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The most complex surface I've ever tackled (~20 years). Crowd sourcing ideas.


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So I have a as-built surface provided by others that was a drone flight.  So right off the bat, I'm working with .mms files (to those not familiar, when C3D has a surface too big to save in the drawing, it kicks one of these bad boys out to make life miserable for anyone using it).  I am trying to find out the best way to make a design surface that follows this EG surface with the following criteria:

 - Must be 18" above EG surface

 - All slopes  > 20% need to have 7' stepped 9" tiers of material in place of the standard 18".

 - Any holes < 14' wide/long are to be filled in regardless of depth.


See attached pdf for cross sections

See .png for a portion of the really ugly surface as-built I was provided.


I wish I could provide more, but this is a not sharable type of job.  If you want to tackle it, let me know and I can provide some files.



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Can you break the surface into smaller areas ?


Everyone jumped on the bandwagon of using drone style surfaces then reality hit like GB files produced. I have one that las file is 245Mb. The design software is still catching up. How much RAM memory do you have may be worth looking at start with 32 GB it may help but no guarantee. 


You can use say Recap I think to reduce the number of points in the data but that may not be a good idea in some areas.

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