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select item and delete entire layer ...help


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hello all:



Is there a routine that allows me to select an element and delete all the elements including the layer ?







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Copied this in the depths of time, sorry no reference to where it came from. This deletes and then purges all objects on a layer doing what you want so long as there are no elements for example in a block that are on the specified layer.


Can change this to have an 'entsel' an entity and grab the layer name from using assoc and 8, though I am sure someone will have this all set up, this will give you a start



(defun c:laydelLayerNamw (/ ent l_name ss cntr amt ssent)

  (setq MyLayer "LayuerName")
  (setvar 'clayer "0")

    (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 MyLayer))) ;; create a selection set of all entites on layer 
          cntr (1- (sslength ss)) ;; set 'cntr' to number of items in selection set 
          amt (itoa cntr)  ;; make a string from an integer

;; does the sel set have anything in it 
      (if (> cntr 1)
        (while (>= cntr 0) ;; as long as 'cntr' is greater than or equal to 0 keep looping 
          (setq ssent (ssname ss cntr)) ;; extract the ename from the sel set 
          (entdel ssent) ;; delete that entity 
          (setq cntr (1- cntr)) ;; subtract 1 from cntr
  (command "zoom" "all" "zoom" ".95x")
  (command "_.purge" "LA" MyLayer "N")
  (princ (strcat "\nErased " amt " items")) 


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Here is mine


This allows  you to just select with the mouse. and then prompts "Delete Contents and Layer: "layer name" [<Yes>/No]: " with the default answer being yes so you can just enter/right click. only changes current layer if its the one being deleted.


;; Delete everything on and the layer itself 
(defun c:Del-layer (/ lay SS rep e)
  (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car (entsel))))))
  (setq SS (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 lay))))
  (sssetfirst nil ss)
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq rep
      ((getkword (strcat "\nDelete Layer \"" lay "\" & " (rtos (sslength ss) 2 0) " Entity's: [<Yes>/No]: "))) ("Yes")
    ((= rep "Yes")
      (if (eq (getvar 'clayer) lay)
        (setvar 'clayer "0") 
      (foreach ent (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss)))
        (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) ;will delete even if in another paper space.
      (setq e (tblobjname "layer" lay))
      (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object e))
      (prompt (strcat  "\nLayer " lay " Deleted"))
Edited by mhupp
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What about Laydel.


(command "-laydel" "Name" (cdr (assoc 8 (car (entesel "\nPick object for layer ")))) "" "Y")


Edited by BIGAL
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Haha, BIGAL beat me to it... I was gonna say there's the LAYDEL command. You don't even need a LISP routine for this.

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It's true I know LAYDEL , but I want to make the command more comfortable , and i like this lsp :


;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Delete everything on and the layer itself (defun c:dellayers (/ lay e) (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car (entsel)))))) (initget "Yes No") (setq rep (cond ((getkword (strcat "\nDelete Contents and Layer: \"" lay "\" [<Yes>/No]: "))) ("Yes") ) ) (cond ((= rep "Yes") (if (eq (getvar 'clayer) lay) (setvar 'clayer "0") ;switch to 0 if current layer is the one you want to delete ) (setq SS (ssget "_X" (list (cons 8 lay)))) (foreach ent (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss))) (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) ) (setq e (tblobjname "layer" lay)) (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object e)) ) ) (princ) )


from mhupp


but i would like to improve it.

for example:

1.- indicate the number of deleted elements

2.- show the selection of objects previus..before deleting





it's possible?







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Yeah, but if your selection set is a large number of entity's grips wont show up and will only be dashed.



updated code above

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I'm going to give you a load of work mhupp..... zoom to each entity in the selection set and get the OP to confirm 'delete' or not, then once the selection set is empty, deleted everything, delete the layer?


Can't have it both ways, delete the layer and everything or select the items and confirm them one at a time to delete

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@mhupp, Don't forget about object residing in blocks and nested blocks that are residing in the same layer. They will also need to be deleted before you can proceed to delete a layer. In which case I thought LAYDEL has all the calculations worked out already. You can still make improvements, but instead of looping through each object and deleting, simply using (command "_LAYDEL") I feel is more bulletproof:


(defun c:foo ( / ent ly op ss)
        (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect object whose layer will be deleted <exit>: ")))
        (setq ly (assoc 8 (entget ent)) ss (ssget "_X" (list ly)))
            (sssetfirst nil ss)
            (initget "Yes No")
            (setq ly (cdr ly)
                  op (cond ((getkword (strcat "\n" (itoa (sslength ss)) " items to be deleted from layer \"" ly "\". Proceed? [Yes/No] <Yes>: "))) ("Yes"))
            (eq op "Yes")
            (if (eq ly (getvar 'clayer)) (setvar 'clayer "0"))
            (command "_-laydel" "_Name" ly "" "Yes")


Edited by Jonathan Handojo
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Totally agree but have had an error with (command recently that kept crashing peoples computers when used (with a valid command) So i try and stay away from command prompt.

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