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Problems making a script for square


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I want to make a script, which creates a square, where lines are joined, and corner are filled radius 5


And further more a text in the middle of the square


Here is what i got so far

_line 0,0 560,0 560,490 0,490 0,0  - works
_SELECT 280,0 560,245 JOIN


.....join all


....filled in every corner R5


.....insert a text in the middle of the square


Couldnt find anything on google, that really helped

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not really a script but should get you what you need.


Pick the midpoint of the rectangle

creates points LL and UR

creates rectangle from points.

changes fillet radius to 5

fillets rectangle

adds text to middle of rectangle


run lisp by either typing TXTREC or TR


(defun C:TXTREC (/ MPT LL UR)
  (setq MPT (getpoint "\nPick Midpoint")
        LL (mapcar '- MPT '(280 245 0)) ;change the values here to 1/2 the length and width of rectangle you want
        UR (mapcar '+ MPT '(280 245 0)) ;change the values here to 1/2 the length and width of rectangle you want
  (command "_.Rectangle" LL UR)
  (setvar 'filletrad 5)                 ;change to the fillet radius you want
  (command "_.Fillet" "P" (entlast))
      '(0 . "TEXT")
      (cons 10  MPT)
      (cons 11  MPT)
      (cons 40 (getvar 'DIMTXT))
      (cons 1  "text you want here")
      '(72 . 4)
(defun C:TR () (C:TXTREC))


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(defun C:TXTREC (/ MPT LL UR L H rad)
  (setq MPT (getpoint "\nPick Midpoint")
        L (getreal "\Enter length ")
        H (getreal "\nEnter height ")
	rad (getreal "\nEnter radius ")
        LL (mapcar '- MPT (list (/ L 2.0) (/ H 2.0) 0))
        UR (mapcar '+ MPT (list (/ L 2.0) (/ H 2.0) 0))
  (command "_.Rectangle" LL UR)
  (setvar 'filletrad rad)                 ;change to the fillet radius you want
  (command "_.Fillet" "P" (entlast))
      '(0 . "TEXT")
      (cons 10  MPT)
      (cons 11  MPT)
      (cons 40 (getvar 'DIMTXT))
      (cons 1  "text you want here")
      '(72 . 4)
(defun C:TR () (C:TXTREC))

I would use multi getvals.lsp



Edited by BIGAL
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Use the rectangle command as suggested which is quicker than drawing lines and then joining them, the fillet command also has various options available for using in an LT script.

Try running the command and watch the command line which prompts you for input. So in your case you want to start the fillet command and the use the 'radius op[tion (which only needs the letter 'r' in a script followed by the radius you want, you are then prompted again for input and you see an option to select a polyline using the command modifier 'L' will select the last object created and then enter to accept the selection (enter is carried out by using a space or empty line in your script).

When you then start the mtext command you can again use command modifiers to select the geometric center of the last object created. The mtext command in a script allows for various options if you watch the command line for the prompts

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