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2d attribute to 3d block


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1.png.59f8350b6290c7219b298b879a33527b.pngi want to transfer the highet attribute of a block to its  block position z geometry that currently as the value of 0  

how can I  do it ? 

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Its easy enough to do so just select the attributed block then retrieve the attribute with tag name HEIGHT then modify the Z coordinates of the block.

Did you write any codes in regard to this goal?

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Try the following [ untested ] codes and let me know. 

(defun c:Test (/ int sel ent get obj att pos ins)
  ;;	Author: Tharwat Al Choufi - Date: 10.Apr.2022		;;
  ;;	website: https://autolispprograms.wordpress.com		;;
    (princ "\nSelect attributed blocks < M1502_P > : ")
    (setq int -1
          sel (ssget '((0 . "INSERT") (66 . 1) (2 . "M1502_P")))
    (while (setq int (1+ int)
                 ent (ssname sel int)
      (and (setq get (entget ent)
                 obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)
                 pos (assoc 10 get)
                 ins (mapcar '+ (cdr pos) '(0. 0.))
           (vl-some (function (lambda (u)
                                (and (= (vla-get-tagstring u) "HEIGHT")
                                     (setq att (vla-get-textstring u))
                    (vlax-invoke obj 'GetAttributes)
             (subst (cons 10 (append ins (list (distof att)))) pos get)
) (vl-load-com)


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