Suha Posted December 8, 2021 Posted December 8, 2021 ad s ;| Infix notation Converter and Calculator Supports: + - * / ^ ( ) _Examples_ (str2prefix "B*8-5/2^(2 PI)") -> (- (* B 8) (/ 5 (EXPT 2 (* 2 PI)))) (setq B 4.6) (calculate "B*8-5/2^(2 PI)") -> 36.7358 (eval (infix-prefix '(10 - 3 - 2 - 1))) -> 4 (infix-prefix '(10 - 3 - 2 - 1)) -> (- (- (- 10 3) 2) 1) It also handles unary - and +, and implicit multiplication: (infix-prefix '(- 2 a + b)) -> (+ (* (- 2) A) B) |; ;Original code from: by: johnsondavies (defun str2prefix (str / i cache) (setq i 1 cache "(") (repeat (strlen str) (setq char (substr str i 1)) (if (member char '("+" "-" "*" "/" "(" ")" "^" "%")) (setq cache (strcat cache " " char " ")) (setq cache (strcat cache char)) ) (setq i (1+ i)) ) (setq cache (strcat cache ")")) (infix-prefix (read cache)) ) (defun calculate (str) (eval (str2prefix str))) (setq *binary-operators* '((+ 1 +) (- 1 -) (* 2 *) (/ 2 /) (^ 3 expt))) ;removed (x 2 *) to avoid accidents (setq *unary-operators* '((+ 4 +) (- 4 -))) (defun weight (c) (cadr (assoc c *binary-operators*))) (defun binary-opcode (c) (caddr (assoc c *binary-operators*))) (defun unary-opcode (c) (caddr (assoc c *unary-operators*))) (defun infix-prefix (ae) (cond ((atom ae) ae) (t (inf-aux ae nil nil)) ) ) (defun inf-aux (ae operators operands) (cond ;; Unary operator ((and (atom (car ae)) (assoc (car ae) *unary-operators*)) (inf-iter (cddr ae) operators (cons (list (unary-opcode (car ae)) (infix-prefix (cadr ae))) operands))) (t (inf-iter (cdr ae) operators (cons (infix-prefix (car ae)) operands))))) (defun inf-iter (ae operators operands) (cond ((and (null ae) (null operators)) (car operands)) ;; Implicit multiplication ((and ae (or (listp (car ae)) (null (weight (car ae))))) (inf-iter (cons '* ae) operators operands)) ((and ae (or (null operators) (> (weight (car ae)) (weight (car operators))))) (inf-aux (cdr ae) (cons (car ae) operators) operands)) (t (inf-iter ae (cdr operators) (cons (list (binary-opcode (car operators)) (cadr operands) (car operands)) (cddr operands)))))) 1 Quote
BIGAL Posted December 8, 2021 Posted December 8, 2021 Handy to know its a question often asked to convert complex formulas to lisp. Quote
akcan Posted Wednesday at 02:56 PM Posted Wednesday at 02:56 PM (eval (STR2PREFIX "3 * 5 / (2 + 7 + 10) * 15")) Result: 0 Quote
BIGAL Posted Wednesday at 10:27 PM Posted Wednesday at 10:27 PM I rearranged and it looks like it worked, removed the spaces. I checked the answer against some other software and if you use a divide "/" you should use real numbers. (eval (eval (STR2PREFIX "3.*5./(2+7+10)*15."))) 11.8421052631579 Using this code and another I got 11 & 10 as answers. math calculator.lsp Quote
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