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Lisp to count text and layers


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Lots like me happy to do a custom lisp, but need beer money. Or have a go at adding layer to Lee's code.


If you want to hve a go 

ssget the text

create a list of layer name and text string

remove duplicates and count


This is the core bits to get what you want thanks to Gile. The lst5 is the result that is used in making a table.



; Make a count of common items 
; By AlanH Aug 2021
; By Gile
(defun my-count (a L)
   ((null L) 0)
   ((equal a (car L)) (+ 1 (my-count a (cdr L))))
   (t (my-count a (cdr L))))

; By Gile
(defun remove_doubles (lst)
  (if lst
    (cons (car lst) (remove_doubles (vl-remove (car lst) lst)))


(setq lst4(remove_doubles lstube))
(foreach val lst4
(setq cnt (my-count val lstube))
(setq lst5 (cons (list (/ cnt 2)(nth 0 val )(nth 1 val))lst5))


Yes I have something but would need to remove all the un necessary bits in the code.

Edited by BIGAL
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Many thanks @BIGAL for your reply, but i still don't know how to use your code.

The result maybe like this. 

And it would be great to add the option to scale the table before exporting the results



Edited by ancrayzy
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Above my coding knowledge once lambda & mapcar show up really need to sit down and learn those.

I know at least @Tharwat can remember his password. maybe he will poke his head in here.

🤣 (Se7en)

Edited by mhupp
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1 hour ago, mhupp said:

Above my coding knowledge once lambda & mapcar show up really need to sit down and learn those.

I know at least @Tharwat can remember his password. maybe he will poke his head in here.

🤣 (Se7en)

Thank you so much Mr @mhupp

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