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multi plot lisp. something wrong. need a help.


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Below lisp code was worked few days ago. But today not working with message ; error: no function definition: FINDPLOTARA


I'm beginner of lisp.


This lisp code modify my self.


Original code is print only select block.


Modify code is get string and print as same all block.


original code: 

(defun c:ppdf(/ currentos ss plotlist filename pdfnameprefix pdfpath pdfname vlename min max llp urp width height landscape)
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq currentos (getvar "osmode"))
    (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "insert"))))
    (setq plotlist (findplotarea ss))
    (setq filename (getvar "dwgname"))

modify code: 

(defun c:pdf(/ number currentos blockname found ss plotlist filename pdfnameprefix pdfpath pdfname vlename min max llp urp width height landscape )
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq number 1)
    (setq currentos (getvar "osmode")) 
    (setq blockname (getstring "\n Enter name block :"))
    (setq found (tblsearch "BLOCK" blockname))
    (setq ss (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 blockname ))))
    (setq plotlist (findplotarea ss))
    (setq filename (getvar "dwgname"))


need help.!!

Edited by SLW210
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What the error message is telling you:


This line of code invokes a self written function findplotarea.

 (setq plotlist (findplotarea ss))


Somewhere in your original lisp file there's a 

(defun findplotarea ( ....)


You need to find that function definition ( defun means define function ) and copy/paste it to your new .lsp file.

... And if that function uses other self written functions, then you copy/paste them too.



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Thank you for kindly reply.


I mistake copy and paste to my own lisp.


missing the definition of findplotarea. So I check original code and find that and copy and paste to my own lisp.


it is work. 


Thank you again.

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