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Need help to add mask to text in a lisp that adds text to multiple lines (change to mtext?)


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I have a lisp (see attached) that adds text to multiple lines with loop.

I need to add mask to those texts.

I'm looking for a way to use Mtext instead text in the lisp,

and then add mask.

how do I change it from text to mtext...?




;------------------------------------ DIMLP.LSP - label lines (Pipes) with detailed layer name---------------------------------;;

;; fixo () 2012 * all rights released
;; edited 3/3/12

;; label lines (Pipes) with layer name

(defun C:DIMLPDET_UPDATE(/ *error* acsp adoc ang curve deriv en mid mp ppt1 ppt2 prex sset txh txt txt1 txt2 txtln txtpt1 insut LAYERNAME offst pipetype pipepn a)
    (defun *error* (msg)
      (vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument
    (cond ((or (not msg)
	       (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))
	  ((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))


  (initget "Current Pipe")
    (if (null (setq YN (getkword "\nChoose Text Layer [Current/Pipe] <Pipe>: ")))
    (setq YN "Pipe")

  (setq ht (getreal "\nSet Length factor (If Drawing Units mm-Set 1000, If Drawig Units m-Set 1)<1000>: "))
    (if (= ht nil)
      (setq ht (atof "1000"))

  (setq ht (/ 1 ht))

  (setq txh1 (getreal "\nEnter text height<36>: "))
  (if (= txh1 nil)
    (setq txh1 36)

  (setq pipetype (getstring T "\nPipe Type<PVC PIPE>: "))
   (if (= pipetype "")
     (setq pipetype "PVC PIPE")

  (setq a (substr " " 1 1))
  (setq pipetype (strcat  pipetype a))
;  (setq pipepn (strcase (getstring "\nPipe Type</6>: ")))
;   (if (= pipepn "")
;     (setq pipepn "/6")
;   )

(setq offst (/ txh1 2)) 
(setq insut (getvar "insunits"))
(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
      acsp (vla-get-block(vla-get-activelayout adoc)))

  (vla-startundomark adoc )
  (setq txh txh1

      prex (getvar "dimdec")

(while (not sset)
    (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "*LINE")))
(while (setq en (ssname sset 0))
  (setq curve (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
  ;;(setq txt1 (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (if (= (getvar "measurement") 0)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 3 2)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (atof txtln))
  (setq txtln (rtos (* txtln ht) 2 2))

  (setq LAYERNAME (vla-get-layer curve)) 
  (setq mid (/ (abs (- (vlax-curve-getendparam curve)
                           (vlax-curve-getstartparam curve))) 2.)
	mp (vlax-curve-getpointatparam curve mid)

	deriv  (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv
		 (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint curve mp))

  (if (zerop (cadr deriv))
    (setq ang 0)
    (setq ang (- (/ pi 2) (atan (/ (car deriv) (cadr deriv)))))

    (if (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))
    (setq ang (+ pi ang))
;;;  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) (* txh 0.5))
;;;	)
  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) offst)
  (setq txtpt1  (vlax-3d-point (trans ppt1 1 0)))

;;;  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))

  ;(setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME pipepn))
  (setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME " L=" (strcat txtln "m")))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst pipetype "P_" txt))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst "/" "-" txt))

  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))
  (vla-put-alignment txt1 acAlignmentBottomCenter)
  (vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt1 txtpt1)
  (vla-put-insertionpoint txt1 (vla-get-textalignmentpoint txt1))
  (vla-put-rotation txt1 ang)

  (if (= YN "Pipe")
     (vlax-put-property txt1 'layer LAYERNAME)
(ssdel en sset)

  (*error* nil)
(princ "\n\t---\tStart command with \"DIMLPDET\"\t---")
(or (vl-load-com)
;;------------------------------------ code end ----------------------------------;;


Edited by aridzv
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  • aridzv changed the title to Need help to add mask to text in a lisp that adds text to multiple lines (change to mtext?)
5 minutes ago, aridzv said:


I have a lisp (see attached) that adds text to multiple lines with loop.

I need to add mask to those texts.

I'm looking for a way to use Mtext instead text in the lisp,

and then add mask.

how do I change it from text to mtext...?




