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change numbers <-> alphabet column numbers


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; EX:NUM->COL - 2022.06.17 exceed
; change numbers to alphabet numbers. (like EXCEL column)
; example ) A, B, C ~ Y, Z, AA ZZ, AAA ~ ZZZ, AAAA ~ ZZZZ, AAAAA ~ ZZZZZ
; allowed numbers 1 to 12356630
; How to use
; (EX:NUM->COL number)

(defun EX:NUM->COL ( c / answer c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 )
  (setq c (- c 1))
    ((< c 0) ; case for under 0 value
      (setq answer (strcat "out of range"))
    ((and (>= c 0) (< c 26)) ; case for 1 ~ 26 (= A ~ Z)
      (setq c1 (+ c 1))
      (setq answer (strcat (chr (+ 64 c1))))
    ((and (>= c 26) (< c (+ 26 (* 26 26))) ) ; case for 26 ~ 702 (= AA ~ ZZ)
      (setq c (- c 26))
      (setq c2 (fix (/ c 26)))
      (setq c1 (- c (* c2 26)))
      (setq c1 (+ c1 1))
      (setq c2 (+ c2 1))
      (setq answer (strcat (chr (+ 64 c2)) (chr (+ 64 c1))))
    ((and (>= c (+ 26 (* 26 26))) (< c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26)))) ; case for 702 ~ 18278 (= AAA ~ ZZZ)
      (setq c (- c (+ 26 (* 26 26))))
      (setq c3 (fix (/ c (* 26 26)) ) )
      (setq c2 (fix (/ (- c (* c3 26 26)) 26)))
      (setq c1 (- (- c (* c3 26 26)) (* c2 26)))
      (setq c1 (+ c1 1))
      (setq c2 (+ c2 1))
      (setq c3 (+ c3 1))
      (setq answer (strcat (chr (+ 64 c3)) (chr (+ 64 c2)) (chr (+ 64 c1))))
    ((and (>= c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26))) (< c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26)) )) ; case for 18278 ~ 475254 (= AAAA
      (setq c (- c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26))))
      (setq c4 (fix (/ c (* 26 26 26))))
      (setq c3 (fix (/ (- c (* c4 26 26 26)) (* 26 26))))
      (setq c2 (fix (/ (- (- c (* c4 26 26 26)) (* c3 26 26)) 26)))
      (setq c1 (- (- (- c (* c4 26 26 26)) (* c3 26 26)) (* c2 26)))
      (setq c1 (+ c1 1))
      (setq c2 (+ c2 1))
      (setq c3 (+ c3 1))
      (setq c4 (+ c4 1))
      (setq answer (strcat (chr (+ 64 c4)) (chr (+ 64 c3)) (chr (+ 64 c2)) (chr (+ 64 c1))))
    ((and (>= c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26))) (< c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26 26)))) ; case for 475254 ~ 12356630
      (setq c (- c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26))))
      (setq c5 (fix (/ c (* 26 26 26 26))))
      (setq c4 (fix (/ (- c (* c5 26 26 26 26)) (* 26 26 26))))
      (setq c3 (fix (/ (- (- c (* c5 26 26 26 26)) (* c4 26 26 26)) (* 26 26))))
      (setq c2 (fix (/ (- (- (- c (* c5 26 26 26 26)) (* c4 26 26 26)) (* c3 26 26)) 26)))
      (setq c1 (- (- (- (- c (* c5 26 26 26 26)) (* c4 26 26 26)) (* c3 26 26)) (* c2 26)))
      (setq c1 (+ c1 1))
      (setq c2 (+ c2 1))
      (setq c3 (+ c3 1))
      (setq c4 (+ c4 1))
      (setq c5 (+ c5 1))
      (setq answer (strcat (chr (+ 64 c5)) (chr (+ 64 c4)) (chr (+ 64 c3)) (chr (+ 64 c2)) (chr (+ 64 c1))))
    ((>= c (+ 26 (* 26 26) (* 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26) (* 26 26 26 26 26))) ; case for over 12356630
      (setq answer (strcat "out of range"))

