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List Multiple Polylines by Layer name from Block


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I have a working subroutine which lists a polyline on a certain layer in a block.

;;; Get 4 or 6 x Spudcan Polygon Coordinates at WTG Location
(defun getspudcans ( ss / lst  ent enx )
    (setq lst (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object ss) 'Explode))
        '(lambda (obj)
                    (= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbPolyline")
                    (= (vla-get-layer obj) "JIV-SC_A")
                    (setq    pts
                            (mapcar 'cdr
                                    '(lambda (p) (= (car p) 10))
                                    (entget (vlax-vla-object->ename obj))
    (mapcar 'vla-delete lst)
    (car pts)

However I want to list coordinates of objects stored in (possibly) 6 different layers:

This object is either a closed LWPOLYLINE or a CIRCLE

Each layer contains max 1 polyline or 1 circle or is empty.

IF object in one of these layers is a CIRCLE then List ((center coordinate) radius)
IF object in one of these layers is a LWPOLYLINE then List (polyline coordinates)

The resulting List must look like:

((list JIV-SC_A) (list JIV-SC_B) (list JIV-SC_C) (list JIV-SC_D))

What is the most efficient way to do this?

Edited by gsc
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Don't know how your defining SS but it would be easier to filter there.

(setq SS (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE,*POLYLINE") (8 . "JIV-SC_A,JIV-SC_B,JIV-SC_C,JIV-SC_D"))))

run a cond

(= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbPolyline")
(= (vla-get-objectname obj) "AcDbCircle")


depending on if its a polyline or circle

(setq lay (vla-get-layer obj))


(setq lay (cons ((center coordinate) radius)))

(setq lay (cons (polyline coordinates)))


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