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Hi everyone:


I am trying to do the following in 3 steps.


1.- a line will be touched, it will store its line type in a variable.

    can be hidden, continuos, phantom .. no matter what


2.- then a selection will be made in a window of a group of lines and it will be filtered.

    Only lines with the linetype of the first object will be selected


3.- A line will be selected and all its properties will be copied to the group selected in the window. (Step 2)



I do not want to use the quick selection of autocad.



I hope someone can help me.







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This is basically what I use.



Added code for #3


(defun c:SSW (/ filter ss1 ss2 ss3 add i e)
  ;; Select Similar within Window
  ;; Uses core SelectSimilar command
  ;; Alan J. Thompson, 2013.07.30
  (setq filter (if (eq (getvar 'CVPORT) 1)
                 (list (cons 410 (getvar 'CTAB)))
                 '((410 . "Model"))
  (princ "\nSelect objects to select similar: ")
  (if (and (setq ss1 (ssget filter))
           (progn (princ "\nSelect area to select similar object(s) within: ")
                  (setq ss2 (ssget filter))
    (progn (command "_.selectsimilar" ss1 "")
           (if (setq ss3 (ssget "_I" filter))
             (progn (sssetfirst nil nil)
                    (setq add (ssadd))
                    (repeat (setq i (sslength ss3))
                      (if (ssmemb (setq e (ssname ss3 (setq i (1- i)))) ss2)
                        (setq add (ssadd e add))
                    ;(sssetfirst nil add) ;not need for matchprop
  (command "_.Matchprop" pause add "") ;only line added
Edited by mhupp
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select two types of origin line


same selection area of objects to change



and two types of line to change



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12 minutes ago, leonucadomi said:

The routine is interesting. Could you explain to me what each line does?



  • It checks to see if your in paperspace for the filter. if you are it limits the selection to that tab.
  • (SS1) The first selection is stored.  You can select as many different entity's you want. 
  • (SS2) The second selection is also stored
  • (SS3) Then it uses the first selection in select similar command. (this selects all similar items in model space or the current tab)
  • it then checks to see if any entity's are in (SS3) and (SS2) if they are adds them to a new set called add.
  • commented out it would then highlight those entity's
  • (added code) then runs change prop command and updates add selection set.


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