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Civil 3D Elevation Points at 0 to not show


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Not sure if this is in the right forum but I have a hopefully simple civil 3d question.


Is it possible to remove all elevation points on a surface that have an elevation of 0?


I am currently doing a cut and fill on a site and have added labels to show the range of cut and fill but don't want the labels that show no change between proposed and existing surfaces to show.


as it is a big site I don't really want to go through and manually delete them. is there something I can change in the label style to do this automatically or some other fix?



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Okay, I've done this, but it was several years ago. Bear with me.


You'll need to create a volume surface. That's a secondary surface that represents the difference between two primary surfaces.


You'll need to create a label style for points on that surface (which you may already have). Because it's only the difference between two other surfaces, there is no surface where the difference is zero.


You can also create a grid of cut/fill areas and label those with the extrapolated volume difference. The tools are there, it's just a matter of finding them.


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You will need to create a point label style expression as follows:

IF({Point Elevation}>0,{Point Elevation},-1)


Format result as:



Your Basic/Standard point label style will then include this expression as a property with a 'Sign' of hide negative value.

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Assuming you're trying to eliminate points that shouldn't be included in your surface there's no need to erase them. Simply Exclude them from the Surface definition.


In Civil 3D Toolspace Prospector tab → Surfaces → "your surface name" → right-click → open Surface Properties… → [Definition] tab → Build → set 'Exclude elevations less than' to Yes → set 'Elevation >' to 1.00


I also keep 'Maximum angle between adjacent TIN lines to 130°. 

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Elevation > 0.0 should work pretty sure what we used for years.


May have some random survey were I lived near beach we would go as low as 1.00, the sewer inverts were -ve rl. Had a drain in river surveyed had to change lower limit to accept any level.

Edited by BIGAL
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