;------------------------------------ DIMLP.LSP - label lines (Pipes) with detailed layer name---------------------------------;;

;; fixo () 2012 * all rights released
;; edited 3/3/12

;; label lines (Pipes) with layer name

(defun C:DIMLPDET_UPDATE(/ *error* acsp adoc ang curve deriv en mid mp ppt1 ppt2 prex sset txh txt txt1 txt2 txtln txtpt1 insut LAYERNAME offst pipetype pipepn a)
    (defun *error* (msg)
      (vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument
    (cond ((or (not msg)
	       (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))
	  ((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))


  (initget "Current Pipe")
    (if (null (setq YN (getkword "\nChoose Text Layer [Current/Pipe] <Pipe>: ")))
    (setq YN "Pipe")

  (setq ht (getreal "\nSet Length factor (If Drawing Units mm-Set 1000, If Drawig Units m-Set 1)<1000>: "))
    (if (= ht nil)
      (setq ht (atof "1000"))

  (setq ht (/ 1 ht))

  (setq txh1 (getreal "\nEnter text height<36>: "))
  (if (= txh1 nil)
    (setq txh1 36)

  (setq pipetype (getstring T "\nPipe Type<PVC PIPE>: "))
   (if (= pipetype "")
     (setq pipetype "PVC PIPE")

  (setq a (substr " " 1 1))
  (setq pipetype (strcat  pipetype a))
;  (setq pipepn (strcase (getstring "\nPipe Type</6>: ")))
;   (if (= pipepn "")
;     (setq pipepn "/6")
;   )

(setq offst (/ txh1 2)) 
(setq insut (getvar "insunits"))
(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
      acsp (vla-get-block(vla-get-activelayout adoc)))

  (vla-startundomark adoc )
  (setq txh txh1

      prex (getvar "dimdec")

(while (not sset)
    (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "*LINE")))
(while (setq en (ssname sset 0))
  (setq curve (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
  ;;(setq txt1 (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (if (= (getvar "measurement") 0)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 3 2)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (atof txtln))
  (setq txtln (rtos (* txtln ht) 2 2))

  (setq LAYERNAME (vla-get-layer curve)) 
  (setq mid (/ (abs (- (vlax-curve-getendparam curve)
                           (vlax-curve-getstartparam curve))) 2.)
	mp (vlax-curve-getpointatparam curve mid)

	deriv  (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv
		 (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint curve mp))

  (if (zerop (cadr deriv))
    (setq ang 0)
    (setq ang (- (/ pi 2) (atan (/ (car deriv) (cadr deriv)))))

    (if (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))
    (setq ang (+ pi ang))
;;;  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) (* txh 0.5))
;;;	)
  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) offst)
  (setq txtpt1  (vlax-3d-point (trans ppt1 1 0)))

;;;  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))

  ;(setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME pipepn))
  (setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME " L=" (strcat txtln "m")))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst pipetype "P_" txt))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst "/" "-" txt))

  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))
  (vla-put-alignment txt1 acAlignmentBottomCenter)
  (vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt1 txtpt1)
  (vla-put-insertionpoint txt1 (vla-get-textalignmentpoint txt1))
  (vla-put-rotation txt1 ang)

  (if (= YN "Pipe")
     (vlax-put-property txt1 'layer LAYERNAME)
(ssdel en sset)

  (*error* nil)
(princ "\n\t---\tStart command with \"DIMLPDET\"\t---")
(or (vl-load-com)
;;------------------------------------ code end ----------------------------------;;




like this?


Edited by exceed
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Hi @exceed and thanks for the answer.

the code above is a bit to complicate for me...

I was thinking of taking the piece of code that creates text (see below) and replacing it with code that creates Mtext and add a mask to it:


(setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))
  (vla-put-alignment txt1 acAlignmentBottomCenter)
  (vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt1 txtpt1)
  (vla-put-insertionpoint txt1 (vla-get-textalignmentpoint txt1))
  (vla-put-rotation txt1 ang)

  (if (= YN "Pipe")
     (vlax-put-property txt1 'layer LAYERNAME)

;; Add Mask to Mtext (?)




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I've made some progress with the lisp - I manage to insert the Mtext and give it its rotation,assign it to lines layers, get the aligment and add mask.

The last two things I fail to accomplish are:

1. I need to toggle the "Use Drawing Background Color" off.

2. Set the Fill color number (in my case I need 254...) 


here below is the updated code I've made so far, I will appreciate any help on the mask issue... 


