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Layer Select with predetermine Value


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Just would like to ask what's the best way to do such thing as mention on the title


to explain further, I want to, for example, select a Hatch and detect its layer (ex. BouGla, AtrPlx, PhiSel) and get the total planting Value of said Hatch, but each have separate nos per sqm (ex. BouGla, 3nos per sqm) 


In short, how can I bind the nos per sqm in a layer. 



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Thanks for the response, but I have this code ; 

(defun 	c:Pplant ()
;;;;  	       CODE		 PLANT NAME	       SPC	    ;;;;

(setq	Q1	'(	"P/PHOE.DA"		10000	"N"	))
(setq 	T1	'(	"T/CONO.ER"		10000	"N"	))
(setq 	T2	'(	"T/CONO.SI"		10000	"N"	))
(setq 	T3	'(	"T/EUCA.OB"		10000	"N"	))
(setq 	S1	'(	"SH/CALL.CA"		0.57735	"Y"	))
(setq 	S2	'(	"SH/CLER.IN"		0.70711	"Y"	))
(setq 	S3	'(	"SH/DODO.VI"		0.57735	"Y"	))
(setq 	S4	'(	"SH/LEUC.FR"		0.57735	"Y"	))
(setq 	S5	'(	"SH/NERI.OL"		0.70711	"Y"	))
(setq 	S6	'(	"SH/THEV.PE"		0.70711	"Y"	))
(setq 	G1	'(	"GC/RUEL.BR"		0.40825	"Y"	))

;;;;				;;;;
;;;;	 1 PER SQM = 1.00000	;;;;
;;;;	 2 PER SQM = 0.70711	;;;;
;;;;	 3 PER SQM = 0.57735	;;;;
;;;;	 4 PER SQM = 0.50000	;;;;
;;;;	 5 PER SQM = 0.44721	;;;;
;;;;	 6 PER SQM = 0.40825	;;;;
;;;;	 7 PER SQM = 0.37796	;;;;
;;;;	 8 PER SQM = 0.35355	;;;;
;;;;	 9 PER SQM = 0.33333	;;;;
;;;;	10 PER SQM = 0.31623	;;;;
;;;;	12 PER SQM = 0.28868	;;;;
;;;;	14 PER SQM = 0.26726	;;;;
;;;;	16 PER SQM = 0.25000	;;;;
;;;;	18 PER SQM = 0.23570	;;;;
;;;;	20 PER SQM = 0.22361	;;;;
;;;;				;;;;
(vl-load-com)	(setvar 'luprec 0)		        (SETQ SCALE 250)
;;;;  	       FOR SELECTING POLYLINE				    ;;;;

(initget 1 " Q1 T1 T2 T3 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G1")
(setq ans (getkword "\n Select Planting Code [Q1/T1/T2/T3/S1/S2/S3/S4/S5/S6/G1]"))

(if (eq ans "Q1")(setq PLC Q1))
(if (eq ans "T1")(setq PLC T1))
(if (eq ans "T2")(setq PLC T2))
(if (eq ans "T3")(setq PLC T3))
(if (eq ans "T4")(setq PLC T4))
(if (eq ans "T5")(setq PLC T5))
(if (eq ans "S1")(setq PLC S1))
(if (eq ans "S2")(setq PLC S2))
(if (eq ans "S3")(setq PLC S3))
(if (eq ans "S4")(setq PLC S4))
(if (eq ans "S5")(setq PLC S5))
(if (eq ans "S6")(setq PLC S6))
(if (eq ans "G1")(setq PLC G1))

(setq PLV (list (car PLC) (cadr PLC) (caddr PLC)))

;;;;  	       FOR SELECTING PLANT CODE				    ;;;;
(if (eq (caddr PLV) "Y")(progn
  (setq PLANTINGLINE (car (entsel "\nSelect Reference for area: ")))
    		(setq AREA (vla-get-Area
		(vlax-ename->vla-object PLANTINGLINE)))
		(if (> (getvar 'lunits) 2)
		(setq AREA (/ AREA 144.))))
  (setq AREA 0.0000000001))
;;;;  	       PLANTING FORMULA					    ;;;;

(setq 	PLNAME 	(car PLV))
(setq 	PLQ 	(+ 1(/ AREA (* (cadr PLV) (cadr PLV)))))
(if (EQ "N" (caddr PLV))(SETQ PLQ (GETINT "/N HOW MANY?")))

