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Insert item along a curve/polyline angle


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i've got a script which will align item along a line at  specific distance point, but i'm struggling to find/ understand how to then insert them onto the line following the rotation of the arc, polyline or spline


the moment im inserting them to the angle 0


      (setq drv (start_dialog))
        ((= drv 1)
          (while (= (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect Object Curve (Arc, Circle, Line, Polyline or Spline) "))) Nil)
                  (princ "\nNo Object Selected, Try Again"))
          (setq len (vlax-curve-getdistatparam ent (vlax-curve-getendparam ent))
                actSpace (vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
                dist spacing
            (vlax-curve-getpointatdist ent dist)
            (strcat "C:\\BricsCAD Scripts\\MACROS\\DWG\\" fileName ".dwg")
            1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0)
          (setq dist (+ dist spacing))
          (repeat (- (fix (/ len spacing)) 1)
              (vlax-curve-getpointatdist ent dist)
              1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0)
            (setq dist (+ dist spacing)))
        (t (princ))


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(setq param (vlax-curve-getParamAtDist ent dist))
(setq ang (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv ent param)


You can find the angle tangent to the line using the vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv function.

Hope this helps.

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That worked perfect thanks

26 minutes ago, dexus said:
(setq param (vlax-curve-getParamAtDist ent dist))
(setq ang (angle '(0.0 0.0 0.0) (vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv ent param)


You can find the angle tangent to the line using the vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv function.

Hope this helps.


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I'm having an issue trying to get the last selected, to remember the previously selected item & spacing.


it keeps reading meterSel as a nil value and defaulting to false in the if statement


  (if (not (setq fn (findfile "MACROS\\DIALOGS\\CONELINE.dcl")))
    (alert "Dialog CONELINE.dcl not found")
      (setq dlg_id (load_dialog fn))
      (new_dialog "CONELINE" dlg_id)
      (updateImage "CONE_LINE")
      (if (= typeSel Nil) (set_tile "t1" "1") (set_tile typeSel "1"))
      (if (= meterSel Nil)
          (set_tile "c20" "1")
          (mode_tile "parking_spacing" 1)
          (setq block "BOLLARD"
                spacing 2
                FileName "CONEORBOLLARD")
        (set_tile meterSel "1")
      ; Type Selection
      (action_tile "t1" "(updateImage \"CONE_LINE\") (setq typeSel \"t1\") (mode_tile \"cone_spacing\" 0) (mode_tile \"parking_spacing\" 1) (setq block \"BOLLARD\") (setq FileName \"CONEORBOLLARD\")")
      (action_tile "t2" "(updateImage \"PARKING_CONES\") (setq typeSel \"t2\") (mode_tile \"cone_spacing\" 1) (mode_tile \"parking_spacing\" 0) (setq block \"PARKINGBOLLARD\") (setq FileName \"PARKINGCONE\")")
      (action_tile "c10" "(setq meterSel \"c10\") (setq spacing 1)")
      (action_tile "c15" "(setq meterSel \"c15\") (setq spacing 1.5)")
      (action_tile "c20" "(setq meterSel \"c20\") (setq spacing 2)")
      (action_tile "c30" "(setq meterSel \"c30\") (setq spacing 3)")
      (action_tile "c40" "(setq meterSel \"c40\") (setq spacing 4)")
      (action_tile "c50" "(setq meterSel \"c50\") (setq spacing 5)")
      (action_tile "c90" "(setq meterSel \"c90\") (setq spacing 9)")
      (action_tile "c100" "(setq meterSel \"c100\") (setq spacing 10)")
      (action_tile "c180" "(setq meterSel \"c180\") (setq spacing 18)")
      (action_tile "cCustom" "(setq meterSel \"cCustom\") (setq spacing (atof $VALUE))")

      (action_tile "p10" "(setq meterSel \"p10\") (setq spacing 1)")
      (action_tile "p15" "(setq meterSel \"p15\") (setq spacing 1.5)")
      (action_tile "p20" "(setq meterSel \"p20\") (setq spacing 2)")
      (action_tile "p30" "(setq meterSel \"p30\") (setq spacing 3)")
      (action_tile "p40" "(setq meterSel \"p40\") (setq spacing 4)")
      (action_tile "p50" "(setq meterSel \"p50\") (setq spacing 5)")
      (action_tile "p90" "(setq meterSel \"p90\") (setq spacing 9)")
      (action_tile "p100" "(setq meterSel \"p100\") (setq spacing 10)")
      (action_tile "p180" "(setq meterSel \"p180\") (setq spacing 18)")
      (action_tile "pCustom" "(setq meterSel \"pCustom\") (setq spacing (atof $VALUE))")


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