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Using an Edit MText Dialog Box for user input


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I am curious on how I can modify the code; where the user could enter the value in an Edit MText Box rather than on the command line.


  (initget 6)
  ;;(setq n (getint "\nHow many more needed: ") ;;<<<<-------- Is it possible to use this (lisped (getvar 'ctab)) for a user to enter a value?
  (setq n (lisped (getint ""))
  ;;(lisped (getvar 'ctab)) ;;<<------- Example Edit MText Dialog Box

        i (+ 1 namei n))


Thanks for any help on this!


Edited by rcb007
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22 hours ago, mhupp said:


Sort of beaten to it, http://www.lee-mac.com/editbox.html, but doesn't have the 'Full editor' option.


For the OP, this pop up box approach I think loses the ability to type multiple lines of text won't it? Can't put a new line character in the text box?

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Thanks for the pointer. I have the following full code, but I keep getting an error when running it.


; error: bad argument type: fixnump: nil


Not quite sure where the error could be within the dialog. It works with the (getint).


  (initget 6)

  ;;(setq n (getint "\nHow many more needed: ") ;;currently works within command line<<<<-------- Is it possible to use this in dialog box?
  (if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp")) ;;BigAl's Dialog Box
  ;(setq n (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More? " 5 4 "100")))

  ;(setq n (atof (nth 0 (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More?" 10 8 (rtos n 2 3 ))))))


(defun c:DeleteAllButCurrentTab nil
 (vlax-for l
       (vl-position (strcase (vla-get-name l))
           (strcase (getvar 'CTAB)) '("MODEL")
     (vla-delete l)

(defun c:CopyLayouts ( / *error* oCMDECHO ctab name namer namei nname n i x ans n)

  (defun *error* (errmsg)
    (if (not (wcmatch errmsg "Function cancelled,quit / exit abort,console break,end"))
      (princ (strcat "\nError: " errmsg)))
    (setvar 'CMDECHO oCMDECHO)
  (setq oCMDECHO (getvar 'CMDECHO))
  (setvar 'CMDECHO 0)
  (setq cur (getvar 'CTAB))
  (setq ctab (getvar "ctab"))
  (setq name (getvar "ctab"))
  (if (= name "") (setq name ctab))
  (setq n (1+ (strlen name))
        namei "")
  (while (and (> n 1)
              (wcmatch (setq x (substr name (setq n (1- n)) 1)) "#"))
    (setq namei (strcat x namei)))
  (setq namer (substr name 1 (- (strlen name) (strlen namei)))
        namei (atoi namei))
  (initget 6)

  ;;(setq n (getint "\nHow many more needed: ") ;;currently works within command line<<<<-------- Is it possible to use this in dialog box?
  (if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp")) ;;BigAl's Dialog Box
  ;(setq n (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More? " 5 4 "100")))

  ;(setq n (atof (nth 0 (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More?" 10 8 (rtos n 2 3 ))))))

        i (+ 1 namei n))
  (repeat n
    (setq nname (strcat namer (itoa (setq i (1- i)))))
    (if (member nname (layoutlist))
      (princ (strcat "\nLayout '" nname " ' already exists."))
      (command "_.LAYOUT" "_Copy" name (strcat namer "a")
               "_.LAYOUT" "_Rename" (strcat namer "a") nname)))

  (foreach name	(layoutlist)
    (setvar 'ctab name)
    (setq n (cdr (assoc -1 (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "acad_layout"))))
    (command "-layer"
	     (strcat "*Area" (itoa (cdr (assoc 71 (dictsearch n name)))))
    (command "_mspace")
    (command "zoom" "extents")
    (command "ZOOM" "Scale" "1/100xp")
    (command "_pspace")
(setvar 'CTAB cur)


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fixnump suggests that something in the code is expecting a number but is getting given something else, a string, list or something.


BigAl will correct me shortly I am sure, but I think the output from his getvalsm routine is a list and each variable in the list is a string. In this case it is a list of length 1.


Putting this after you call his routine:


(setq n (atoi (car n)))


should make n into a single number and able to be used from then on

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When you use a dcl edit box it only accepts or out puts a string even though you will seem to put in a number like 123 the dcl returns "123" as a string , so Steven P is correct need to convert to a number atof for real or atoi for integer. In the multi getvals you can save a variable say num = 123, then in the multi call just convert it to a string and it will be displayed. Please note that the Multi getvals returns a list of the values, so as you only have one then use the (car to get the 1st value in the list.


(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp")) ;;BigAl's Dialog Box
(if (= n nil)(setq n 100))
(setq n (atof (car (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More? " 5 4 (rtos n 2 0))))))



Edited by BIGAL
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What is posted does make sense. However, when I place the updated code, it still seems to be getting that error. The error happens immediately once I load the routine.


Layouts.lsp") ; error: bad argument type: fixnump: nil


I have flipped the atof to the atoi to force the string to become an integer number, but still errors.


  (setq namer (substr name 1 (- (strlen name) (strlen namei)))
        namei (atoi namei))
  (initget 6)

  ;(setq n (getint "\nHow many more needed: ") ;;currently works within command line<<<<-------- Is it possible to use this in dialog box?
(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp")) ;;BigAl's Dialog Box
(if (= n nil)(setq n 100))
(setq n (atof (car (AH:getvalsm (list "Enter" "How Many More? " 5 4 (rtos n 2 0))))))


        i (+ 1 namei n))
  (repeat n
    (setq nname (strcat namer (itoa (setq i (1- i)))))


Its weird, the (setq n (getint), is used, and the dialog is commented out, it seems to run from the get go.


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The value n is being returned correct, as mentioned earlier use atoi if want an integer, also change 5 4 to bigger numbers if need to enter a large number like 100000.123 use 12 11.


If using getvals remove (initget 6) maybe that is the problem.

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