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Sum selection of AutoCAD table values


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Have a look here, https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/how-to-extract-text-values-from-an-autocad-table-to-a-drawing/td-p/7269002.


As far as i can tell you can't click directly on the text in a table to copy its contents into a LISP variable (I don't use tables a lot, I might be wrong). In the link there are 2 routines, Demo which will grab the value of a cell if you click the edge of the cell (right edge and lower edge mostly but this is a bit variable.


The other funciton, somefunc grabs all the text in a table which might work for you better.


Have a look and see if either of these work for you as a start. Can make up the rest of the LISP if it is.




The first option for somefunc gives the table texts, the second one gives just the values, I think go with the first one




EDIT (Again)

I might be wrong, just found out I have a thing that selects the texts it clicks on - however look at the somefunc above and see if that will be a good start for you

Edited by Steven P
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Just putting this here to come back to later, copied and pasted from my library of stuff


Uses nentsel to select the contents. Need to do something like Lee Macs unformat on the table values, make a loop to select all similar values and then make up the table



(defun getent ( aprompt / enta entb pt )
  (princ "\n")
  (setq enta (car (nentsel aprompt)))
  (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget enta))) )

;;;;fix for nenset or entsel requirements
  (setq entb (last (last (nentselp pt))))

  (if (and (/= entb nil) (/= (type entb) 'real) )
      (if (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (entget entb))) "ACAD_TABLE,*DIMENSION,*LEADER")(setq enta entb))

(defun c:TableText ( / MyEnt )
  (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (getent "Select Table Cell Text"))))


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Tried to post yesterday look at Lee-mac pick cell in table allows selection of a cell by picking the value displayed.

;; Example shows how to pick a single table cell on screen and change its value.
;; This example demonstrates the ActiveX properties/methods HitTest,
;; GetCellType, GetText and SetText.
; original code by Lee Ambrosius 2015

(defun c:SelectTableCell ( / pick vHeight vWidth lwrLeft uprRight vector
                                           SS_TABLES cnt eMax tableObj row col cellValueOrg)
  ;; Ask the user for a point on screen
  (if (/= (setq pick (vlax-3d-point (getpoint "\nSelect Cell to edit: "))) nil)

      ;; Get the corners of the screen display to build our selection set
      (setq vHeight (getvar "viewsize"))
      (setq vWidth (* (/ (nth 0 (getvar "screensize")) (nth 1 (getvar "screensize"))) vHeight))

      (setq lwrLeft (list (- (nth 0 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vWidth 2)) (- (nth 1 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vHeight  2)) 0))
      (setq uprRight (list (+ (nth 0 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vWidth 2)) (+ (nth 1 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vHeight  2)) 0))

      ;; Get the current display orientation
      (setq vector (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2)))
      (vlax-safearray-fill vector '(1 1 1))
      (setq vector (vlax-make-variant vector))
      ;; Select all the table objects visible on screen
      (if (setq SS_TABLES (ssget "C" lwrleft uprright (list (cons 0 "ACAD_TABLE"))))
          (setq cnt 0
                eMax (sslength SS_TABLES)

          ;; Step through all the items in the selection set
          (while (> eMax cnt) 
            ;; Geta table object from the selection set
            (setq tableObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname SS_TABLES cnt)))
            ;; Return values for what cell was picked in
            (setq row 0
                  col 0)

            ;; Check to see if a valid cell was picked
            (if (= (vla-hittest tableObj pick vector 'row 'col) :vlax-true)

                ;; Get out of the loop
                (setq cnt (1+ eMax))
                ;; Check to see what the Cell Type is (Text or Block)
                (if (= (vla-GetCellType tableObj row col) acTextCell)
                    ;; Let's get the value out
                    (setq cellValueOrg (vla-GetText tableObj row col))

                    ;; Change the current value
                    (vla-SetText tableObj row col "Revised Text")
                    (vla-Update tableObj)
                    (alert "Cell text was changed.")
                    ;; Restore the original value
                    (vla-SetText tableObj row col cellValueOrg)
                    (vla-Update tableObj)
                    (alert "Cell text was changed back to the original value.")
                    (setq cnt eMax)
            (setq cnt (1+ cnt))


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