; EX:COL->NUM - 2022.06.17 exceed
; reverse function of EX:NUM->COL
; allowed alphabets A to ZZZZZ
; How to use
; (EX:COL->NUM string)

(defun EX:COL->NUM ( c / answer clen cflag clist index catom clistlen )
  (setq c (strcase c))
  (setq clen (strlen c))
  (if (and (> clen 0) (< clen 6))
      (setq cflag 0)
      (setq clist '())
      (setq index 1)
      (repeat clen
        (setq catom (ascii (substr c index 1)))
        (if (and (>= catom 65) (<= catom 90))
          (setq clist (cons (- catom 64) clist))
          (setq cflag 1)
        (setq index (+ index 1))
      (if (= cflag 0)
          (setq clist (reverse clist))
          (setq clistlen (length clist))
            ((= clistlen 1)
              (setq answer (nth 0 clist))
            ((= clistlen 2)
              (setq answer (+ (* (nth 0 clist) 26) (nth 1 clist)))
            ((= clistlen 3)
              (setq answer (+ (* (nth 0 clist) 26 26) (* (nth 1 clist) 26) (nth 2 clist)))
            ((= clistlen 4)
              (setq answer (+ (* (nth 0 clist) 26 26 26) (* (nth 1 clist) 26 26) (* (nth 2 clist) 26) (nth 3 clist)))
            ((= clistlen 5)
              (setq answer (+ (* (nth 0 clist) 26 26 26 26) (* (nth 1 clist) 26 26 26) (* (nth 2 clist) 26 26) (* (nth 3 clist) 26) (nth 4 clist)))
          (setq answer "Non-alphabetic impurities are mixed.")
      (setq answer "Only 1 ~ 5 digits Alphabet can be calculated.")



i have organized parts of this code for use elsewhere.




It seems like it could be made more concisely, but at my level, this is the limit.


(EX:NUM->COL number)

(EX:COL->NUM string)


test code is below

(defun c:test ( / a )
  (princ "\n ================== ")
  (setq a 1)
  (repeat 40
    (princ "\n input = ")
    (princ a)
    (princ " / NUM->COL = ")
    (princ (EX:NUM->COL a))
    (princ " / COL->NUM = ")
    (princ (EX:COL->NUM (EX:NUM->COL a)))
    (setq a (+ a 1))
  (princ "\n ================== ")
  (setq a 690)
  (repeat 20
    (princ "\n input = ")
    (princ a)
    (princ " / NUM->COL = ")
    (princ (EX:NUM->COL a))
    (princ " / COL->NUM = ")
    (princ (EX:COL->NUM (EX:NUM->COL a)))
    (setq a (+ a 1))
  (princ "\n ================== ")
  (setq a 18270)
  (repeat 20
    (princ "\n input = ")
    (princ a)
    (princ " / NUM->COL = ")
    (princ (EX:NUM->COL a))
    (princ " / COL->NUM = ")
    (princ (EX:COL->NUM (EX:NUM->COL a)))
    (setq a (+ a 1))
  (princ "\n ================== ")
  (setq a 475240)
  (repeat 20
    (princ "\n input = ")
    (princ a)
    (princ " / NUM->COL = ")
    (princ (EX:NUM->COL a))
    (princ " / COL->NUM = ")
    (princ (EX:COL->NUM (EX:NUM->COL a)))
    (setq a (+ a 1))
  (princ "\n ================== ")
  (setq a 12356625)
  (repeat 10
    (princ "\n input = ")
    (princ a)
    (princ " / NUM->COL = ")
    (princ (EX:NUM->COL a))
    (princ " / COL->NUM = ")
    (princ (EX:COL->NUM (EX:NUM->COL a)))
    (setq a (+ a 1))
  (princ "\n ================== ")


