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line perpendicular to a point... help

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Posted (edited)

hello all:

i am using this routine...

to draw a line perpendicular to an element

the problem is that I would like it to be perpendicular to a point


1.- that is, select the element

2.-  select a starting point permanent

3.- select final point




;;; Draw perpendicular line
;;; Alan J. Thompson, 10.15.09
(defun c:LPe (/ #Ent #Read)
    (setq #Ent (car (entsel "\nSelect curve: ")))
    (vl-position (cdr (assoc 0 (entget #Ent))) '("LWPOLYLINE" "ARC" "LINE" "CIRCLE" "ELLIPSE"))
    (while (not (eq 25 (car (setq #Read (grread T 15 0)))))
      (princ "\rSpecify point for line: ")
      (if (vl-consp (cadr #Read))
        (grdraw (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto #Ent (trans (cadr #Read) 1 0) T)
                (trans (cadr #Read) 1 0)
        ) ;_ grdraw
      ) ;_ if
      (if (eq 3 (car #Read))
        (entmake (list '(0 . "LINE")
                       (cons 10 (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto #Ent (trans (cadr #Read) 1 0) T))
                       (cons 11 (trans (cadr #Read) 1 0))
                 ) ;_ list
        ) ;_ entmake

      ) ;_ if
    ) ;_ while
  ) ;_ and

) ;_ defun


Edited by SLW210
Added Code Tags!!

This doesn't make any sense maybe a example drawing?

Posted (edited)

this routine does what i need but it doesn't show the line while i select point two...


I think the command grdraw is required





(defun c:perp2ent (/ entity pt lyr ep sp ppt ang1 ang2 obj)
  (while (and (setq entity (car (entsel "\nSelect entity: ")))
              (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object entity))
    (while (setq pt (getpoint "\nSelect point to draw perpendicular from: "))
      (setq sp   (vlax-curve-getstartpoint obj)
            ep   (vlax-curve-getendpoint obj)
            ppt  (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto entity (trans pt 1 0))
            ang1 (angle (vlax-curve-getpointatparam
                          (+ (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj sp) 0.01)
            ang2 (angle (vlax-curve-getpointatparam
                          (* (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj ep) 0.99)
      (cond ((equal ppt sp 0.0001)
             (setq ppt (inters sp
                               (polar sp ang1 0.01)
                               (polar pt (+ ang1 (/ pi 2.)) 0.01)
             (if (= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbLine")
               (vlax-put obj 'startpoint ppt)
            ((equal ppt ep 0.0001)
             (setq ppt (inters ep
                               (polar ep ang2 0.01)
                               (polar pt (+ ang2 (/ pi 2.)) 0.01)
             (if (= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbLine")
               (vlax-put obj 'endpoint ppt)
      (entmake (list '(0 . "LINE")
                     (cons 8 (cdr (assoc 8 (entget entity))))
                     (cons 10 (trans pt 1 0))
                     (cons 11 ppt)


Edited by SLW210
Added Code Tags!!
Posted (edited)

Why not this simple


(defun c:ptperp ( / e p1 p2 )


      (setq e (car (nentsel "\nPick entity to draw perpendicular line to...")))
      (setq p1 (trans (getpoint "\nPick or specify point to draw perpendicular line from : ") 1 0))
      (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply (function vlax-curve-getstartpoint) (list e))))
      (setq p2 (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto e p1 t))
          (cons 0 "LINE")
          (cons 10 p1)
          (cons 11 p2)
          (cons 62 3)


Edited by marko_ribar
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Posted (edited)

If you want it to show a line then perhaps you could draw a line, and entmod point 1 to make it perpendicular? this will show you the 'line'




Else you could look to Lee Mac and his GrSnap examples

Edited by Steven P

I liked this routine , 

but I need that, in addition to selecting an element, it asks me for a point in that element



For example, if I want to make the line perpendicular to the end of that line

(defun C:test ( / e grr Stop )
 (if (setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect line, or curve: ")))
   (while (not Stop)
     (setq grr (grread T))
       ( (= (car grr) 25) (setq Stop T) )
       ( (= (car grr) 5) (redraw) (grdraw (cadr grr) (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo e (cadr grr) T) 2) )
       ( (= (car grr) 3) 
           (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 10 (cadr grr)) (cons 11 (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo e (cadr grr) T)) )
         (setq Stop T)
     ); cond			
   ); while
 ); if
); defun


TEST.dwgFetching info...

Posted (edited)

Maybe this have another that does not use VL.


