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AutoCAD lisp routine for changing selectable objects to color red 1


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What's the need in moving objects from position to the same position ? although if objects on locked layer then that won't work.

Also when you set a new system variable then you need to set it back as it was.

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cmdecho.... it is nice to reset system variables like cmdecho back to the starting point after you have done all you need to do, that way the user can continue with the same setting as before


for example:


(setq Cmdecho_Old (getvar 'cmdecho)) ;; get variable setting
(setvar 'cmdecho 0) ;; new variable setting

.... all your code here......

(setvar 'cmdecho Cmdecho_Old) ;; reset variable to starting point



This works well for a single variable change, MHUPP had a good example maybe 6 weeks if you want to change several using mapcar and lists


(noting that you will want to put a similar reset in any error functions)

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A similar approach to set or reset Vars


(setq vars (list '("insunits" 6) '("Insunitsdefsource" 6) '("INSUNITSDEFTARGET" 6)'("lunits" 2)'("luprec" 3)'("aunits" 1) ))
(foreach var vars
(setvar (car var)(cadr var))

 You can add the existing setting in the list 

(setq vars (list '("insunits" 6 (getvar 'insunits)) '("Insunitsdefsource" 6 (getvar Insunitsdefsource)) '("INSUNITSDEFTARGET" 6 (getvar 'INSUNITSDEFTARGET)) '("lunits" 2 (getvar 'lunits))'("luprec" 3 (getvar 'luprec))'("aunits" 1 (getvar 'aunits)) ))

So at end rest back to original.

(setvar (car var)(caddr var))


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This might do what you want.

;Posted by rkmcswain 06FEB2006
;Post 2

; "This defines a function for each color (1-255). So command 1 will change
;  color to red, command 2 will change color to yellow, and so on."

(defun CHANGECOLOR (color / ss1) 
  (setq ss1 (ssget))
  (command "._chprop" ss1 "" "p" "c" color "")
(setq i 1)
(while (<= i 254) 
      (strcat "(defun c:" (itoa i) (chr 40) (chr 41) "(CHANGECOLOR " (itoa i) "))")
  (setq i (1+ i))



Edited by StevJ
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You cant just change the colors of selected blocks. if they are anywhere else in the drawing they will be changed also. best to have the entity's in the block set to bylayer. then change it to a layer that is red. or you could use this on the selected blocks giving them unique names.


store those name and then change all those entity's to red.

Edited by mhupp
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