and test result is below

 input = 1 / NUM->COL = A / COL->NUM = 1
 input = 2 / NUM->COL = B / COL->NUM = 2
 input = 3 / NUM->COL = C / COL->NUM = 3
 input = 4 / NUM->COL = D / COL->NUM = 4
 input = 5 / NUM->COL = E / COL->NUM = 5
 input = 6 / NUM->COL = F / COL->NUM = 6
 input = 7 / NUM->COL = G / COL->NUM = 7
 input = 8 / NUM->COL = H / COL->NUM = 8
 input = 9 / NUM->COL = I / COL->NUM = 9
 input = 10 / NUM->COL = J / COL->NUM = 10
 input = 11 / NUM->COL = K / COL->NUM = 11
 input = 12 / NUM->COL = L / COL->NUM = 12
 input = 13 / NUM->COL = M / COL->NUM = 13
 input = 14 / NUM->COL = N / COL->NUM = 14
 input = 15 / NUM->COL = O / COL->NUM = 15
 input = 16 / NUM->COL = P / COL->NUM = 16
 input = 17 / NUM->COL = Q / COL->NUM = 17
 input = 18 / NUM->COL = R / COL->NUM = 18
 input = 19 / NUM->COL = S / COL->NUM = 19
 input = 20 / NUM->COL = T / COL->NUM = 20
 input = 21 / NUM->COL = U / COL->NUM = 21
 input = 22 / NUM->COL = V / COL->NUM = 22
 input = 23 / NUM->COL = W / COL->NUM = 23
 input = 24 / NUM->COL = X / COL->NUM = 24
 input = 25 / NUM->COL = Y / COL->NUM = 25
 input = 26 / NUM->COL = Z / COL->NUM = 26
 input = 27 / NUM->COL = AA / COL->NUM = 27
 input = 28 / NUM->COL = AB / COL->NUM = 28
 input = 29 / NUM->COL = AC / COL->NUM = 29
 input = 30 / NUM->COL = AD / COL->NUM = 30
 input = 31 / NUM->COL = AE / COL->NUM = 31
 input = 32 / NUM->COL = AF / COL->NUM = 32
 input = 33 / NUM->COL = AG / COL->NUM = 33
 input = 34 / NUM->COL = AH / COL->NUM = 34
 input = 35 / NUM->COL = AI / COL->NUM = 35
 input = 36 / NUM->COL = AJ / COL->NUM = 36
 input = 37 / NUM->COL = AK / COL->NUM = 37
 input = 38 / NUM->COL = AL / COL->NUM = 38
 input = 39 / NUM->COL = AM / COL->NUM = 39
 input = 40 / NUM->COL = AN / COL->NUM = 40
 input = 690 / NUM->COL = ZN / COL->NUM = 690
 input = 691 / NUM->COL = ZO / COL->NUM = 691
 input = 692 / NUM->COL = ZP / COL->NUM = 692
 input = 693 / NUM->COL = ZQ / COL->NUM = 693
 input = 694 / NUM->COL = ZR / COL->NUM = 694
 input = 695 / NUM->COL = ZS / COL->NUM = 695
 input = 696 / NUM->COL = ZT / COL->NUM = 696
 input = 697 / NUM->COL = ZU / COL->NUM = 697
 input = 698 / NUM->COL = ZV / COL->NUM = 698
 input = 699 / NUM->COL = ZW / COL->NUM = 699
 input = 700 / NUM->COL = ZX / COL->NUM = 700
 input = 701 / NUM->COL = ZY / COL->NUM = 701
 input = 702 / NUM->COL = ZZ / COL->NUM = 702
 input = 703 / NUM->COL = AAA / COL->NUM = 703
 input = 704 / NUM->COL = AAB / COL->NUM = 704
 input = 705 / NUM->COL = AAC / COL->NUM = 705
 input = 706 / NUM->COL = AAD / COL->NUM = 706
 input = 707 / NUM->COL = AAE / COL->NUM = 707
 input = 708 / NUM->COL = AAF / COL->NUM = 708
 input = 709 / NUM->COL = AAG / COL->NUM = 709
 input = 18270 / NUM->COL = ZZR / COL->NUM = 18270
 input = 18271 / NUM->COL = ZZS / COL->NUM = 18271
 input = 18272 / NUM->COL = ZZT / COL->NUM = 18272
 input = 18273 / NUM->COL = ZZU / COL->NUM = 18273