; offset perpendicular to end of line
; by alan H 2018

(defun c:sqp ( / pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4)
(setq tp1 (entsel "\nSelect line near end : "))
(setq tpp1 (entget (car tp1)))
(setq pt1 (cdr (assoc 10 tpp1)))
(setq pt1 (list (car pt1) (cadr pt1) 0.0)) ;reset z to zero
(setq pt2 (cdr (assoc 11 tpp1)))      
(setq pt2 (list (car pt2) (cadr pt2) 0.0)) ;reset z to zero
(setq pt3 (cadr tp1))
(setq d1 (distance pt1 pt3))
(setq d2 (distance pt2 pt3))
(if (> d1 d2)
	(setq temp pt1)
	(setq pt1 pt2)
	(setq pt2 temp)
(setq ang (angle pt1 pt2))
(setq pt3 (getpoint "\nSelect point"))
(command "line" pt1 pt2 "")
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car tp1)))
(setq pt4 (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto obj pt3))
(setq len (distance pt3 pt4))
(setq ang (angle pt4 pt3))
(setq pt3 (polar pt1 ang len))
(command "line" pt1 pt3 "")


Edited by BIGAL
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)


(defun elperr (ch)
    ((eq ch "Function cancelled") nil)
    ((eq ch "quit / exit abort") nil)
    ((eq ch "console break") nil)
    (T (princ ch))
  (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
  (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
  (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
  (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
  (setq *error* olderr)
(defun c:elp ( / olderr js ent-sel ent pt_sel obj_curv old_osmd old_snp old_orth param deriv pt_tmp p_from p_to)
  (setq olderr *error* *error* elperr)
  (princ "\nRaise a perpendicular to: ")
  (while (not (setq js (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,RAY"))))))
    ent-sel (ssnamex js 0)
    ent (cadar ent-sel)
    pt_sel (cadar (cdddar ent-sel))
    obj_curv (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
      (vlax-get-property obj_curv 'ObjectName)
      '("AcDbPolyline" "AcDb2dPolyline" "AcDbLine" "AcDbArc" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse" "AcDbSpline" "AcDbRay" "AcDbXline")
        old_osmd (getvar "osmode")
        old_snp (getvar "snapang")
        old_orth (getvar "orthomode")
        pt_sel (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj_curv pt_sel)
        param (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj_curv pt_sel)
        deriv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj_curv param)
      (setq pt_tmp (polar pt_sel (+ (atan (cadr deriv) (car deriv)) (/ pi 2)) 100.0))
      (setvar "snapang" (angle (trans pt_sel 0 1) (trans pt_tmp 0 1)))
      (setvar "orthomode" 1)
      (if (null (setq p_from (getpoint "\nFrom point <lastpoint>: ")))
        (setq p_from (trans pt_sel 0 1))
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      (initget 9)
      (setq p_to (getpoint p_from "\nTo point : "))
      (command "_.line" p_from p_to "")
      (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
      (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
      (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
    (T (princ "\nInvalid object!"))
  (setq *error* olderr)


Edited by Tsuky
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it is exactly what i needed



You could add something so that when the command is interrupted, the variables such as the cursor position and the osnap they return to their initial position.





I edited the previous post to insert an *error* function, this resolves if the command is interrupted.

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FYI when you need to set multiple variables


(setq vars '(osmode snapang orthomode cmdecho)  ;list of variables
      vals (mapcar 'getvar vars)        ;store current values for restore in a list called 'vals
(mapcar 'setvar vars '(0 0 1 0))        ;set new values setting osmode=0 snapang=0 orthomode=1 cmdecho=0
                                        ;use this before you acually set the snapang so 0 is overwritten
(mapcar 'setvar vars vals)              ;restore old values


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  On 1/31/2023 at 12:14 AM, Tsuky said:


(defun elperr (ch)
    ((eq ch "Function cancelled") nil)
    ((eq ch "quit / exit abort") nil)
    ((eq ch "console break") nil)
    (T (princ ch))
  (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
  (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
  (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
  (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
  (setq *error* olderr)
(defun c:elp ( / olderr js ent-sel ent pt_sel obj_curv old_osmd old_snp old_orth param deriv pt_tmp p_from p_to)
  (setq olderr *error* *error* elperr)
  (princ "\nRaise a perpendicular to: ")
  (while (not (setq js (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,RAY"))))))
    ent-sel (ssnamex js 0)
    ent (cadar ent-sel)
    pt_sel (cadar (cdddar ent-sel))
    obj_curv (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
      (vlax-get-property obj_curv 'ObjectName)
      '("AcDbPolyline" "AcDb2dPolyline" "AcDbLine" "AcDbArc" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse" "AcDbSpline" "AcDbRay" "AcDbXline")
        old_osmd (getvar "osmode")
        old_snp (getvar "snapang")
        old_orth (getvar "orthomode")
        pt_sel (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj_curv pt_sel)
        param (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj_curv pt_sel)
        deriv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj_curv param)
      (setq pt_tmp (polar pt_sel (+ (atan (cadr deriv) (car deriv)) (/ pi 2)) 100.0))
      (setvar "snapang" (angle (trans pt_sel 0 1) (trans pt_tmp 0 1)))
      (setvar "orthomode" 1)
      (if (null (setq p_from (getpoint "\nFrom point <lastpoint>: ")))
        (setq p_from (trans pt_sel 0 1))
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      (initget 9)
      (setq p_to (getpoint p_from "\nTo point : "))
      (command "_.line" p_from p_to "")
      (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
      (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
      (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
    (T (princ "\nInvalid object!"))
  (setq *error* olderr)



FWIW .. using the built in *error* function is a bit simpler like so ( also don't forget to localize it (defun c:elp (/ *error* ... )

