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How to generate a report of all the text in a drawing?


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Hi everyone, I hope y'all are having a good New year so far. 


I've been wondering if it's possible to generate a report that reports all the texts in the drawing (inside the model space, not the layout space).


For example, for a bench icon, I would have a text 'Bench' next to it, or a text description 'RF' next to the roof line, or UP or DN text next to a staircase to show it's elevation direction (going up or down). Is it possible for Autocad/Civil 3d to report all the text being used in the drawing (as a .txt file or something similar) so that I can copy those texts and use them in a legend table. Often times, I would have a few dozen texts and descriptions in a drawing and I would have to manually scan through the drawing (with my eyes) to find all the 'abbreviated text' to put them in the Legend table. It would be good if Autocad/Civil 3d can generate a text report (of all the text in a drawing) that sort the text from shortest to longest. So the abbreviated text (2 to 3 letters) can easily be identified.


I have read through the Autocad documentation but I couldn't find anything similar to what i'm after. Any ideas??


Thanks y'all and have a good day.

Edited by Alexv
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@SLW210 Thanks for the reply SLW, whatever works, could you please link me to the post with said 'lisp' script for the data extraction?


@BIGALHi Bigal, as always, thanks for the reply. The texts are just the standard Autocad text.

Edited by Alexv
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Using ssget with text filter can get all text, then sort, then check string length. NOTE text only at this stage not mtext.


; look for short text and replace
; BY AlanH Feb 2022

; By Gile
(defun remove_doubles (lst)
  (if lst
    (cons (car lst) (remove_doubles (vl-remove (car lst) lst)))

(defun AH:replacetext (oldtext anstxt / k ent2 extxt num)
(repeat (setq k (sslength ss))
  (setq ent2 (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq k (- k 1)))))
  (setq extxt  (vla-get-textstring ent2))
  (if (= extxt oldtext)
  (vla-put-textstring ent2 anstxt)

(defun c:shrtxt ( / lst ss ent lst2 ans)

(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp"))

(setq num (atoi (car (AH:getvalsm (list "Num Characters" "less than " 5 4 "3")))))

(setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "TEXT"))))

(setq lst '())

(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
  (setq ent (entget (ssname ss (setq x (1- x)))))
  (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 1 ent)) lst))

(setq lst2 (remove_doubles lst))
(setq lst2 (vl-sort lst2 '<))

(foreach txt lst2
  (if (< (strlen txt) num)
    (setq ans (car (AH:getvalsm (list "Replace text" "New text" 20 19 txt))))
    (AH:replacetext txt ans)




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