;;------------------------------------ DIMLP.LSP - label lines (Pipes) with detailed layer name---------------------------------;;

;; fixo () 2012 * all rights released
;; edited 3/3/12

;; label lines (Pipes) with layer name

(defun C:DIMLPDET_UPDATE2(/ *error* acsp adoc ang curve deriv en mid mp ppt1 ppt2 prex sset txh txt txt1 txt2 txtln txtpt1 insut LAYERNAME offst pipetype pipepn a)


(setq mspace (vla-get-modelspace 

    (defun *error* (msg)
      (vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument
    (cond ((or (not msg)
	       (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))
	  ((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))


  (initget "Current Pipe")
    (if (null (setq YN (getkword "\nChoose Text Layer [Current/Pipe] <Pipe>: ")))
    (setq YN "Pipe")

  (setq ht (getreal "\nSet Length factor (If Drawing Units mm-Set 1000, If Drawig Units m-Set 1)<1000>: "))
    (if (= ht nil)
      (setq ht (atof "1000"))

  (setq ht (/ 1 ht))

  (setq txh1 (getreal "\nEnter text height<36>: "))
  (if (= txh1 nil)
    (setq txh1 36)

  (setq pipetype (getstring T "\nPipe Type<PVC PIPE>: "))
   (if (= pipetype "")
     (setq pipetype "PVC PIPE")

  (setq a (substr " " 1 1))
  (setq pipetype (strcat  pipetype a))
;  (setq pipepn (strcase (getstring "\nPipe Type</6>: ")))
;   (if (= pipepn "")
;     (setq pipepn "/6")
;   )

(setq offst (/ txh1 2)) 
(setq insut (getvar "insunits"))
(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
      acsp (vla-get-block(vla-get-activelayout adoc)))

  (vla-startundomark adoc )
  (setq txh txh1

      prex (getvar "dimdec")

(while (not sset)
    (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "*LINE")))
(while (setq en (ssname sset 0))
  (setq curve (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
  ;;(setq txt1 (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (if (= (getvar "measurement") 0)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 3 2)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (atof txtln))
  (setq txtln (rtos (* txtln ht) 2 2))

  (setq LAYERNAME (vla-get-layer curve)) 
  (setq mid (/ (abs (- (vlax-curve-getendparam curve)
                           (vlax-curve-getstartparam curve))) 2.)
	mp (vlax-curve-getpointatparam curve mid)

	deriv  (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv
		 (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint curve mp))

  (if (zerop (cadr deriv))
    (setq ang 0)
    (setq ang (- (/ pi 2) (atan (/ (car deriv) (cadr deriv)))))

    (if (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))
    (setq ang (+ pi ang))
;;;  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) (* txh 0.5))
;;;	)
  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) offst)
  (setq txtpt1  (vlax-3d-point (trans ppt1 1 0)))

;;;  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))

  ;(setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME pipepn))
  (setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME " L=" (strcat txtln "m")))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst pipetype "P_" txt))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst "/" "-" txt))

(setq theMText (vla-AddMText mspace txtpt1 (atof "0") txt))
(vla-put-AttachmentPoint theMText acBottomCenter)
;;(vla-put-alignment theMText acAlignmentBottomCenter)
;;(vla-put-textalignmentpoint theMText txtpt1)
;;(vla-put-insertionpoint theMText (vla-get-textalignmentpoint theMText))
(vla-put-rotation theMText ang)
(vla-put-Height theMText txh)
(vla-put-backgroundfill theMText :vlax-true)
 (if (= YN "Pipe")
    (vlax-put-property theMText 'layer LAYERNAME)

  ;(setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))
  ;(vla-put-alignment txt1 acAlignmentBottomCenter)
  ;(vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt1 txtpt1)
  ;(vla-put-insertionpoint txt1 (vla-get-textalignmentpoint txt1))
 ; (vla-put-rotation txt1 ang)

(if (= YN "Pipe")
     (vlax-put-property txt1 'layer LAYERNAME)
(ssdel en sset)

  (*error* nil)
(princ "\n\t---\tStart command with \"DIMLPDET\"\t---")
(or (vl-load-com)
;;------------------------------------ code end ----------------------------------;;


Edited by aridzv
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Would this work? (from https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/mtext-background-mask-settings-lisp/td-p/5998702)


Add this in after you have created each mtext or go back to the link above and do it by selection set


(setq dxf_ent (entget (entlast))
(entmod (append dxf_ent '((90 . 1) (63 . 8) (45 . 1.1) (441 . 0))))


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@Steven P


works like a charm!

I've changed the color (dxf code 63) from code 8 to 254 and border offset factor (dxf code 45) 1.2...

(setq dxf_ent (entget (entlast)))
(entmod (append dxf_ent '((90 . 1) (63 . 254) (45 . 1.2) (441 . 0))))


thanks again,


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Here is the final lisp,

I've added the option for the user to choose if to add the background mask or not.


