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Is there any advanced purge lisp like this?


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I want to convert all drawing to the current layer used, then set all drawing by layer, then purge it, then -purge regapps (without verifying each name to be purged), and finally 

laydel (delete all layers other than the current one). Thanks in advance.

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Give this a try


;; Condence Drawing to one layer
(defun C:OOF (/ SS)
  (setq SS (ssget "_X" '((410 . "Model")))) ;select everything in model space
  ;change selection set SS to current layer and color to bylayer
  (vl-cmdf "_Chprop" SS "" "LA" (getvar 'clayer) "C" "Bylayer" "") 
  (repeat 3 (vl-cmdf "_.Purge" "A" "*" "N")) ;purge 3 times  


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Beaten to it by MHUPP... but you have done all the hard work by writing out the process you want to follow - an internet search would give you all the components of what you want to do and then all you need is to put it all together. OK might not be as pretty as above, but it should work out.


Might want to add something like this https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/change-all-to-0-layer-by-layer-including-block-and-block-in/td-p/5376995 to set all block contents to layer 0, with options from KentClark and Lee Mac - I tend to favour Lees code through experience it works well.

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