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Help with DWF files

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Hi, As part of job, i need to prepare CAD drawings in AutoCAD (typical show in attachment).  I wish to get the coordinates of each line in (x,y).  I can extract the numbers using scripting if the file is saved in DXF format. But for that, i need to know the keyword inside DXF file to get the coordinate of each line (start and end).  I am  attaching the DWG file here.  Thanks.


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Getting all start end of lines is easy using lisp, there are two simple methods available, 1st is as you suggest use (entget  then (assoc 10 is start (assoc 11 is end pt, the 2nd is using VL (vlax-get Obj 'StartPoint) (vlax-get Obj 'EndPoint)


If you have a pline again a couple of methods, use co-ordinates or (vlax-curve-getendpoint obj) there is other ways get vertex.


Do you know how to process  a selection set created using (ssget and then get start/end as provided. If not just google "get start end points lisp autocad" heaps of examples.

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If you want to go the DXF route, then first of all make the DXF file.


Open it in a text file and look for the word ENTITIES, then all the drawing lines are listed after that in the following format (red text are my comments):-



ENTITIES   Start of entity data listing
LINE          entity name
 10                                 start of line
34.41069821781404   x coordinate
22.54172444853808   y coordinate
0.0                                 z coordinate
 11                                  end of line
40.41069821781404   x coordinate
22.54172444853808   y coordinate
0.0                                  z coordinate
LINE        next line


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