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lisp for spilt or break or trim


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8 hours ago, land said:

hello i have many circle and i must trim inside them i need a lisp to do that quickly with lisp

If it's for graphics, make that circle a block and create a mask with a hatch that is color 255,255,255.

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Would this be a good starting point? It trims a single polyline however could be modified I think for many objects inside a circle



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thank you thast from you  and work good


(defun C:CC (/ coords ent rad e t1)
  (defun MTR (e t1 p / l c)
    (command "TRIM" e "")
    (command (list t1 p))
    (command "")
  (setq rad (getreal"\nEnter radius: "))
  (while (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect polyline (or press Enter to Exit) >> ")))
    (setq t1 ent)
    (setq coords (vl-remove-if 'not
        (function (lambda(p)
           (if (= 10 (car p))(cdr p))
        (entget ent)
      ) ; end mapcar
    )) ; end setq, vl-remove-if
    (setq coords (reverse coords))
    (foreach pt coords
      (command "_circle" "_non" pt rad)
      (setq e nil)
      (setq e (entlast))
      (setq p (assoc 10 (entget e)))
      (setq p (list (cadr p) (caddr p) (cadddr p)))
      (command "TRIM" e "")
      (command (list t1 p))
      (command "")
    ) ; end foreach
  ) ; end while



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