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Coordinates in -Insert as a variable


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Hi dumb question why cant i asign coordinates to a variable?


;Insert BSL_L6
(defun c:ph (/ co)
  (setq co 0,0) ;sett coordinates not working
	(command "-insert" "BSL_L6" "co" "100" "" "")


If i put it in manually there is no problem.


What am i doing wrong? 


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You're welcome.

You either wrap the value as a string ( with two quotes )  or keep it as value and both should work because the command call accepts both.


(setq co 0,0)
;; or the following
(setq co "0,0")
(command "-insert" "BSL_L6" co "100" "" "")


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If you define 0,0 in co as a list, that should work:

(setq co (list 0 0))


(setq co '(0 0))


The difference being '( makes the string fixed so what follows is exactly as it is used, list( allows you to calculate the list items or refer to other variables 



(setq String1 ("Hello") )
(setq string2 ("World") )

(setq mylist (list String1 String2)) -> is seen as (Hello World)
(setq mylist '(Strng1 String2)) -> is seen as (String1 String2) (though might throw up an error wanting "" around the text strings)


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