;;;;  	       FOR CREATING LEADER				    ;;;;
(setq osm (getvar 'osmode))
(setvar 'osmode 0)
  		(setq point1 (getpoint "\nselect first point"))
  		(setq point2 (getpoint point1 "\nselect second point"))
  		(setq point3 (getpoint point2 "\nselect last point"))

;;;;  	       FOR SCALE OF LEADER & TEXT			    ;;;;

(SETQ SCALE4T 	(* 0.0025 SCALE))
(SETQ SCALE4C 	(* 0.0008 SCALE))

(if (< (car point2) (car point3)) (setq JUSTY "ML"))
(if (> (Car point2) (car point3)) (setq JUSTY "MR"))

;;;;  	       COMMANDS 					    ;;;;

  		(COMMAND "PLINE" point1 point2 point3 "")
  		(COMMAND "TEXT" "J" (strcase JUSTY) point3 SCALE4T "0"
			(STRCAT "(" (RTOS PLQ) ")" " " (strcase PLNAME)))
(setvar 'osmode osm)


as listed here, I have to individually type the planting code and spacing for each and type the choices with initget and getkword, is there a way to bind these presets in layer? because for different projects have a different planting. 

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One quick simplification:



And make sure to localize all those variables:



I'd use an association list like so to get your input:

(defun c:pplant	(/	  ans	   area	    be	     clrmatch justy    osm	plantingline
		 plc	  plname   plq	    plv	     point1   point2   point3	scale	 scale4c
		 scale4t  values
;;;;  	       CODE		 PLANT NAME	       SPC	    ;;;;
  ;; Association List
  (setq	values '(("Q1" "P/PHOE.DA" 10000 "N")
		 ("T1" "T/CONO.ER" 10000 "N")
		 ("T2" "T/CONO.SI" 10000 "N")
		 ("T3" "T/EUCA.OB" 10000 "N")
		 ("S1" "SH/CALL.CA" 0.57735 "Y")
		 ("S2" "SH/CLER.IN" 0.70711 "Y")
		 ("S3" "SH/DODO.VI" 0.57735 "Y")
		 ("S4" "SH/LEUC.FR" 0.57735 "Y")
		 ("S5" "SH/NERI.OL" 0.70711 "Y")
		 ("S6" "SH/THEV.PE" 0.70711 "Y")
		 ("G1" "GC/RUEL.BR" 0.40825 "Y")
;;;;				;;;;
;;;;	 1 PER SQM = 1.00000	;;;;
;;;;	 2 PER SQM = 0.70711	;;;;
;;;;	 3 PER SQM = 0.57735	;;;;
;;;;	 4 PER SQM = 0.50000	;;;;
;;;;	 5 PER SQM = 0.44721	;;;;
;;;;	 6 PER SQM = 0.40825	;;;;
;;;;	 7 PER SQM = 0.37796	;;;;
;;;;	 8 PER SQM = 0.35355	;;;;
;;;;	 9 PER SQM = 0.33333	;;;;
;;;;	10 PER SQM = 0.31623	;;;;
;;;;	12 PER SQM = 0.28868	;;;;
;;;;	14 PER SQM = 0.26726	;;;;
;;;;	16 PER SQM = 0.25000	;;;;
;;;;	18 PER SQM = 0.23570	;;;;
;;;;	20 PER SQM = 0.22361	;;;;
;;;;				;;;;
  (setvar 'luprec 0)
  (setq scale 250)
;;;;  	       FOR SELECTING POLYLINE				    ;;;;
  (initget 1 "Q1 T1 T2 T3 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G1")
  (setq ans (getkword "\n Select Planting Code [Q1/T1/T2/T3/S1/S2/S3/S4/S5/S6/G1]"))
  (setq plc (cdr (assoc ans values)))
  (setq plv plc)
;;;;  	       FOR SELECTING PLANT CODE				    ;;;;
  (if (eq (caddr plv) "Y")
    ;; RJP - add IF
    (if	(setq plantingline (car (entsel "\nSelect Reference for area: ")))
      (progn (setq area (vla-get-area (vlax-ename->vla-object plantingline)))
	     (if (> (getvar 'lunits) 2)
	       (setq area (/ area 144.))
    (setq area 0.0000000001)
;;;;  	       PLANTING FORMULA					    ;;;;
  (setq plname (car plv))
  (setq plq (+ 1 (/ area (* (cadr plv) (cadr plv)))))
  (if (eq "N" (caddr plv))
    (setq plq (getint "/N HOW MANY?"))
;;;;  	       FOR CREATING LEADER				    ;;;;
  (setq osm (getvar 'osmode))
  (setvar 'osmode 0)
  (setq point1 (getpoint "\nselect first point"))
  (setq point2 (getpoint point1 "\nselect second point"))
  (setq point3 (getpoint point2 "\nselect last point"))
;;;;  	       FOR SCALE OF LEADER & TEXT			    ;;;;
  (setq scale4t (* 0.0025 scale))
  (setq scale4c (* 0.0008 scale))
  (if (< (car point2) (car point3))
    (setq justy "ML")
  (if (> (car point2) (car point3))
    (setq justy "MR")
;;;;  	       COMMANDS 					    ;;;;
  (command "_.UNDO" be 1)
  (command "PLINE" point1 point2 point3 "")
  (command "CIRCLE" point1 scale4c)
  (command "TEXT"
	   (strcase justy)
	   (strcat "(" (rtos plq) ")" " " (strcase plname))
  (command "MATCHPROP" clrmatch (entlast))
  (setvar 'osmode osm)


