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Send a text message by whatsapp


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Why not just use whatsapp or are you trying to hide from the boss seeing what your actually doing rather than work.


Talking to the web is out there sending emails etc so guess if someone can work out the interface then it is possible.


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This does e-mail 9set up as outlook)


Not sure why you would want whatsapp, isn't that a chat thing and unless you set up a system to receive messages you kind of lose half its functionality. From my experience they cannot get a desktip only system working - it is all via a mobile phone - so I doub't you'd be able to set it up to work via a third part application like AutoCAD. Last comment is that we would get lots of hassles - I am not sure whatsapp is secure enough to send confidential project information about the internet

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The main idea is to be able to share a position of X and Y coordinates. Or geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude. Even a website. If I work with a georeferenced map, I have this information. And it would be interesting to be able to share it via whatsapp message.

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So you could probably create a mailing list in the LISP and use the link I posted above - I have never done this but I believe you can e-mail to a text message - if all you are sending are coordinates than this might work as a second best method?


(you'd lose the group chat function but have a lot of control over the e-mail list, and able to create different lists for different projects)

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Like Steven P most people have email on their phone so yes can send an email from Autocad. Yes have been in the situation of surveyor on phone asking for a couple of points XY just read out the big numbers. 

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Hi Steven. Thank you very much. It's a good idea. I will try to adapt it to my needs. Although it does not have exactly the same function as whatsapp, it can be used in many cases.
Hi Bigal, there are a lot of people in the construction world who don't have email. But wahtsapp has it, even my neighbor's cat. Thank.

Mhupp, i don't know how I can use what you propose. Thank you.

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I dont have whatsapp !


Don't intend to get it either. Nor will I get all the other ones as well. 


Like Zoom,Ms-Teams, we-transfer, Blockbox and cloud services  its a end user preference which ones you use, if you have a company phone I would expect you will have email.



Edited by BIGAL
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The same here, I don't have whatsapp, but taking this a step further no smart phone either (however I have no fear with my phone that when I am out and about I am not going to trash another £500 phone bashing it off a rock).


Working from the most common upwards every mobile has text messaging, and I think pretty much all of them accept plain text emails (even mine!) and I would go for that route.

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I finally got this function. I share it in case someone might be interested.
It even works with your own phone number.

There are two options: indicate the phone number to which you want to send the message. Or do not indicate the number so that whatsapp opens the contact list.

(defun open_url_in_chrome (url / sa);by ronjonp
  (and (setq sa (vlax-get-or-create-object "Shell.Application"))
       (null (vlax-invoke sa 'shellexecute "chrome.exe" url))
       (vlax-release-object sa)

(defun c:wha ()
  (setq mi_numero "34123456789");número de teléfono al que deseas enviar el mensaje, con el código internacional de pais
  (setq n 1)
  (while (setq pt (getpoint"\nIndica un punto: "))
    ;(setq mensaje (strcat "Punto%20" (itoa n) "-->%20" "X=" (rtos (car pt) 2 3) "%20/%20Y=" (rtos (cadr pt) 2 3) "\r"))
    (setq mensaje (strcat "Punto%20" (itoa n) "-->%20" "X=" (rtos (car pt) 2 3) "%20/%20Y=" (rtos (cadr pt) 2 3)))
    ;OPCION 1: abre lista de contactos de whatsapp para seleccionar en contacto a quien enviar el mensaje
    (setq sitio (strcat "https://api.whatsapp.com/send?text=" mensaje))
    ;OPCIÓN 2: envía mensaje a un número te teléfono concreto
    ;(setq sitio (strcat "https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=" mi_numero "&text=" mensaje))
    (open_url_in_chrome sitio)
    (setq n (1+ n))


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I don't have a whatsapp so can't check this but I guess the user needs to have whatsapp and to have set up in the web browser for this to work. Not sure what happens if the target does not have a whatsapp - guess they just get a text message?


Others will have to change 'chrome.exe' in the first defun depending on their browser, mine is MS edge so use "msedge.exe" instead for example

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1 hour ago, Steven P said:

Others will have to change 'chrome.exe' in the first defun depending on their browser, mine is MS edge so use "msedge.exe" instead for example



This opens the default browser and wouldn't need that 2nd function to run.

(vl-cmdf "_.Browser" sitio)


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