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WCMATCH ignore all Wild-card characters except *

Emmanuel Delay

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Is there a way to make wcmatch not see the comma or minus-sign as a wild-card character?

I only really need * as a wild-card character, the rest should be see as valid characters.



I have blocks with an attribute like "EV_001_VES_-0,5"   "EV_002_VES_-0,5"   "EV_003_VES_-0,5"

I want users to search for those blocks, and they get to do command GETBLOCK -> EV_00*_VES_-0,5

function GETBLOCK uses wcmatch.  But commas, points, minus signs are in those strings.  


So for example, somehow this should return true.

(wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" "EV_00*_VES_-0,5")


Do I have to escape all these Wild-card characters listed here, or so?


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(wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" (strcat "EV_00*_VES_-0" (chr 44) "5"))

need the number for ,


this is prob the better option since chr 44 might be something else in a custom font
(wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" "EV_00*_VES_-0`,5") ;this should also work





Using Escape Characters with wcmatch


To test for a wild-card character in a string, you can use the single reverse-quote character (`) to escape the character. Escape means that the character following the single reverse quote is not read as a wild-card character; it is compared at its face value. For example, to search for a comma anywhere in the

string “Name”, enter the following:


Edited by mhupp
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19 minutes ago, marko_ribar said:


Ah, interesting.

At first glance it does the opposite, but I'll see if this can help me.


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You have to escape ( ` ) the ( , ) in your pattern: (wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" "EV_00*_VES_-0`,5")

Edited by ronjonp
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6 hours ago, mhupp said:
(wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" (strcat "EV_00*_VES_-0" (chr 44) "5"))

need the number for ,


this is prob the better option since chr 44 might be something else in a custom font
(wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" "EV_00*_VES_-0\,5") this should also work




Wrong. AutoLISP does not use the backslash to escape wildcard characters. It is, as ronjonp has stated, the reverse quote.


@Emmanuel Delay If you would like to escape all wildcard characters, take a page from Lee Mac's book and have a go using the iterative version of this.


All the escape characters in that function is entailed in the list of numbers '(35 64 46 42 63 126 91 93 45 44). The asterisk has the ascii number of 42, therefore if you remove that from the list, that should escape everything except the asterisk, which is what you're after. For any other characters if you're unsure, just invoke (ascii ".") or (ascii ",") or the character you wish in the command line, and remove that number from the list.

Edited by Jonathan Handojo
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12 hours ago, ronjonp said:

You have to escape ( ` ) the ( , ) in your pattern: (wcmatch "EV_003_VES_-0,5" "EV_00*_VES_-0`,5")


Ah yes.  This solves it completely.



And thanks guys

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