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Change color in each layout


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I am trying to change all 250 color to white in all layouts, but I receive an error: error: bad SSGET list

(foreach tab (layoutlist) (setvar 'CTAB tab)
(if (setq clr (ssget "X" (list '((-4 . "&=")(62 . 250) (cons 410 tab))))) (command "CHPROP" clr "" "C" 7 ""))


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Command CCL, for Change Color Layouts.

I commented out the command that sets the active layout.  Put it back if you really want.


The main thing is entmod (modify entities by adding or changing the data group).

Obviously don't take my layoutlist function.

;; dummy function just for my simple test.  You have your own
(defun layoutlist ( / )

(defun c:ccl ( / tab i clr ent col)
    (setq col 7)    ;; destination color
    (foreach tab (layoutlist) 
            ;; you don't need to set the layout active.  You can if you really want
        ;; (setvar 'CTAB tab)
        (if (setq clr (ssget "X" (list (cons 62 250) (cons 410 tab)) ))  (progn
            (setq i 0)
            (repeat (sslength clr)
                (setq ent (ssname clr i))
                ;; modify color
                (if (assoc 62 (entget ent))  
                    (entmod (subst (cons 62 col)     (assoc 62 (entget ent))     (entget ent) ))      ;; substitute color
                    (entmod (append (entget ent) (list (cons 62 col)  ) ))                            ;; add color
                (setq i (+ i 1))


Edited by Emmanuel Delay
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3 minutes ago, Tharwat said:

@Emmanuel Delay good stuff. :)

Your code does not require the second entmod function because it won't reach it due to grapping objects on un-bylayer objects.

Ah, indeed, it's not needed in this case

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Just as a learning point, this is common I think that there is a confusion between (list and '(


Both create lists.


Look online for the differences in making up lists but hopefully below will give you something to think about.


Anything after '( is a fixed list, CAD won't evaluate anything in that list

Anything after (list and CAD can evaluate anything in that list


For example

'( 1 2 3 4 5) is OK, the list is (1 2 3 4 5)

'( (cons 1 2) 3 4 5) does not make a list '( (1 2) 3 4 5), the list is as typed ( (cons 1 2) 3 4 5) (and will be an error since 'cons' will be seen as a string, wanting it written as "cons")


(list 1 2 3 4 5) is also OK, the list is also (1 2 3 4 5)

(list (cons 1 2) 3 4 5) will make the list ( (1 2) 3 4 5), the (cons 1 2) is worked out to make a list (1 2) and used in the list



looking at your example


(ssget "X" (list '((-4 . "&=")(62 . 250) (cons 410 tab)))))

(list .....) will evaluate what is after that, and then the next characters '(.... will create a fixed list, as it is typed, the (cons 410 tab) will not be calculated and in fact, will be an error since the '(.... wants that written out as ("cons" 410 "tab"). It is wanting (ssget "X" (list '((-4 . "&=")(62 . 250) ("cons" 410 "tab"))))) - noting the "


Changing it about, make the '(... into (list....., CAD also likes list items to be specified as list items, often wanting what is in the list to have a '(, a (list, or a (cons before each item



the next problem is that the lists (eg (-4 . "&=") ) creating your list need to be specified as lists, put a ' before them, use cons or list to create a list


Which gives this, and that does what you want I think

 (ssget "X" (list '(-4 . "&=") '(62 . 250) (cons 410 tab) ))


(foreach tab (layoutlist) (setvar 'CTAB tab)
  (if (setq clr (ssget "X" (list '(-4 . "&=") '(62 . 250) (cons 410 tab) )) )
   (command "CHPROP" clr "" "C" 7 "")
  ) ; end if
) ;end foreach



and just to emphasise a point you can also do this like this


(foreach tab (layoutlist) (setvar 'CTAB tab)
  (if (setq clr (ssget "X" (list (cons -4 "&=") (cons 62 250) (cons 410 tab) )) )
   (command "CHPROP" clr "" "C" 7 "")
  ) ; end if
) ;end foreach


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I noticed that if I use in a script file:

(if (setq clr1 (ssget "X" (list '(-4 . "&=") '(62 . 250) (cons 410 "Model")))) (command "CHPROP" clr1 "" "C" 251 ""))
(if (setq clr2 (ssget "X" (list '(-4 . "&=") '(62 . 254) (cons 410 "Model")))) (command "CHPROP" clr2 "" "C" 253 ""))

The last line is changing the color to 251 instead 253. Why?
If I switch the lines, all it's OK.

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