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lisp/custom develop for plant 3D total weight


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Good morning all, i have faced a problem with plant 3D 4 days ago, i want to show the total weight on my isometrics, i know plant 3d can do the weight by item and pipe length, but what i am tryuing to do is show a field on bill of material showing the total weight of that isometric sheet.


I am attaching a copy of what i am trying to do, the blue circle is what i want to come out on my isometrics from plant 3D


Maybe a lisp or a custom build can solve that issue? 


Thank you!


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A little bit of how I need to proceed to get total weight now, and it take times. maybe a lisp to run after isos created could be helpful


One of the requirements on our spool drawings is to have a total assembly weight shown so that when the spool piece needs to be physically moved around the shop and loaded on a trailer for shipment to the jobsite, the shop personnel can adequately rig the spool piece. As an improvement idea for AutoCAD Plant 3D, I’d like to have this as an option to be added to the Isometric BOM. Presently, I need to individually open each spool drawing after generation and add a line to the BOM table where I can place a formula to sum the individual line item weights and add a description of “WEIGHT TOTAL =” in the adjacent cell. Obviously, this is relatively time consuming and an automated approach would be a huge time saver. I’ve attached a spool dwg showing what the output looks like when manually configured.

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I found this code from Mr. lee, but it allows me to pick a block, my intention is to pick the excel table that comes out when i run isometrics in plant 3D 

and pick the field where weight is shown and sum those values...






;;---------------------=={ Sum Attribute Values }==---------------------;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  This program allows the user to sum numerical attribute values      ;;
;;  held by a selection of block references, with the results displayed ;;
;;  in an AutoCAD table.                                                ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  Upon issuing the command syntax 'attsum' at the AutoCAD             ;;
;;  command-line, the user is first prompted to make a selection of     ;;
;;  attributed blocks to process. This selection may include standard   ;;
;;  or dynamic attributed block references.                             ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  Following a valid response, the program will iterate over the       ;;
;;  selection and will sum all numerical attribute values, grouping the ;;
;;  values by common attribute tags.                                    ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  If multiple attribute tags hold numerical values, the user is       ;;
;;  presented with a dialog interface and prompted to select which      ;;
;;  attribute tags should be displayed in the resulting table, before   ;;
;;  being prompted to specify an insertion point for the table.         ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  The program will then automatically construct an AutoCAD table      ;;
;;  with properties inherited from the active Table Style. Each row     ;;
;;  of the table will display an attribute tag alongside the total of   ;;
;;  all numerical values held by that tag in the selection.             ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  If the program is configured to use field expressions in the table, ;;
;;  the various totals will be automatically updated following valid    ;;
;;  modifications to the attribute values referenced by the fields.     ;;
;;  Note that this does not include the addition of new attributed      ;;
;;  blocks to the drawing, or the removal of attributed blocks          ;;
;;  referenced by the table fields.                                     ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  If field expressions are used, the formatting of the results will   ;;
;;  be dependent on the field formatting code set in the program;       ;;
;;  otherwise, the formatting of the totals displayed in the table      ;;
;;  will be dependent on the current unit & precision settings          ;;
;;  (that is, the values held by the LUNITS & LUPREC system variables   ;;
;;  respectively).                                                      ;;
;;  Author:  Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011  -  www.lee-mac.com              ;;
;;  Version 1.0    -    2011-01-10                                      ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  - First release.                                                    ;;
;;  Version 1.1    -    2015-12-21                                      ;;
;;                                                                      ;;
;;  - Program entirely rewritten.                                       ;;
;;  - User may choose which attribute tags to display in table.         ;;
;;  - Numerical values of constant attributes now included.             ;;
;;  - Fields may be used to link attribute values to table.             ;;

(defun c:attsum ( / *error* fld fmt fun hed idx ins lst obj sel spc tag ttl val )

    (defun *error* ( msg )
        (LM:endundo (LM:acdoc))
        (if (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*"))
            (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))


;;                          Program Parameters                          ;;

        ;; Table title (e.g. "Attribute Sum") nil for none
        ttl nil 

        ;; Table Column Headings
        hed '("Tag" "Total") 

        ;; Use Field Expressions in Table? (t=yes; nil=no)
        fld t  

        ;; Field formatting
        fmt "%lu6" 


