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attributes not be evaluated


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Below is the code snippet that has me scratching my head. When the routine executes the "-insert" command all goes will until it is supposed to evaluate the three attributes, at that point it crashes.

This is what is shown at the command line: (2.90716e+06 794227.0)-insert Enter block name or [?] <Map_Survey_Point>: Map_Survey_Point.

If I do this:(command "-insert" "Map_Survey_Point" x_y "" "" "" it will ask for the three attributes and if I put in the variables it will insert the block with the variable names not the values. I have done this many times before in different applications and it has always worked. 

Here are the results of the lst setq:

_$ lst

(89 2.90716e+06 794227.0 45.04 BLDGCOR)
_$ desc
_$ elev
_$ pntnum


any help would be appreciated.


(setq lst (read (strcat "(" d ")"))
	   pntnum (nth 0 lst)
           x (nth 1 lst)
           y (nth 2 lst)
	   elev (nth 3 lst)
           desc (nth 4 lst)
	   x_y (list x y)
     (command "-insert" "Map_Survey_Point" x_y "" "" "" desc elev pntnum)


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might be how your building your list from d

(setq pntnum (nth 0 d)
      x (nth 1 d)
      y (nth 2 d)
      elev (nth 3 d)
      desc (nth 4 d)
(command "-insert" "Map_Survey_Point" (list x y) "" "" "" desc elev pntnum)


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If I was checking this I would look at your

(command "-insert" "Map_Survey_Point" x_y "" "" "" desc elev pntnum)


Perhaps print to screen everything it is saying - you have probably done this? and then you can see what it is doing a bit more clearly something like

(princ "\n x_y: ")
(princ x_y)
(princ "\n desc: ")
(princ desc)
(princ "\n elev: ")
(princ elev)
(princ "\n pntnum: ")
(princ pntnum)
(princ "\n")


Also might be worth a check that the block is loaded into the drawing file too - probably is of course, but as an error check


(if (tblsearch "block" "Map_Survey_Point")
    (princ "Yes - So Do Something")
  ) ;end progn
  (princ "Block doesn't exist in this drawing")
) ; end if


I put this together just to check


(defun c:testthis ( / )
  (setq MyBlock "Map_Survey_Point")
  (setq lst (list 89 2.90716e+06 794227.0 45.04 BLDGCOR))
  (setq	pntnum (nth 0 lst)
        x (nth 1 lst)
        y (nth 2 lst)
	elev (nth 3 lst)
        desc (nth 4 lst)
	x_y (list x y)
(princ "\n x_y: ")
(princ x_y)
(princ "\n desc: ")
(princ desc)
(princ "\n elev: ")
(princ elev)
(princ "\n pntnum: ")
(princ pntnum)
  (if (tblsearch "block" MyBlock)
      (command "-insert" MyBlock x_y "" "" "" desc elev pntnum)
    ) ;end progn
    (princ "Block doesn't exist in this drawing")
  ) ; end if


The only thing it isn't checking is how you make lst.. and if it doesn't work then that is your problem

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(Oh, not sure about your block I tried this with a fairly basic block, not dynamic or anything and (command "-insert" ....) only wants block name, insert point, X scale, Y scale and rotation, doesn't want desc, elev and pntnum - AutoCAD 2022, BricsCAD and others might be different)

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11 hours ago, mhupp said:

If you insert a block with attributes it should prompt what to input for each attribute.


Prompt <Value>: Test


Thanks MHUPP, I just used a very simple block from a drawing I had loaded

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Another way to do this is set ATTREQ to 0 then fill in the attributes after insertion:

(defun _putatt (e tag val)
  (vl-catch-all-apply 'setpropertyvalue (list e tag val))
(_putatt (entlast) "XYZ" "123")


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