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Deleting an offset duplicate


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Hi everyone.

Today I was working on a job for work,(countertops) and I came across an interesting problem:



The file loaded in like this, so I can't undo it.

Obviously, you can't send through a CAD file like this. 

Luckily, the file isn't huge, so I can just manually delete the extra lines this time. If the file were bigger though, it would be a serious time sink to solve this problem.

I know "Overkill" will get rid of extra lines if they're on top of each other, but separate them like this and I'm at a loss. It's funny, conceptually it's such a simple problem.

Anybody have any ideas as to how you could easily get rid of the duplicate geometry?


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Hmm compare area of plines  so get 2, get lower left point of both. delete say lowest. Re dims same thing get length so get 2 again compare say text point and delete lowest. A tricky bit of code. How many of these are you getting ?


Best solution go back to who is making with a 2x4, should solve the problem. 😄



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Is it possible that the UCS is not vertical? That might explain why the duplicates are offset like that.


I assume you changed the colors of the extra lines for emphasis, so you can't just select them based on color.


BigAl is right, the only sure solution is to prevent the problem. The glitch is upstream from you, right? You didn't convert something sent to you.

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Luckily, I've only run into this sort of problem once in a year at my job. Files come in with duplicated lines once in a while, but usually they're right on top of the original, so they're easy to get rid of.

Making all the lines polylines is clever. The layers need to be preserved though, and reassigning them afterward might defeat the purpose of grouping them to save time.  

I definitely agree that this is a problem better solved upstream. I was just wondering if you gurus here had any ideas that I was missing.

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