    (LM:startundo (LM:acdoc))
    (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport))
        (setq spc (vla-get-paperspace (LM:acdoc)))
        (setq spc (vla-get-modelspace (LM:acdoc)))
        (   (not (vlax-method-applicable-p spc 'addtable))
            (princ "\nThis version of AutoCAD does not support tables.")
        (   (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 (tblsearch "layer" (getvar 'clayer))))))
            (princ "\nThe current layer is locked.")
        (   (not (setq sel (LM:ssget "\nSelect attributed blocks: " '(((0 . "INSERT")))))))
        (   (progn
                (if fld
                    (setq fun (lambda ( obj val ) (strcat "+%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId " (LM:objectid obj) ">%).TextString>%")))
                    (setq fun (lambda ( obj val ) val))
                (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel))
                    (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx)))))
                    (foreach att
                            (vlax-invoke obj 'getattributes)
                            (vlax-invoke obj 'getconstantattributes)
                        (if (setq val (distof (vla-get-textstring att)))
                            (setq lst (attsum:assoc++ (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att)) (fun att val) lst))
                (null (setq lst (vl-sort lst '(lambda ( a b ) (< (car a) (car b))))))
            (princ "\nNo numerical attribute data found.")
        (   (and (setq tag (if (cdr lst) (LM:listbox "Select Tags to Display" (mapcar 'car lst) 1) (mapcar 'car lst)))
                 (setq ins (getpoint "\nSpecify point for table: "))
            (if fld
                (setq fun 
                    (lambda ( x )
                        (list (car x)
                                "%<\\AcExpr "
                                (substr (apply 'strcat (cdr x)) 2)
                                " \\f \"" fmt "\">%"
                (setq fun (lambda ( x ) (list (car x) (rtos (apply '+ (cdr x))))))
            (LM:addtable spc (trans ins 1 0) ttl
                (cons hed (mapcar 'fun (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (member (car x) tag)) lst)))
    (LM:endundo (LM:acdoc))

(defun attsum:assoc++ ( key val lst / itm )
    (if (setq itm (assoc key lst))
        (subst (vl-list* key val (cdr itm)) itm lst)
        (cons  (list key val) lst)

;; ssget  -  Lee Mac
;; A wrapper for the ssget function to permit the use of a custom selection prompt
;; msg - [str] selection prompt
;; arg - [lst] list of ssget arguments

(defun LM:ssget ( msg arg / sel )
    (princ msg)
    (setvar 'nomutt 1)
    (setq sel (vl-catch-all-apply 'ssget arg))
    (setvar 'nomutt 0)
    (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p sel)) sel)

;; ObjectID  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns a string containing the ObjectID of a supplied VLA-Object
;; Compatible with 32-bit & 64-bit systems
(defun LM:objectid ( obj )
        (list 'defun 'LM:objectid '( obj )
            (if (vlax-method-applicable-p (vla-get-utility (LM:acdoc)) 'getobjectidstring)
                (list 'vla-getobjectidstring (vla-get-utility (LM:acdoc)) 'obj ':vlax-false)
               '(itoa (vla-get-objectid obj))
    (LM:objectid obj)

;; List Box  -  Lee Mac
;; Displays a DCL list box allowing the user to make a selection from the supplied data.
;; msg - [str] Dialog label
;; lst - [lst] List of strings to display
;; bit - [int] 1=allow multiple; 2=return indexes
;; Returns: [lst] List of selected items/indexes, else nil

(defun LM:listbox ( msg lst bit / dch des tmp rtn )
        (   (not
                    (setq tmp (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl"))
                    (setq des (open tmp "w"))
                        (strcat "listbox:dialog{label=\"" msg "\";spacer;:list_box{key=\"list\";multiple_select="
                            (if (= 1 (logand 1 bit)) "true" "false") ";width=50;height=15;}spacer;ok_cancel;}"
                    (not (close des))
                    (< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog tmp)))
                    (new_dialog "listbox" dch)
            (prompt "\nError Loading List Box Dialog.")
        (   t     
            (start_list "list")
            (foreach itm lst (add_list itm))
            (setq rtn (set_tile "list" "0"))
            (action_tile "list" "(setq rtn $value)")
            (setq rtn
                (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
                    (if (= 2 (logand 2 bit))
                        (read (strcat "(" rtn ")"))
                        (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x lst)) (read (strcat "(" rtn ")")))
    (if (< 0 dch)
        (unload_dialog dch)
    (if (and tmp (setq tmp (findfile tmp)))
        (vl-file-delete tmp)

;; Add Table  -  Lee Mac
;; Generates a table at the given point, populated with the given data and optional title.
;; spc - [vla] VLA Block object
;; ins - [lst] WCS insertion point for table
;; ttl - [str] [Optional] Table title
;; lst - [lst] Matrix list of table cell data
;; eqc - [bol] If T, columns are of equal width
;; Returns: [vla] VLA Table Object

