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redraws all lines and create solids from 3dfaces.


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I need your help in creating a lisp that solves the following problems:
1) the lines must be reconstructed from the point on the left to the point on the right, or from the bottom point to the top point.
2) with 3dfaces I think it's a bit more problematic, depending on the 3dface orientation:
     a) if horizontal -> the top view is required
     b) if vertical in the Y direction -> the view from the right is required
     c) if vertical in the X direction -> the front view is required
The solid should be constructed exactly like I POINTED, this is important , beacause I supose to import all of this to an analitical program , and this are important for the local axes of the
" e LeeM. ent "
Of course, Thanks in advance for your HELP !!!!


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Are you aware that the XEDGES command will extract edges from a solid as lines?  Specifically, XEDGES creates wireframe geometry from the edges of a 3D solid, surface, mesh, region, or subobject.  Wouldn't this work?

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I allready tried all af this, and when I import dxf file back in analitycal software , the local axes of the elements are mixed, when elements are modeled like I mentioned , everything is good .

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Just another idea make a surface using say TriangV0.6.7.lsp from the end pts, this will make 3 sided 3dfaces. The points to generate the surface could be from selecting the lines in correct ucs and taking into account the elevation. It may then need to use rotate3d to stand up the vertical faces. So would get 3d sort of boxes made.


Need to make 3 UCS X number of walls. 


Civ3d has a make surface from lines as a inbuilt function.


Have to go now maybe later will do something.



Edited by BIGAL
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Hi, BIGAL , I learned by myself easier lisp to do , but this one is much harder that I can , So I hope for yours GURU's help , when you  will have time ofcourse.

Edited by sergiu_ciuhnenco
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow started real well then went to ucs world and that is when my world fell apart, the outside walls are not vertical, I started getting the common points based on planes that when I checked world. 


The only way to do this maybe is to set a UCS for every plane and get points in that plane. it becomes tricky working in 3d picking correct 3 points.


I unfortunately am going to walk away at this point, just pointing out the difficulties.


How did you make the shaded planes ? Is there some underlying data file that you have not told us about ?

Edited by BIGAL
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I get the following error message when trying to open the file.




It is not clear to me what the goal is.  You list the following:


2) with 3dfaces I think it's a bit more problematic, depending on the 3dface orientation:
     a) if horizontal -> the top view is required
     b) if vertical in the Y direction -> the view from the right is required
     c) if vertical in the X direction -> the front view is required

When you state "a) if horizontal?" Does this refer to a 3dface parallel to the WCS XY plane? 

What does "b) if vertical in the Y direction" mean? Does it refer to a 3dface that is viewed in true shape from the right view?


Can it be assumed that the 3dfaces are limited to 3 vertices so that they are flat and that the 4th optional vertex does not have to be checked to see it it lies in the same plane as the other 3 vertices?


An easy way to check for a) is to take the dot product of the 3dface normal with the vector 0,0,1 and if its absolute value is equal to 1 then it is "horizontal".  Similarly, a check for b) would examine the dot product of the 3dface normal with the vector 1,0,0.  

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