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Select Vertex from Rectangles


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is it possible to select rectangles, then select a vertex and this selection will be accept for the other rectangles?



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So select rectangles then pick a corner and it finds same corner is that right ?


Ok so UL LL UR LR are 4 corners if rectangs are always ortho then its easy use VL bounding box.


have to go now will try later to write something.

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; https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/75273-select-vertex-from-rectangles/
; Corner select by Alanh May 2022

(defun c:wow ( / ss cnr pointmin pointmax obj )
(setq ss (ssget (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE"))))
(if (= ss nil)
(alert "No objects match so skipping")
(setq lst '())
(setq cnr (getstring "\n Enter UL LL UR or LR  "))
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1)))))
(vla-GetBoundingBox obj 'minpoint 'maxpoint)
(setq pointmin (vlax-safearray->list minpoint))
(setq pointmax (vlax-safearray->list maxpoint))
((= (strcase cnr) "UL")(setq pt (list (car pointmin) (cadr pointmax)))(setq lst (cons pt lst)) )
((= (strcase cnr) "LL")(setq pt (list (car pointmin) (cadr pointmin)))(setq lst (cons pt lst)) )
((= (strcase cnr) "UR")(setq pt (list (car pointmax) (cadr pointmax)))(setq lst (cons pt lst)) )
((= (strcase cnr) "LR")(setq pt (list (car pointmax) (cadr pointmin)))(setq lst (cons pt lst)) )
(princ lst)

Try this as a start can do the corner select better.

Edited by BIGAL
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Hi Bigal,


thank you for writing the program,

but it should work eg. the strech function.


It could be that a rectangle in the line must not

be to strech.

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If your just trying to stretch say all bottoms you do not need code stretch works that way when you use a partial window just window all bottoms.


Explain more.

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The reason why you can't grab multiple sides of a rectangle with handles by default in CAD is that they are not modified together.

Except for the STRETCH command


If you want to stretch each side of the rectangle with a constant offset, you can use the basic STRETCH command. 

As gif below





But for a simple rectangle, you can get information on each corner like BIGAL's code

and you can add some loop code for each rectangle to make it look like it's stretched together.


In this case, have to select the target rectangle anyway, so I'm not sure if there is a benefit compared to not using STRETCH. 

So, tell us 'detail' about your need. 


And it is more common to use BLOCK to modify multiple objects at the same time

because If only one BLOCK is modified, all of them are modified.

Edited by exceed
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Hi exceed,


thanks for the video clip.

Now I understand what the stretch command exactly do.


Thanks for your support you solved my problem.

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Thanks exceed for the video that is exactly what I was describing.


Which video capture do you use ? The one I use did an upgrade and now does not work so looking for another.

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On 6/1/2022 at 9:52 AM, BIGAL said:

Thanks exceed for the video that is exactly what I was describing.


Which video capture do you use ? The one I use did an upgrade and now does not work so looking for another.


how about this? this is open source freeware



and I upload it to google blogger and paste it by other media -> insert image from URL

Edited by exceed
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That is what I have and it wants new .net libraries tried 3 times to install new library Microsoft .net says done but not working any more. Yes Gifs do not load to here.

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