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change properties with macro help


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Sure if you look in the LISP there is a line (setq BlockName...  or something like that, setq to set a variable, BlockName.... gives a clue what variable that is....

Then a simple internet search to find out how to enter a string into a L:ISP (quite easy).. (getstring )


This should work with a couple of other tweaks


(defun c:chcol ( / MySS )
  (setq MySS (ssget))
  (command "chprop" MySS "" "C" "ByBlock" "")
  (setq BlockName (getstring "Enter Bloc Name: ")
  (c:blk MySS BlockName)

;;(defun c:blk (/ selectionset insertionpoint number Blockname)
(defun c:blk (selectionset MyBlock / insertionpoint number Blockname)
;;  (if (and (setq selectionset (ssget "_:L"))
           (setq insertionpoint (getpoint "\n Specify Block Insertion Point :"))
;;      )
      (setq number    1
            Blockname MyBlock
      (while (tblsearch "BLOCK" Blockname)
        (setq Blockname
               (strcat MyBlock (itoa (setq number (1+ number))))
      (command "_.-Block" Blockname insertionpoint selectionset "")
      (command "_.-insert" Blockname insertionpoint "" "" "")


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Ah yes I missed a ')' - updated the code above (often syntax error means I have forgotten a closing bracket ), and you just need to work through the code to find where it is)


Learning LISP is quite easy - take some time to work out what this does and you'll get there

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That's weird, it didn't update the code above, try this:


(defun c:chcol ( / MySS )
  (setq MySS (ssget))
  (command "chprop" MySS "" "C" "ByBlock" "")
  (setq BlockName (getstring "Enter Block Name: "))
  (c:blk MySS BlockName)

;;(defun c:blk (/ selectionset insertionpoint number Blockname)
(defun c:blk (selectionset MyBlock / insertionpoint number Blockname)
;;  (if (and (setq selectionset (ssget "_:L"))
           (setq insertionpoint (getpoint "\n Specify Block Insertion Point :"))
;;      ) ; end and
      (setq number    1
            Blockname MyBlock
      (while (tblsearch "BLOCK" Blockname)
        (setq Blockname
               (strcat MyBlock (itoa (setq number (1+ number))))
      (command "_.-Block" Blockname insertionpoint selectionset "")
      (command "_.-insert" Blockname insertionpoint "" "" "")
    ) ; end progn
;  ) ; end if


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