(defun c:elp (/	*error*	deriv ent ent-sel js obj_curv old_orth old_osmd	old_snp	param pt_sel pt_tmp
	      p_from p_to)
  (defun *error* (msg)
    (and old_osmd (setvar "osmode" old_osmd))
    (and old_orth (setvar "orthomode" old_orth))
    (and old_snp (setvar "snapang" old_snp))
    (if	(not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
  (princ "\nRaise a perpendicular to: ")
  (while (not (setq js (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,RAY"))))))
  (setq	ent-sel	 (ssnamex js 0)
	ent	 (cadar ent-sel)
	pt_sel	 (cadar (cdddar ent-sel))
	obj_curv (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
  (cond	((member (vlax-get-property obj_curv 'objectname)
		 '("AcDbPolyline"    "AcDb2dPolyline"  "AcDbLine"	 "AcDbArc"
		   "AcDbCircle"	     "AcDbEllipse"     "AcDbSpline"	 "AcDbRay"
	 (setq old_osmd	(getvar "osmode")
	       old_snp	(getvar "snapang")
	       old_orth	(getvar "orthomode")
	       pt_sel	(vlax-curve-getclosestpointto obj_curv pt_sel)
	       param	(vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj_curv pt_sel)
	       deriv	(vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj_curv param)
	 (setq pt_tmp (polar pt_sel (+ (atan (cadr deriv) (car deriv)) (/ pi 2)) 100.0))
	 (setvar "snapang" (angle (trans pt_sel 0 1) (trans pt_tmp 0 1)))
	 (setvar "orthomode" 1)
	 (if (null (setq p_from (getpoint "\nFrom point <lastpoint>: ")))
	   (setq p_from (trans pt_sel 0 1))
	 (setvar "osmode" 0)
	 (initget 9)
	 (setq p_to (getpoint p_from "\nTo point : "))
	 (command "_.line" p_from p_to "")
	 (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
	 (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
	 (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
	(t (princ "\nInvalid object!"))


  • Agree 1
  • 1 year later...
  On 1/31/2023 at 12:14 AM, Tsuky said:


(defun elperr (ch)
    ((eq ch "Function cancelled") nil)
    ((eq ch "quit / exit abort") nil)
    ((eq ch "console break") nil)
    (T (princ ch))
  (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
  (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
  (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
  (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
  (setq *error* olderr)
(defun c:elp ( / olderr js ent-sel ent pt_sel obj_curv old_osmd old_snp old_orth param deriv pt_tmp p_from p_to)
  (setq olderr *error* *error* elperr)
  (princ "\nRaise a perpendicular to: ")
  (while (not (setq js (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "*LINE,ARC,CIRCLE,ELLIPSE,RAY"))))))
    ent-sel (ssnamex js 0)
    ent (cadar ent-sel)
    pt_sel (cadar (cdddar ent-sel))
    obj_curv (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
      (vlax-get-property obj_curv 'ObjectName)
      '("AcDbPolyline" "AcDb2dPolyline" "AcDbLine" "AcDbArc" "AcDbCircle" "AcDbEllipse" "AcDbSpline" "AcDbRay" "AcDbXline")
        old_osmd (getvar "osmode")
        old_snp (getvar "snapang")
        old_orth (getvar "orthomode")
        pt_sel (vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo obj_curv pt_sel)
        param (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint obj_curv pt_sel)
        deriv (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv obj_curv param)
      (setq pt_tmp (polar pt_sel (+ (atan (cadr deriv) (car deriv)) (/ pi 2)) 100.0))
      (setvar "snapang" (angle (trans pt_sel 0 1) (trans pt_tmp 0 1)))
      (setvar "orthomode" 1)
      (if (null (setq p_from (getpoint "\nFrom point <lastpoint>: ")))
        (setq p_from (trans pt_sel 0 1))
      (setvar "osmode" 0)
      (initget 9)
      (setq p_to (getpoint p_from "\nTo point : "))
      (command "_.line" p_from p_to "")
      (setvar "osmode" old_osmd)
      (setvar "orthomode" old_orth)
      (setvar "snapang" old_snp)
    (T (princ "\nInvalid object!"))
  (setq *error* olderr)



I'm having a bit trouble getting this useful lips working in bricscad.


Initially it would error in this bit:


pt_sel (cadar (cdddar ent-sel))

changing it to this seems to work (i think)

pt_sel (cdr (cdr (cdr (car ent-sel))))


Bur now it fails on this bit:


Command: LPER

Raise a perpendicular to:
Select entities:
; ----- LISP : Call Stack -----
; [0]...C:LPER <<--
; ----- Error around expression -----
; in file :
; D:\360G\Support\Lsp\LPER.lsp
;bad argument type <(-1)> ; expected <LIST> at [vlax-curve-getclosestpointto]

any ideas why?




LPER.lspFetching info...


Change it to this :


  ent-sel (ssnamex js)
  ent (cadar ent-sel)
  pt_sel (osnap (getvar (quote lastpoint)) "_nea")
  obj_curv (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)


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