(defun LM:addtable ( spc ins ttl lst eqc / dif hgt i j obj stn sty wid )
    (setq sty
                (assoc -1
                    (dictsearch (cdr (assoc -1 (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "acad_tablestyle")))
                        (getvar 'ctablestyle)
    (setq hgt (vla-gettextheight sty acdatarow))
    (if (LM:annotative-p (setq stn (vla-gettextstyle sty acdatarow)))
        (setq hgt (/ hgt (cond ((getvar 'cannoscalevalue)) (1.0))))
    (setq wid
           '(lambda ( col )
                (apply 'max (mapcar '(lambda ( str ) (LM:addtable:textwidth str hgt stn)) col))
            (apply 'mapcar (cons 'list lst))
    (if (and  ttl (< 0.0 (setq dif (/ (- (LM:addtable:textwidth ttl hgt stn) (apply '+ wid)) (length wid)))))
        (setq wid (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (+ x dif)) wid))
    (setq obj
        (vla-addtable spc
            (vlax-3D-point ins)
            (1+ (length lst))
            (length (car lst))
            (* 2.0 hgt)
            (if eqc
                (apply 'max wid)
                (/ (apply '+ wid) (float (length (car lst))))
    (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed obj :vlax-true)
    (vla-put-stylename obj (getvar 'ctablestyle))
    (setq i -1)
    (if (null eqc)
        (foreach col wid
            (vla-setcolumnwidth obj (setq i (1+ i)) col)
    (if ttl
            (vla-settext obj 0 0 ttl)
            (setq i 1)
            (vla-deleterows obj 0 1)
            (setq i 0)
    (foreach row lst
        (setq j 0)
        (foreach val row
            (vla-settext obj i j val)
            (setq j (1+ j))
        (setq i (1+ i))
    (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed obj :vlax-false)

(defun LM:addtable:textwidth ( str hgt sty / box obj tmp )
        (and (wcmatch str "*%<*>%*")
            (setq tmp
                       '(00 . "TEXT")
                       '(10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
                        (cons 01 str)
                        (cons 40 hgt)
                        (cons 07 sty)
            (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object tmp))
            (vla-put-textstring obj "")
            (vla-put-textstring obj str)
            (setq str (vla-get-textstring obj))
            (entdel tmp)
        (setq box
                    (cons 01 str)
                    (cons 40 hgt)
                    (cons 07 sty)
        (+ (* 2.5 hgt) (- (caadr box) (caar box)))

;; Annotative-p  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns T if the given Textstyle is annotative

(defun LM:annotative-p ( sty )
    (and (setq sty (tblobjname "style" sty))
         (setq sty (cadr (assoc -3 (entget sty '("acadannotative")))))
         (= 1 (cdr (assoc 1070 (reverse sty))))

;; Start Undo  -  Lee Mac
;; Opens an Undo Group.

(defun LM:startundo ( doc )
    (LM:endundo doc)
    (vla-startundomark doc)

;; End Undo  -  Lee Mac
;; Closes an Undo Group.

(defun LM:endundo ( doc )
    (while (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'undoctl)))
        (vla-endundomark doc)

;; Active Document  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns the VLA Active Document Object

(defun LM:acdoc nil
    (eval (list 'defun 'LM:acdoc 'nil (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))


        "\n:: SumAttributes.lsp | Version 1.1 | \\U+00A9 Lee Mac "
        (menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,yyyy)")
        " www.lee-mac.com ::"
        "\n:: Type \"attsum\" to Invoke ::"

;;                             End of File                              ;;


Edited by SLW210
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and here something else I've found


(defun C:tw ()
(ssget "_X" '((0 . "ACAD_TABLE")))



with the code above I can select the cad table, so now I need to sum the numbers from E3 : E6 and place the result somewhere in my border as a table.


any complements? to help? i am new on that trying to learn lisp... 



Thanks all

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You can set or get a cell in a table it uses row column but they start at 0 0.


(setq objtable (vlax-ename->vla-object (car  (entsel "Pick table "))))
(setq val (atof (vla-gettext objtable 4 2)))

So do a little loop adding the val's

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Thanks for the answer, couldn't make it work. i will keep trying the code u gave me. need something with no user interaction, i am trying to load a lisp that can open the dwg and do the selection automatically. 

here is the scenarios:


my table has three columns and 6 rows. 


Colum A,B,C 

ROWS 1,2,3,4,5.6


A1 thru A6 is my pipe length, B1 thru B6 is my pipe weight. 


i am trying a lisp that can read B1 thru B6 get the values sum them and return as a small table with the summary results. 


it looks so simple when i use the table formulas, but it takes time when you need to go one by one drawings. a lisp could be a solution to make it happens.


Thank you all again!

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I have found a solution for now, it needs user interaction but its ok for now, i will keep studying this code to make the same thing code does but without user interaction. 


