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Mouse Jumps


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Still learning and have tried a few routines.

I'm not sure if it applies but, recently the mouse is acting strange. When I copy then click or "rubber stamp" to a location the cursor jumps to an arbitrary position.

The item being stamped is placed in the position I selected, The cursor just jumps afterwards.

As soon as I move the cursor it returns to the correct/current location. Is it possible that of of the routines I've tried has altered a setting somewhere.

It's more of an annoyance than anything, but would like it to be fixed.

I saw a post about how lisp routine could possible change a registry value.....

Any help would be appreciated.


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Also check under your mouse if their is lint or something moving around interfering with the laser. My coworkers like to put tape on the mouse for April fools.

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It only happens in cad, and only when I'm copying/rubber stamping☹️

feels like its a setting/value or variable.

Each instance the "jump" is the same.

Hit escape and initiate the tool again and the offset changes but stays at the new offset until I exit that tool.

I might just have to live with it, but would like to know if I did something

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As it's the only time it happens describe the process you use for "copying/rubber stamping".

Are you using copyclip, copybase, copy, copy using grips, or a lisp routine?

If it's a lisp routine post it and someone here should be able to solve your problem.

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Just had to fix a co workers pc make sure snaps is off F9 should toggle it on/off.  This snaps your mouse to the points on the grid.





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Definitely not snaps or snap related.

No lisp routines loaded it still happens...🤬

Only when pasting and same "direction", down and to the right.

The item I'm pasting is pasted in the correct place but the cursor jumps down and right until I move the mouse.


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