 input = 18274 / NUM->COL = ZZV / COL->NUM = 18274
 input = 18275 / NUM->COL = ZZW / COL->NUM = 18275
 input = 18276 / NUM->COL = ZZX / COL->NUM = 18276
 input = 18277 / NUM->COL = ZZY / COL->NUM = 18277
 input = 18278 / NUM->COL = ZZZ / COL->NUM = 18278
 input = 18279 / NUM->COL = AAAA / COL->NUM = 18279
 input = 18280 / NUM->COL = AAAB / COL->NUM = 18280
 input = 18281 / NUM->COL = AAAC / COL->NUM = 18281
 input = 18282 / NUM->COL = AAAD / COL->NUM = 18282
 input = 18283 / NUM->COL = AAAE / COL->NUM = 18283
 input = 18284 / NUM->COL = AAAF / COL->NUM = 18284
 input = 18285 / NUM->COL = AAAG / COL->NUM = 18285
 input = 18286 / NUM->COL = AAAH / COL->NUM = 18286
 input = 18287 / NUM->COL = AAAI / COL->NUM = 18287
 input = 18288 / NUM->COL = AAAJ / COL->NUM = 18288
 input = 18289 / NUM->COL = AAAK / COL->NUM = 18289
 input = 475240 / NUM->COL = ZZZL / COL->NUM = 475240
 input = 475241 / NUM->COL = ZZZM / COL->NUM = 475241
 input = 475242 / NUM->COL = ZZZN / COL->NUM = 475242
 input = 475243 / NUM->COL = ZZZO / COL->NUM = 475243
 input = 475244 / NUM->COL = ZZZP / COL->NUM = 475244
 input = 475245 / NUM->COL = ZZZQ / COL->NUM = 475245
 input = 475246 / NUM->COL = ZZZR / COL->NUM = 475246
 input = 475247 / NUM->COL = ZZZS / COL->NUM = 475247
 input = 475248 / NUM->COL = ZZZT / COL->NUM = 475248
 input = 475249 / NUM->COL = ZZZU / COL->NUM = 475249
 input = 475250 / NUM->COL = ZZZV / COL->NUM = 475250
 input = 475251 / NUM->COL = ZZZW / COL->NUM = 475251
 input = 475252 / NUM->COL = ZZZX / COL->NUM = 475252
 input = 475253 / NUM->COL = ZZZY / COL->NUM = 475253
 input = 475254 / NUM->COL = ZZZZ / COL->NUM = 475254
 input = 475255 / NUM->COL = AAAAA / COL->NUM = 475255
 input = 475256 / NUM->COL = AAAAB / COL->NUM = 475256
 input = 475257 / NUM->COL = AAAAC / COL->NUM = 475257
 input = 475258 / NUM->COL = AAAAD / COL->NUM = 475258
 input = 475259 / NUM->COL = AAAAE / COL->NUM = 475259
 input = 12356625 / NUM->COL = ZZZZU / COL->NUM = 12356625
 input = 12356626 / NUM->COL = ZZZZV / COL->NUM = 12356626
 input = 12356627 / NUM->COL = ZZZZW / COL->NUM = 12356627
 input = 12356628 / NUM->COL = ZZZZX / COL->NUM = 12356628
 input = 12356629 / NUM->COL = ZZZZY / COL->NUM = 12356629
 input = 12356630 / NUM->COL = ZZZZZ / COL->NUM = 12356630
 input = 12356631 / NUM->COL = out of range / COL->NUM = Only 1 ~ 5 digits Alphabet can be calculated.
 input = 12356632 / NUM->COL = out of range / COL->NUM = Only 1 ~ 5 digits Alphabet can be calculated.
 input = 12356633 / NUM->COL = out of range / COL->NUM = Only 1 ~ 5 digits Alphabet can be calculated.
 input = 12356634 / NUM->COL = out of range / COL->NUM = Only 1 ~ 5 digits Alphabet can be calculated.




I've been wrong on this problem twice before, sadly

so please let me know if you find anything wrong number in 1 ~ 12356630

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