;;------------------------------------ DIMLP.LSP - label lines (Pipes) with detailed layer name---------------------------------;;

;; fixo () 2012 * all rights released
;; edited 3/3/12

;; label lines (Pipes) with layer name

(defun C:DIMLPDET_UPDATE2(/ *error* acsp adoc ang curve deriv en mid mp ppt1 ppt2 prex sset txh txt txt1 txt2 txtln txtpt1 insut LAYERNAME offst pipetype pipepn a theMText)


(setq mspace (vla-get-modelspace 

    (defun *error* (msg)
      (vla-endundomark (vla-get-activedocument
    (cond ((or (not msg)
	       (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))
	  ((princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)))


  (initget "Current Pipe")
    (if (null (setq YN (getkword "\nChoose Text Layer [Current/Pipe] <Pipe>: ")))
    (setq YN "Pipe")

  (initget "Yes No")
    (if (null (setq Bg (getkword "\nAdd Text Background [Yes/No] <No>: ")))
    (setq Bg "No")

  (setq ht (getreal "\nSet Length factor (If Drawing Units mm-Set 1000, If Drawig Units m-Set 1)<1000>: "))
    (if (= ht nil)
      (setq ht (atof "1000"))

  (setq ht (/ 1 ht))

  (setq txh1 (getreal "\nEnter text height<36>: "))
  (if (= txh1 nil)
    (setq txh1 36)

  (setq pipetype (getstring T "\nPipe Type<PVC PIPE>: "))
   (if (= pipetype "")
     (setq pipetype "PVC PIPE")

  (setq a (substr " " 1 1))
  (setq pipetype (strcat  pipetype a))
;  (setq pipepn (strcase (getstring "\nPipe Type</6>: ")))
;   (if (= pipepn "")
;     (setq pipepn "/6")
;   )

(setq offst (/ txh1 2)) 
(setq insut (getvar "insunits"))
(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
      acsp (vla-get-block(vla-get-activelayout adoc)))

  (vla-startundomark adoc )
  (setq txh txh1

      prex (getvar "dimdec")

(while (not sset)
    (setq sset (ssget '((0 . "*LINE")))
(while (setq en (ssname sset 0))
  (setq curve (vlax-ename->vla-object en))
  ;;(setq txt1 (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (if (= (getvar "measurement") 0)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 3 2)
	      (rtos (vla-get-length curve) 2 2))

  (setq txtln (atof txtln))
  (setq txtln (rtos (* txtln ht) 2 2))

  (setq LAYERNAME (vla-get-layer curve)) 
  (setq mid (/ (abs (- (vlax-curve-getendparam curve)
                           (vlax-curve-getstartparam curve))) 2.)
	mp (vlax-curve-getpointatparam curve mid)

	deriv  (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv
		 (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint curve mp))

  (if (zerop (cadr deriv))
    (setq ang 0)
    (setq ang (- (/ pi 2) (atan (/ (car deriv) (cadr deriv)))))

    (if (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))
    (setq ang (+ pi ang))
;;;  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) (* txh 0.5))
;;;	)
  (setq ppt1 (polar mp (+ ang (/ pi 2)) offst)
  (setq txtpt1  (vlax-3d-point (trans ppt1 1 0)))

;;;  (setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))

  ;(setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME pipepn))
  (setq txt (strcat LAYERNAME " L=" (strcat txtln "m")))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst pipetype "P_" txt))
  (setq txt (vl-string-subst "/" "-" txt))

(setq theMText (vla-AddMText mspace txtpt1 (atof "0") txt))
(vla-put-AttachmentPoint theMText acBottomCenter)
;;(vla-put-alignment theMText acAlignmentBottomCenter)
;;(vla-put-textalignmentpoint theMText txtpt1)
;;(vla-put-insertionpoint theMText (vla-get-textalignmentpoint theMText))
(vla-put-rotation theMText ang)
(vla-put-Height theMText txh)

(if (= Bg "Yes")
		(vla-put-backgroundfill theMText :vlax-true)
		(setq dxf_ent (entget (entlast)))
		(entmod (append dxf_ent '((90 . 1) (63 . 254) (45 . 1.1) (441 . 0))))

 (if (= YN "Pipe")
    (vlax-put-property theMText 'layer LAYERNAME)

  ;(setq txt1 (vla-addtext acsp txt txtpt1 txh))
  ;(vla-put-alignment txt1 acAlignmentBottomCenter)
  ;(vla-put-textalignmentpoint txt1 txtpt1)
  ;(vla-put-insertionpoint txt1 (vla-get-textalignmentpoint txt1))
 ; (vla-put-rotation txt1 ang)

 ;(if (= YN "Pipe")
;     (vlax-put-property txt1 'layer LAYERNAME)
;  )
(ssdel en sset)

  (*error* nil)
(princ "\n\t---\tStart command with \"DIMLPDET\"\t---")
(or (vl-load-com)
;;------------------------------------ code end ----------------------------------;;


Edited by aridzv
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