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Pause after listing a list


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Hello everyone


in the following example I am listing whatever the list is containing. Very often the list is bigger than the rows on the AutoCAD text screen. Is it possible to make a pause when the text page is full and after entering an "enter" or any other key to continue the listing and so forth?


Thanks in advance


    (print SYM_Member)
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I suggest you just use the code that you have.  Let the entire list be printed then just scroll through the text screen.  This way you can look at any of the data by moving up and down the list whether or not the information is on "page 1" or "page n".

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To build on what Jerryfiedler is saying. (textscr) acts like pressing f2 to allow you to see the whole list.

You could convert the list into a string with a delimiter to get more than one item per line.


You could output the list to DCL window. I use this one to select blocks from a folder to insert into the drawing.


(AT:ListSelect "Title" "Lable" ## ## "ture/false" LST_Sample)

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Thanks to all. I thought there would be an autolisp command that can show per page, but you all are right, it is not that complicated to scroll or to export it to a txt file where I can look for the right information.


Sometimes the list is so big, I cannot scroll to the tverybeginning of the list.


Merry Christmas to all of you.



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before R14 autocad has command line row number setting. but now we cannot set that.

autodesk doesn't seem to care much about it.


in your case, BIGAL's solution is the best I think.



or, I suggest add this in your lisp. instead logging all of the command history.


;clears the log file module
(defun clrlogfile ( / f)
 (setq f (open (getvar "LogFileName") "w"))
 (write-line "" f)
 (close f)

(defun c:YOURLISP ()
(clrlogfile);clears the logfile
(setvar "logfilemode" 1);begin logging


(setvar "logfilemode" 0);end logging
(startapp "Notepad" (getvar "LogFileName"));open it up in notepad

this will make pop-up notepad, everytime when you run your lisp

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