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replace + symbol to change line (enter) in mtext


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Hi I have some calculations in mtext I want to sepetate them in the same mtext like this


This is Mtext

1.61 x 1.35 + 1.11 x 4.28 + 2.89 x 2.63


This is Mtext

1.61 x 1.35
1.11 x 4.28
2.89 x 2.63


I dont know if it possible to replace a chatacter  with enter (change line). In my case  i want to replace  " + "    <-- space + space




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Command RSTNL for Replace Symbol To New Line


;; http://www.lee-mac.com/stringsubst.html
;;--------------------=={ String Subst }==--------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Substitutes a string for all occurrences of another       ;;
;;  string within a string.                                   ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 - www.lee-mac.com       ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  new - string to be substituted for 'old'                  ;;
;;  old - string to be replaced                               ;;
;;  str - the string to be searched                           ;;
;;  Returns:  String with 'old' replaced with 'new'           ;;
(defun LM:StringSubst ( new old str / inc len )
    (setq len (strlen new)
          inc 0
    (while (setq inc (vl-string-search old str inc))
        (setq str (vl-string-subst new old str inc)
              inc (+ inc len)

;; RSTNL for Replace Symbol To New Line
(defun c:RSTNL	( / mtext symbl oldtext newtext)
	;; symbol to be used as new line delimiter.
	;; you could also let the user pick it like this:
	;;	(setq symbl (getstring "\nEnter Symbol: " T))  ;; The T allows the user to add space characters
	(setq symbl " + ")
	(princ "\nNow pick the MText elements: ")
	(while	(setq mtext (car (entsel "\nSelect Mtext: ")))
		(setq oldtext (cdr (assoc 1 (entget mtext))))
		;; substitute the symbol to "\\P".   "\\P" means new line for MTexts
		(setq newtext (LM:StringSubst  "\\P" symbl oldtext))
		;; entmod (modify entity) by substitute of the assoc/cont 1 group 
		(entmod (subst (cons 1 newtext) 	(assoc 1 (entget mtext)) 	(entget mtext) ))  	;; substitute text contents


Edited by Emmanuel Delay
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I think he wants the + to be a new line Ronjonp


the replace I inputted was " + " or you wouldn't line up if it was just "+"


(defun C:NEWLINE (/ replace txt text)
  (setq replace (getstring "\nReplace Text: " T))
  (setq txt (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\n Select Text: "))))
  (while (vl-string-search replace (setq text (vla-get-textstring txt))) ;search string for replace value
    (vla-put-textstring obj (vl-string-subst "\\P" replace (vla-get-textstring txt)))


Edited by mhupp
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Hi mhupp. Nice code. I want to ask something else. I have this


1.35 x 2.94 + 6.16 x 4.19 + 2.94 x 1.25 + 1/2 x (1.84 + 2.08) x 3.74


When i run the code i get this results


1.35 x 2.94
6.16 x 4.19
2.94 x 1.25
1/2 x (1.84
2.08) x 3.74


The correct is


1.35 x 2.94
6.16 x 4.19
2.94 x 1.25
1/2 x (1.84 + 2.08) x 3.74


Is any way to search if the  + is between  (number space + space number)  and don't replace it ?


(defun C:N2 (/ replace txt obj text)
  (setq replace " + ")
  (setq txt (car (entsel "\n Select Text: ")))
  (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object txt))
  (while (vl-string-search replace (setq text (vla-get-textstring obj))) ;search string for replace value
    (vla-put-textstring obj (vl-string-subst "\\P" replace (vla-get-textstring obj)))


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I don't know about that one. Maybe ask if you want to Continue?  But you would have to hit enter or right click each time.

so maybe NLAdv ?


