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Combine selection sets...


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Hi all,


I got 2 criteria of selection wich i wanna use to make 1 selectionset...

I want all blocks of a predefined layername and blockname list

I want all line,arc and polyline of a predefinied layername list...

Can this be written in 1 ssget function?

If not... how to easily combine both?


thanks in advance.


(setq ssvalid (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT" (cons 8 validlisttotal) (cons 2 validlisttotalblocks))))
(setq ssvalid (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "LINE,ARC,LWPOLYLINE" (cons 8 validlisttotal))))


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Maybe this will help, http://lee-mac.com/ssget.html, looking towards the bottom and the 'or' option, you want to select entities that are blocks OR lines (use the description in the AND box above for a good example, changing it to OR of course)


If your code is working nicely though a bit long, not changing anything that works (always good...) this  https://www.afralisp.net/autolisp/tutorials/selection-sets.php has a description of how to add 2 existing selection sets together (about 2/3 of the way down the page, creating a 'union' between selection sets). Not sure what happens if an entity is in both sets, probably will exist twice in the new selection set and be processed twice subsequently.

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Best to use the Logical Operators shown in lee mac's website to create one selection set like Steven says.

While afralisp also works I don't like to use counters so here is the foreach way.


(setq SS (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 8 validlisttotal) (cons 2 validlisttotalblocks)))) ;was missing ) on (cons 0 INSERT
(setq SS1 (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "LINE,ARC,LWPOLYLINE") (cons 8 validlisttotal)))) ;use a diffrent selection set name 
(foreach ent (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS1)) ;builds a list of entity names from selection set ss1
  (ssadd ent ss) ;adds each entity from ss1 to ss





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Thanks for the suggestions, i think i found a simple one...


	(setq ssvalid1 (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 8 validlisttotal) (cons 2 validlisttotalblocks))))
	(setq ssvalid2 (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "LINE,ARC,LWPOLYLINE") (cons 8 validlisttotal))))
	(setq ssvalid (acet-ss-union (list ssvalid1 ssvalid2)))


Works like a charm! :D

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3 hours ago, Aftertouch said:

Hi all,


I got 2 criteria of selection wich i wanna use to make 1 selectionset...

I want all blocks of a predefined layername and blockname list

I want all line,arc and polyline of a predefinied layername list...

Can this be written in 1 ssget function?

If not... how to easily combine both?


thanks in advance.


(setq ssvalid (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "INSERT" (cons 8 validlisttotal) (cons 2 validlisttotalblocks))))
(setq ssvalid (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "LINE,ARC,LWPOLYLINE" (cons 8 validlisttotal))))


Nothing will work with your examples because they are invalid to begin with.


Try this untested:

(ssget "_X"
       (list '(-4 . "<OR")
	     '(-4 . "<AND")
	     '(0 . "INSERT")
	     (cons 8 validlisttotal)
	     (cons 2 validlisttotalblocks)
	     '(-4 . "AND>")
	     '(-4 . "<AND")
	     '(0 . "LINE,ARC,LWPOLYLINE")
	     (cons 8 validlisttotal)
	     '(-4 . "AND>")
	     '(-4 . "OR>")




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