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Why a lisp routine?  Do you normally have a drawing with two or more arcs where you require such information?

Edited by ReMark
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what I need is to touch the arc and make a mirror with axis of symmetry in the initial and final points of that arc

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Extremely quick and dirty.  The DXF Reference manual is your friend...


(defun C:GetArc ( / 
		k MyEntSel MyEnt MyEntData MyEntType CP Radius StartAng EndAng SP EP
; Select an arc, get geometry and draw radials
; KJM July 2022

(setq k 1)
(while k

	(setq MyEntSel (entsel "\nSelect an ARC..."))
	(if MyEntSel
	  	(setq MyEnt (car MyEntSel))
	  	(setq MyEntData (entget MyEnt))
	  	(setq MyEntType (strcase (cdr (assoc 0 MyEntData))))
	  	(if (equal MyEntType "ARC")
	  	  	(setq k nil)	; stop selection loop
	  	  	(prompt "\n  Selection was ")(princ MyEntType)(prompt ", try again...")(princ)
	  	) ; close if  
	) ; close if
) ; close while

; Get geometry
(setq CP (cdr (assoc 10 MyEntData)))		; Centre Point
(setq Radius (cdr (assoc 40 MyEntData)))	 
(setq StartAng (cdr (assoc 50 MyEntData)))	; Radians!
(setq EndAng (cdr (assoc 51 MyEntData)))

; Make start and end points
(setq SP (polar CP StartAng Radius))
(setq EP (polar CP EndAng Radius))

; Report
(prompt "\n  Centre = ")(princ CP)(prompt "  Radius = ")(princ Radius)
(prompt "  Start Point = ")(princ SP)(prompt "  End Point = ")(princ EP)

; Draw something
(command ".POINT" SP)
(command ".POINT" CP)
(command ".POINT" EP)

(command ".LINE" SP CP EP "")


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Here's another, from my library:

;; Arc Endpoints  -  Lee Mac
;; Returns the endpoints of an Arc expressed in WCS

(defun LM:ArcEndpoints ( ent / cen nrm rad )
    (setq ent  (entget ent)
          nrm  (cdr (assoc 210 ent))
          cen  (cdr (assoc 010 ent))
          rad  (cdr (assoc 040 ent))
            (lambda ( ang )
                (trans (mapcar '+ cen (list (* rad (cos ang)) (* rad (sin ang)) 0.0)) nrm 0)
        (list (cdr (assoc 50 ent)) (cdr (assoc 51 ent)))


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