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A question about special characters such as "°"


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Hello, this is my first post here & I'm very new to autolisp, so forgive me if I am omitting some important details.
I'm trying to find out why (maybe) strcat is conjuring an "Â" that doesn't appear to be in any of the variables before it.

It is appearing after (itoa intd) & before "°".


(setq nbrg2 (strcat (itoa intd) "°" mint "'" sec (chr 34)))

225°00'00" is output for example.

I think it has something to do with the ° symbol but I'm not sure why.
(chr 248) will output ø instead of °.
I have found out that using "\260" will work and output the ° symbol.

If anyone could explain what I should be doing with special characters or point me to some learning resource that would be greatly appreciated ^^

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I think it has to do with the font your using. not all character numbers are the same in each font. to find the correct number use the following


(ascii "°")


mine its 176 so then use that number with (chr


(setq nbrg2 (strcat (itoa intd) (chr 176) mint "'" sec (chr 34)))


This will display all your character numbers of the current font.



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