think I may have it figured.

@SLW210 That LISP works, at least for now until our IT updates something LOL.  But, no I don't use the ribbon but the LISP you linked to is working.  THANKS!  I would like to know how to use a Workspace from Mech in Vanilla if that's something you might be able to shed light on though.  When I open Vaniklla then invoke Workspace and type in the name of my saved WS that I always use in Mech, Vanilla tells me that there isn't a WS called that.  Maybe that's a dumb sounding question, but how could I transfer/export/use a WS from Mech in Vanilla?  The WS was actually created in Vanilla years ago (different employer, many releases ago) and I've just been tweaking it ever since.

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I think your workspaces are saved as a profile. Bit worried about screwing up your current settings. In the ACAD ICON under startup is a profile switch /P you can start with a different profile. We had office and outside for the laptops as 2 icons so would look for a server or local drive depending on which picked. 


Not sure you can quickly get what you want, thats why we had everything as custom loads, then saved in a profile.


As I said earlier you can maybe run Mech commands in Vanilla use the cui to find a mech command, write it down, then in vanilla type that command it may have a  underscore at start. Give it  a try.


eg CIV3D

[Create Surface]^c^c_AeccCreateSurface
[Create Surface from DEM]^c^c_AeccCreateSurfaceGridFromDEM
[Create Surface from TIN]^c^c_AeccCreateSurfaceFromTIN
[->Edit Surface]
[Edit Surface Style...]^c^c_AeccEditSurfaceStyle
[Edit Surface Properties]^c^c_AeccEditSurfaceProperties
[Add Line]^C^C_AeccAddSurfaceLine
[Delete Line]^c^c_AeccDeleteSurfaceLine


Edited by BIGAL
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Thanks @BIGAL I think I will try to just set up a new Vanilla profile.   AFAIK, I don't really use anything that's Mech-specific, that's just how my company loaded it up.  I have my cui from the  previous version switch, maybe I can open Vanilla, import that and save that as the Vanilla profile.  HAve a good one!

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@SLW210 ... I know this is gonna sound dumb, but unless I can figure out how to use my Workspace in Vanilla, I don't want to have to redo al my toolbars/shortcuts/etc.  I'm gonna try to export from Mech and import into Vanilla today probably.  That's the only reason.

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