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addmleader ends up on Z 0


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Hi everyone


I'm trying to create a mleader to properly label the properties of some Plant 3D components, but i'm having some problems to set elevation of the mleader, given that mleader don't have an "elevation" Property to use vla-put. So far i tried with (trans p1 0 1) (trans p2 0 1) but everything ends up in the correct x and y coordinates but in z 0 


(defun mleader (text)

			(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick First Point: "))
			(setq p2 (getpoint "\nPick Next Point: " p1))
			(setq obj
					(vlax-get (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
						(if (= 1 (getvar 'CVPORT))
					);end of vlax
				(append p1 p2)	
				);end invoke
			);end setq obj
			(vla-put-textstring obj text)
		  	(vla-put-TextHeight obj 50)
		  	(vla-put-TextWidth obj 1300)		  
		);end of progn
	);end if

);end defun mleader


I'm looking forward to read the comments about this regard. i'm sure it will be really useful 


BTW, does anyone know why 'AddMleader after (append p1 p2) needs this extra 0 ???? 


Thanks a lot 




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2 hours ago, Herr_Manu said:

Hi everyone


BTW, does anyone know why 'AddMleader after (append p1 p2) needs this extra 0 ???? 





It's the leader index since an mleader can have multiple leaders.

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