Replace Text:  +
 Select Text:
Continue? [<Yes>/No]:
Continue? [<Yes>/No]:
Continue? [<Yes>/No]: n


(defun C:NLAdv (/ replace txt obj text)
  (setq replace (getstring "\nReplace Text: " T))
  (setq txt (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\n Select Text: "))))
  (setq rep "Yes")
  (while (eq rep "Yes")
    (vla-put-textstring txt (vl-string-subst "\\P" replace (vla-get-textstring txt)))
    (if (vl-string-search replace (setq text (vla-get-textstring txt)))
        (initget "Yes No")
        (setq rep
            ((getkword "\nContinue? <Yes>/No: ")) ( "Yes")
      (setq rep "No")



Prob just easier to make an undo mark after each text string update. Then you can undo the last change.


(defun C:NL (/ replace txt text)
  (setq Drawing (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
  (setq replace (getstring "\nReplace Text: " T))
  (setq txt (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\n Select Text: "))))
  (while (vl-string-search replace (setq text (vla-get-textstring txt))) ;search string for replace value
    (vla-startundomark Drawing)
    (vla-put-textstring txt (vl-string-subst "\\P" replace (vla-get-textstring txt)))
    (vla-endundomark Drawing)    




1.35 x 2.94
6.16 x 4.19
2.94 x 1.25
1/2 x (1.84 
2.08) x 3.74


undo or ctrl Z


1.35 x 2.94
6.16 x 4.19
2.94 x 1.25
1/2 x (1.84 + 2.08) x 3.74


Edited by mhupp
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Just off the top of my head, no proper thinking done yet.


In the case of 1/2 x (1.84 + 2.88) x 3.74.


I have used Lee Macs string to list before doing a similar text replace, the deliminator in this case being the '+', then recombining it with a strcat and whatever I want to put in between the list items.


Would give a list ( ("2.94 x 1.25") ("1/2 x (1.84") ("2.08 ) x 3.74")


Then do an if and wcmatch, to decide if the + should be replaced by a new line or left as a +



Just thinking out loud

Edited by Steven P
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Maybe this ... it produces a tighter result without the spaces:

  (mapcar '(lambda (x)
	     (cond ((and (= 43 x) (null f)) "\\P")
		   ((= 40 x) (setq f t) (chr x))
		   ((= 41 x) (setq f nil) (chr x))
		   ((= 32 x) "")
		   ((chr x))
	  (vl-string->list "1.35 x 2.94 + 6.16 x 4.19 + 2.94 x 1.25 + 1/2 x (1.84 + 2.08) x 3.74")


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So this should work on the examples above:


(defun c:newline ( / MyEnt oldtext textlist acount newtext temptext)
  (defun LM:str->lst ( str del / pos ) ;;http://lee-mac.com/stringtolist.html
    (if (setq pos (vl-string-search del str))
      (cons (substr str 1 pos) (LM:str->lst (substr str (+ pos 1 (strlen del))) del))
      (list str)

  (setq MyEnt (ssname (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "MTEXT"))) 0)) ;; Select only single mtext
  (setq oldtext (cdr (assoc 1 (entget MyEnt)))) ;; get text string (up to 256 characters)
  (setq textlist (LM:str->lst oldtext "+"))     ;; make list, remove all '+'
  (setq acount 0)   ;; just a counter
  (setq newtext "") ;; blank text string
  (while (< acount (length textlist)) ;; while loop, looping through list of texts
    (setq temptext (vl-string-left-trim " " (vl-string-right-trim " " (nth acount textlist)) )) ;; trim spaces
    (setq newtext (strcat newtext temptext)) ;; create new text
    (setq acount (+ acount 1))
    (if (wcmatch (nth (- acount 1) textlist) "*(*" ) ;; if bracket, return a + else a new line
      (setq newtext (strcat newtext " + "))
      (setq newtext (strcat newtext "\\P"))
    ) ; end if
  ) ; end while

  (entmod (subst (cons 1 newtext) (assoc 1 (entget MyEnt)) (entget MyEnt) )) ;; Uodate text


Edited by Steven P
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