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How to add a lisp as a command to quick access toolbar


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I am customizing quick access toolbar by adding some command or creating new commands, and I want to create a new command to execute a lisp. It is a speacil burst command and its short command is nb so I wrote ^C^C_bn; in its command macro in customize user interface, but I could not execute it. Thanks in advance.


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Remove the _underscore. 

About Special Control Characters in Command Macros https://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2023/ENU/?guid=GUID-DDDB6E26-75E1-4643-8C6A-BEAEBA83A424

_ Translates commands and options that follow from the localized name to the global name.


As bn is a command defined by lisp it wouldn't have a localized name.


Assuming the lisp has been loaded in the current drawing ^C^Cbn; should work.

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Lots of macro options.

The ^C^C cancels both current command and selection.

From the link I posted above a ( )space or (;)semicolon issues enter in a macro separating actions in the macro.

The or function evaluates the expressions from left to right, looking for a non-nil expression so if  C:bn is already defined and returns True the next expression (load "bnlispfile.lsp") isn't evaluated (reloaded).

^C^C(or C:bn (load "bnlispfile.lsp"));bn

If you wanted your lisp to work with preselected objects you would need to leave out the ^C^C.


To test if there is a current command you would need to use DIESEL in the macro.

For example I replaced the Ctrl+A macro in the CUI Keyboard Shortcuts → Shortcut Keys


which cancels any active commands (not always what you want it to do) with 

$M=$(if,$(getvar,cmdactive),_all,^P_ai_selall ^P) 

Now Ctrl+A uses the selection option _all while in an active command and _ai_selall when there isn't an active command so it selects all either way.

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