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select duplicate attribute and create link with lines.


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I found this script very good. I'd like help changing it.


I use a block with the name HDV1_CONVERT:

Attrubutes: TAG1F, ASSYCODE, DESC2


I would like to find blocks with duplicate attributes (TAG1F), except for the block that has the ATTIBUTE (ASSYCODE) value "EXCEPT"





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(defun c:fctag (/ _ipt a ssdup ss i ev attval a b fc_coll)
  (defun _ipt (e) (cdr (assoc 10 (entget e))))
  (if (setq ssdup (ssadd)
	    ss	  (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))))
      (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
	(setq ev (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))))
	(setq attval (mapcar '(lambda (at) (list (vla-get-tagstring at) (vla-get-textstring at)))
			     (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object ev) 'getattributes)
	(if (and (setq f (assoc "TAG1F" attval))
		 (setq a (assoc "ASSYCODE" attval))
		 (/= "EXCEPT" (strcase (cadr a)))
	  (setq fc_coll (cons (list f ev) fc_coll))
      (while (or b (setq a (car fc_coll)))
	(if (setq b (vl-some '(lambda (c)
				(if (equal (car a) (car c))
			     (cdr fc_coll)
	    (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 10 (_ipt (cadr a))) (cons 11 (_ipt (cadr b)))))
	    (ssadd (cadr a) ssdup)
	    (ssadd (cadr b) ssdup)
	    (setq fc_coll (vl-remove b fc_coll)
		  b	  a
	  (setq fc_coll (cdr fc_coll))
      (sssetfirst nil ssdup)


Edited by ronjonp
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Hi ronjonp,


Thanks for the quick reply.

So far I haven't found the expected result.

Follow the attached DWG file for best understanding.





Edited by jr.roberto.santos
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All those blocks 'ASSYCODE' values are EXCLUDE not EXCEPT .. that's why it does not work. I updated the code above so try again .. if you change that one block's attribute to 'EXCEPT' it works..



Edited by ronjonp
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Thank you very much for your attention, I'm probably making some mistake.  

I'll try again.  

A question, is it possible to add one more argument?  EX.  if the Attribute “DESC2” is blank (“”) do not match.

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Thank you very much


I ran the tests and it worked very well. I really appreciate the support.



    (if (and (setq f (assoc "TAG1F" attval))
         (setq a (assoc "ASSYCODE" attval))
         (/= "EXCLUDE" (strcase (cadr a)))
         (setq a (assoc "DESC2" attval))
         (/= "" (strcase (cadr a)))
      (setq fc_coll (cons (list f ev) fc_coll))


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Reference for STEP_1:  https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/selecting-a-block-by-its-attribute-value/td-p/2195298

Reference for STEP_2  https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=12813.135


Hello everyone,


I'm using this script to select duplicate attribute values.

It works great for the "TAG1F" attribute.

I would like to do the same procedure for other attribute.

For example:


Select duplicate values in the "DESC2" attribute and ignore the blank values ("") 


Best regards



(defun c:SEL_worklineX (/ att elst TAG_NAME val ss1 ss2 n ent)
(setq att (car (nentsel "\nSelect source attribute: ")))
(setq elst (entget att))
(setq TAG_NAME (cdr (assoc 2 elst))
val (cdr (assoc 1 elst))
ss2 (ssadd)
(setq ss1 (ssget "_X"
(list '(0 . "INSERT")
(assoc 2 (entget (cdr (assoc 330 elst))))
(repeat (setq n (sslength ss1))
(setq ent (ssname ss1 (setq n (1- n)))
att (entnext ent)
(while (= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq elst (entget att)))) "ATTRIB")
(if (and (= (cdr (assoc 2 elst)) TAG_NAME)
(= (cdr (assoc 1 elst)) val)
(ssadd ent ss2)
(setq att (entnext att))
(sssetfirst nil ss2)

(vla-sendcommand (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)) "worklineX_Y5P9_STEP_2\r")



(defun c:worklineX_Y5P9_STEP_2 (/ CreateList _grAngle adoc Plines obj cnt ent ObjectPointList
           PtAngleList Xpoint gr NewLine
        (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "WorklineX_Layer")) (command "-LAYER" "_N" "WorklineX_Layer"""))
        (vl-cmdf "._Layer" "Color" 3 "WorklineX_Layer" "")
        (command "-LAYER" "set" "WorklineX_Layer""")
        (command "LAYLOCKFADECTL""0")
;;;    pBe April 2011        ;;;
  (defun CreateList (p) (setq ObjectPointList (cons (cdr p) ObjectPointList)))
;;;        Alanjt        ;;;
  (defun _grAngle (a b) (grdraw (trans a 0 1) (cadr gr) 1 -1) (angle a b))
;;;                  ;;;
  (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
   (if (setq Plines (ssget "_P" (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(66 . 1) (cons 2 "HDV1_CONVERT"))))
      (repeat (setq cnt (sslength Plines))
        (setq obj (ssname Plines (setq cnt (1- cnt)))
              ent (entget obj))
          (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) ent)
        (ssdel obj Plines)
      (if ObjectPointList
;;;        Alanjt        ;;;
          (while (eq 5 (car (setq gr (grread T 15 0))))
            (setq Xpoint (trans (cadr gr) 1 0))
            (foreach pts ObjectPointList (_grAngle pts Xpoint))
;;;                          ;;;
             itm ObjectPointList
                 (vlax-get (vla-get-activelayout adoc) 'Block)
                 (vlax-3d-point Xpoint)
                 (vlax-3d-point itm)
    (vl-cmdf "._Layer" "Ltype" "HIDDEN" "WorklineX_Layer" "")
    (vl-cmdf "_.-layer" "_lw" "0.30" "WorklineX_Layer" "")
    (setq selL (ssget "_X" '((8 . "WorklineX_Layer"))))
    (command "_.draworder" selL "" "_Back")
    (command "._setbylayer" (ssget "X" '((8 . "WorklineX_Layer"))) "" "YES" "YES")









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  • jr.roberto.santos changed the title to select duplicate attribute and create link with lines.
20 hours ago, jr.roberto.santos said:

@ronjonpCould you help me?


I'm not sure I follow what you want. Your example image and the drawing don't match for 'duplicate' DESC2 values in TAG_D.



Also ... why are you using completely different code?



Edited by ronjonp
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@ronjonpThe code is different, I had created a new topic to avoid confusion.  in this case I can select duplicate tags (TAG1F) and I would like to change the code to select duplicate values in the attribute (DESC2) /= “” except blank values.

Edited by jr.roberto.santos
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17 minutes ago, jr.roberto.santos said:

@ronjonpThe code is different, I had created a new topic to avoid confusion.  in this case I can select duplicate tags (TAG1F) and I would like to change the code to select duplicate values in the attribute (DESC2) /= “” except blank values.

Just change the logic in this portion of the code you and I modified.

(and (setq f (assoc "DESC2" attval)) (/= "" (cadr f)))


Edited by ronjonp
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@ronjonpThanks for the reply, I got this result, but as the attached video the idea is a selection by duplicate groups. one group per click. 

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4 hours ago, jr.roberto.santos said:

@ronjonpThanks for the reply, I got this result, but as the attached video the idea is a selection by duplicate groups. one group per click. 

Sorry, you're going to have to figure this out for yourself.

Edited by ronjonp
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