Edited by ronjonp
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Hi ronjonp 


Thank you for the reply, I will sure look into association list, Just want to ask why do i have to localize all those variables? also I've read about substr and came up with this;


(if (eq UNIV-SCALE nil) (Alert "PLEASE SET UP SCALE FIRST") (progn  	 	;checking if scale is set
  	(setq 	eL	(vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "alin ba"))) 	;getting layer
		cL	(vlax-get-property eL 'Layer))				;convert layer to string
	(if (eq (strlen cl) 22) (progn						;checking if layer is correct
	(setq 	PL-C		(substr cL  1 (- (strlen cL) 15)) 		;Yield Planting Code
		PL-T		(substr cL  9 (- (strlen cL) 20)) 		;Yield Planting Type
		PL-S	(read 	(substr cL 12 (- (strlen cL) 18)))		;Yield Planting Spacing or nos per SQM
		PL-UN		(substr cL 17 (- (strlen cL) 19)) 		;identifies if computation is by spacing or nos per sqm
		UN		(substr cL 21 (- (strlen cL) 0)) 		;unit of said drawing
		AREA 	(vla-get-Area eL)					;getting area of selected hatch
		asd-p1	(getpoint 	 "\n 1st point")			;first point for leader
		asd-p2	(getpoint asd-p1 "\n 2nd point")			;second point for leader
		asd-p3	(getpoint asd-p2 "\n 3rd point")			;third point for leader
		asd-p3m (list (car asd-p3)(+ (cadr asd-p3) 12) (caddr asd-p3))	;for mirror block
		PL-C-F	(strcase (strcat "" PL-T"/"PL-C))			;combinding code and pl type


with a layer "BOU GLA SH 0006 NPS MM", I extract the needed information by dissecting the layer, so needless to say I resolve it but still thankyou for the reply kind sirs.  


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18 minutes ago, phjlc said:

why do i have to localize all those variables


about variable localization, see this link.



It may work normally on the first run, but after the second run, the old value may remain and an error may occur.

Setting the initial value at the beginning of every defun doesn't cause a big problem, but there is the following problem.

If other Lisp is loaded and used, unexpected results may occur if the Lisp and variable names overlap.

These problems can be solved by simply writing (defun c:test ( / variablea variableb variablec )~~

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On 4/12/2022 at 9:04 AM, phjlc said:

with a layer "BOU GLA SH 0006 NPS MM", I extract the needed information by dissecting the layer, so needless to say I resolve it but still thankyou for the reply kind sirs.  


Now you opted to use layer names as the source for the plant data? I think you're better off using an external source file, that way you can "update" the string when the PL-S data changes. of course that will require another code.



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1 hour ago, pBe said:


Now you opted to use layer names as the source for the plant data? I think you're better off using an external source file, that way you can "update" the string when the PL-S data changes. of course that will require another code.



I see your point Sir pBe, but where Im getting at is for others to use my code without the knowledge of lisp, and I think doing it this way is much easier to explain to my work mates, I mean if they can create layer and edit its name, they can use it easily enough. 

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56 minutes ago, phjlc said:

.. I mean if they can create layer and edit its name, they can use it easily enough. 


Fair enough 👍


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