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Trim inside selected rectangles


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6 hours ago, mhupp said:

Draftsight says it can use visual lisp Give this a test on two objects that are overlapping. should look something like this.


: test
Select Object
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadCircle 0000000034136D70>
Select Object
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLWPolyline 0000000034138670>
(38.4875958273987 6.35534521426045 0.0 59.4778766221801 -15.5266360848402 0.0)


(defun C:test (/ obj1 obj2 pts-lst)
  (setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ obj1)
  (setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ obj2)
  (setq pts-lst (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-intersectwith obj1 obj2 acextendnone))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ pts-lst)








Select Object»

1 found

"(null):  (null)"



I don't know enough about what's going on to help...

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(defun C:test (/ obj1 obj2 pts-lst)
  ;(setq obj1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (setq obj1 (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ obj1)
  ;(setq obj2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (setq obj2 (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect Object"))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ obj2)
  (setq pts-lst (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-intersectwith obj1 obj2 acextendnone))))
  (princ "\n")
  (princ pts-lst)

Changed code to above and get this result:

(Got the lines of code from AFRALISP:)




Select Object»

1 found

((-1 . <EName:  0000015bf68ef220>) (0 . CIRCLE) (5 . 12C) (330 . <EName:  0000015ba76ac600>) (100 . AcDbEntity) (67 . 0) (410 . Model) (8 . 0) (100 . AcDbCircle) (10 1122.8891695 -983.61616472 0.0) (40 . 737.83879731) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0))

Select Object»

1 found

((-1 . <EName:  0000015bf54fadd0>) (0 . LWPOLYLINE) (5 . 12A) (330 . <EName:  0000015ba76ac600>) (100 . AcDbEntity) (67 . 0) (410 . Model) (8 . 0) (100 . AcDbPolyline) (90 . 4) (70 . 1) (43 . 0.0) (38 . 0.0) (39 . 0.0) (10 140.79935327 858.08230436 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (42 . 0.0) (91 . 0) (10 140.79935327 -817.81849232 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (42 . 0.0) (91 . 0) (10 290.1666257 -817.81849232 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (42 . 0.0) (91 . 0) (10 290.1666257 858.08230436 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (42 . 0.0) (91 . 0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0))

 Error: Invalid parameter.



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Unfortunately you need the vla-object name to work with the intersectwith function. That's what vlax-ename->vla-object is doing its converting the entity name into vla-object.


According to the website only version 2021 and up have that function.



Maybe their is some other way to calculate interesting points but i don't know how. and with out those points I can't break/trim objects around another one.

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3 minutes ago, mhupp said:

Unfortunately you need the vla-object name to work with the intersectwith function. That's what vlax-ename->vla-object is doing its converting the entity name into vla-object.


According to the website only version 2021 and up have that function.



Maybe their is some other way to calculate interesting points but i don't know how. and with out those points I can't break/trim objects around another one.

@mhupp Thank you so much for your time!

I have an idea that might work...

I'll try to explain.

If I can select the rectangle and offset its points to the inside by a small number say .001.

Then use those values to create a list of points.

In the routine, start the Trim command and fill the values for a fence using the new inside offsets then have the routine finalize the trim command?


(defun c:TBEAM (/ )
  (setq RectList1 (entget (car (entsel))))
  ;RectList2 = RectList1 - .001
(command "_TRIM" "" "_F" pause pause pause) ; AFTER THE "_F" FILL THE FENCE WITH RectList2 AND FINISH



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You are correct you can select a closed  pline you make that the trim line you then offset that inwards a small amount that makes your trim line. Then do a ssget "WP" to erase objects inside. 


This has no VL


(defun c:wow ( / oldsnap ent co-ord co-ord2 pt )
(setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode))
(setq ent (entsel "\nPick rectang "))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
(setq pt (getpoint "\nPick point inside "))
(command "offset" "0.5"  ent pt "")
(setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget (car ent)))))
(setq co-ord2 (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget (entlast)))))
(setq co-ord2 (cons (last co-ord2) co-ord2))
(command "erase" (entlast) "")
(setq pt (car co-ord))
(command "trim" pt "" "F" co-ord2 "" "")
(command "erase" (ssget "WP" co-ord2) "")
(setvar 'osmode oldsnap)

Can be modified for multi select but test 1st.

Edited by BIGAL
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