Thanks all of you! 


(defun SelectTableCell ( / pick vHeight vWidth lwrLeft uprRight vector
                                          SS_TABLES cnt eMax  cellValueOrg)
 ;; Ask the user for a point on screen
 (if (/= (setq pick (vlax-3d-point (getpoint "\nSelect Cell to START sum from: "))) nil)

     ;; Get the corners of the screen display to build our selection set
     (setq vHeight (getvar "viewsize"))
     (setq vWidth (* (/ (nth 0 (getvar "screensize")) (nth 1 (getvar "screensize"))) vHeight))

     (setq lwrLeft (list (- (nth 0 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vWidth 2)) (- (nth 1 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vHeight  2)) 0))
     (setq uprRight (list (+ (nth 0 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vWidth 2)) (+ (nth 1 (getvar "viewctr")) (/ vHeight  2)) 0))

     ;; Get the current display orientation
     (setq vector (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbDouble '(0 . 2)))
     (vlax-safearray-fill vector '(1 1 1))
     (setq vector (vlax-make-variant vector))
     ;; Select all the table objects visible on screen
     (if (setq SS_TABLES (ssget "C" lwrleft uprright (list (cons 0 "ACAD_TABLE"))))
         (setq cnt 0
               eMax (sslength SS_TABLES)

         ;; Step through all the items in the selection set
         (while (> eMax cnt) 
           ;; Geta table object from the selection set
           (setq tableObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname SS_TABLES cnt)))
           ;; Return values for what cell was picked in
           (setq row 0
                 col 0)

           ;; Below is also a sample to see if a valid cell is picked
           ;; (vla-select table pick vector vector 5 5 :vlax-false 'row 'col)
           ;; Check to see if a valid cell was picked
           (if (= (vla-hittest tableObj pick vector 'row 'col) :vlax-true)

               ;; Get out of the loop
               (setq cnt (1+ eMax))
               ;; Check to see what the Cell Type is (Text or Block)
               (if (= (vla-GetCellType tableObj row col) acTextCell)
                                   ;; Let's get the value out exit with row - col 
                   (setq cnt eMax)
           (setq cnt (1+ cnt))
) ; defun

; A is chr 65

(defun addsum-table ( / tableObj row rows col cols )
(setq rows (vla-get-rows tableobj))
(setq cols (vla-get-columns tableobj))
(alert (strcat (rtos rows 2 0) " " (rtos cols 2 0)))
(vla-InsertRows tableobj rows (vla-GetRowHeight tableobj (1- rows)) 1);; 3 number of rows
(setq rows (- (vla-get-rows tableobj)1 ))
; do a re alpha row column here
(SETQ ALPHA (CHR (+ 65 COL )))
(setq ans (strcat "=sum" "(" ALPHA (RTOS ROW 2 0) ":"ALPHA (RTOS ROWS 2 0) ")"))
(vla-settext tableobj rows col ans) 



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Looks like the table already has the total weight for that row of pipe just need to sum them.

See if this works for you.


Pulls the total number or rows from table and will look at each cell in the weight column. won't error if blank but might error their is something other then numbers are in there.

(defun C:TW (/ i tol tbl mrow)
  (setq i 2
        tol 0
        tbl (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nSelect Table")))
        mrow (vla-Get-Rows Tbl)
  (vla-getboundingbox tbl 'MinPt 'MaxPt)
  (setq LL (vlax-safearray->list MinPt)
        UR (vlax-safearray->list MaxPt)
        pt (list (car UR) (cadr LL))
        pt (polar pt (/ (* 3 pi) 2) (getvar 'DIMTXT))
  (repeat (- mrow i)
    (if (setq x (distof (vla-gettext tbl i 4)))
        (setq tol (+ x tol))
        (setq i (1+ i))
     '(0 . "TEXT") 
      (cons 10  pt) 
      (cons 11  pt) 
      (cons 40 (getvar 'DIMTXT)) 
     '(72 . 2) 
     '(73 . 3) 
      (cons 1 (strcat "TOTAL WEIGHT: "(rtos Tol 2 2)" LB"))




Edited by mhupp
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Thank you so much, that worked perfect for round numbers. and you are right it doesn't sum when I have for example "9.5" + 2.25 it result in 9 instead 11.75. as you motioned probably because the cell contains a comma.



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No i was using atoi to convert cell text to integer. this rounds to the nearest whole number.

will output to ##.## now if you need more decimal places change the following line.


(cons 1 (strcat "TOTAL WEIGHT: "(rtos Tol 2 #)" LB")) ;change # to how many decimal places you want.


Updated code above.

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